Newsletter XLIV 2021

September 24 to 28


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Current news+ Background knowledge


Less electricity from nuclear power worldwide

September 28, 2021 - Nuclear economy in retreat


September 27, 2021 - Vienna promotes energy communities


Atomic Energy

September 27, 2021 - Radiant joy in the »West«



September 26, 2021 - Three times as much electricity: Pensioners from Saxony invent a super wind turbine


September 25, 2021 - Photovoltaics: how harmful to the environment are solar cells?


September 24, 2021 - Garching research reactor is scheduled to start up again in 2022 - no new fuel


September 24, 2021 - Weapons of war exported for 4,5 billion euros



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Current news+ Background knowledge


News+ September 24, 2021




Coolant leaked when Flamanville nuclear reactor broke down

The former prestigious reactor in Flamanville, France, was originally scheduled to go online in 2012. But several construction errors are still delaying the start, and the planned costs have almost quadrupled.

In the case of another breakdown in the pressurized water reactor under construction in Flamanville, France, coolant leaked out. The event was classified as a "significant" incident, but had no consequences for the safety of the plant or the health of the employees, the operator EDF announced on Friday. During maintenance work, it turned out that around 74 kilograms of coolant had escaped in the EPR reactor.

A total of 172 kilograms of coolant have leaked since the beginning of the year. However, a maximum of 100 kilograms per year is allowed...


Brokdorf nuclear power plant - fault in the emergency service water system

A malfunction in the emergency service water system was detected at the Brokdorf nuclear power plant at the beginning of the week. As part of routine planned work, the Preussen Elektra operating company had manually closed a slider in one of two lines of the system.

When the slide was actuated again to open, it was found that the slide did not open even though the drive linkage was actuated. According to the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry for Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment, Nature and Digitization, the reactor safety authority called in experts to clarify the causes and determine repair measures.



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Current news+ Background knowledge


Background knowledge




Map of the nuclear world:

Every day "small mistakes" happen here and there ...


The German version of this world map:



Search the

with the keywords:

  Breakdown Malfunction  

brought the following results, among others:

INES (International Nuclear Event Scale) and the list of incidents and accidents in nuclear facilities


Unfortunately, the list of faults at THTR does not end with the shutdown of the reactor in 1989 ... bankruptcies, bad luck and THTR breakdown series



YouTube channel "Reaktorpleite"


3sat nano - Dr. Alex Rosen - 06:11 am

Why the Fukushima disaster is being played down


ZDF Adventure Research - Harald Lesch - 08:45

Research on the use of nuclear power and the disposal of nuclear waste


ZDF Magazine Royale - Jan Böhmermann - 18:21

Nuclear waste: no final repository in sight!


Arte - Kenichi Watanabe - 01:23:55

Our beautiful nuclear world


Will open in a new window! - YouTube channel "Reaktorpleite" playlist - radioactivity worldwide ... - - radioactivity worldwide ...

This playlist contains over 100 videos on the topic




This search engine is planting trees!


Keyword search: Akw Störfall





Other nuclear accidents and incidents

In addition to the disasters in Fukushima and Chernobyl, there were other nuclear accidents that led to major radioactive contamination, such as in Mayak or Tomsk, or incidents that did not end in a meltdown just because of fortunate circumstances. These events alone should be enough to demonstrate the dangers of using "peaceful" atomic energy.

According to a 2012 estimate, the accidents, along with the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, cost $ 471 billion ...






A malfunction is commonly referred to as a disruption of the normal operation of a technical system, in particular the chemical industry, or a nuclear power plant. Intended operation is the operation for which the system is technically designed and approved by the competent authority ...

Nuclear technology

In nuclear technology in Germany, an incident according to Section 1, Paragraph 18 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance is an "event sequence, when the operation of the nuclear facility, the facility for generating ionizing radiation or the activity cannot be continued for safety reasons and for which the nuclear facility The system or the system is to be designed to generate ionizing radiation or for which precautionary protective measures are to be provided during the activity. ”It differs from the accident in that the effects are limited to the system. On the International Assessment Scale for Nuclear Events (INES), an incident in a nuclear facility corresponds to level 2, a serious incident to level 3. Level 0 corresponds to breakdowns that have little or no safety significance. Category 1 events are malfunctions, i.e. deviations from normal operation without radiological effects ...



Further to: Newspaper article 2021



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Current news+ Background knowledge


Donation appeal

- The THTR circular is published by the 'BI Environmental Protection Hamm' and is financed by donations.

- The THTR circular has meanwhile become a much-noticed information medium. However, there are ongoing costs due to the expansion of the website and the printing of additional information sheets.

- The THTR circular researches and reports in detail. In order for us to be able to do that, we depend on donations. We are happy about every donation!

Donations account:

BI Umweltschutz Hamm
Purpose: THTR circular
IBAN: DE31 4105 0095 0000 0394 79


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