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THTR Rundbrief

Citizens' initiative for environmental protection, Hamm

Horst Blume

Schleusweg 10
59071 Hamm, Germany

Email: h.blume@

The THTR-Rundbrief is supported by the 'BI environmental protection Hamm' issued and financed by donations.

Donations account: BI Umweltschutz Hamm

Usage: THTR Rundbrief

IBAN: DE31 4105 0095 0000 0394 79

BIC: WELADED1HAM is Horst Blume's very personal homepage ...

Werner Neubauer - WiP - IMHO
Welserstr. 13th
10777 Berlin / Germany

Email: w.neubauer@

This homepage has been around since mid-2003. In June 2017 we reached the threshold of more than '2.000 pages' at over '500 for the first time Visits'exceeded per day.



Since I have placed links on various sites on the topic of nuclear power - including homepages of nuclear power advocates and power plant operators whose intentions I really do not approve of - I declare that I have no influence whatsoever on the design and content of these external sites. I hereby expressly distance myself from all content that can be reached via link and do not adopt their concerns as my own, the linking is done solely to show what a wide range of opinions there is on this topic.

Am 12 Maj 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - decided that Hamburg District Court as follows: 'By creating a link, the site operator who set the link may be jointly responsible for the content of the external site.'

Update: Am June 09, 2004 decided the Bundesgerichtshof analogously as follows: 'By creating a link, the site operator who set the link may be jointly responsible for the content of the external site, if the linked pages are liable to prosecution at first glance.'

And finally ... Since the criminality of driving the nuclear industry imposes itself on me at first glance, I prefer to leave everything as it is.

I distance myself ... (see above). Because eventually one of our upper courts will recognize the business of the nuclear industry for what they - in my opinion - really are, criminal machinations which, for low motives, lead to the illness and death of many people, and I have links to it their pages set ... ;-()


For work on 'THTR circular', '' and 'Map of the nuclear world' we need up-to-date information, energetic, fresh comrades-in-arms under 100 (;-) and donations. If you can help, please send a message to:

Donation appeal

- The THTR circular is published by the 'BI Environmental Protection Hamm' and is financed by donations.

- The THTR circular has meanwhile become a much-noticed information medium. However, there are ongoing costs due to the expansion of the website and the printing of additional information sheets.

- The THTR circular researches and reports in detail. In order for us to be able to do that, we depend on donations. We are happy about every donation!

Donations account: BI Umweltschutz Hamm

Usage: THTR Rundbrief

IBAN: DE31 4105 0095 0000 0394 79


