THTR 300 The THTR Circular
Studies on THTR and much more. THTR breakdown list
The HTR research The THTR incident in the 'Spiegel'

The reactor bust - THTR



THTR 300 Problems Truth and lie
Communication Intention What to do?

"In times of global fraud, it is considered a revolutionary act
if you tell the truth. "
-George Orwell-


Problems with the nuclear industry:

1. The lie of life

1943 began in the USA, as part of the Manhattan project, the construction of the Hanford Nuclear Complex Site.

Here was the plutonium for the first Nuclear weapons test 'Trinity' and for 'Fat Man', the Nagasaki atomic bomb produced and here in December 1949 the insane experiment 'green run' where huge amounts of radioactive gas were blown into the wind to measure where it would come down again. Residents of the irradiated area did not feel the effects until years later, when cancer rates inexplicably skyrocketed.

Today this vast area in Washington State is the worst radioactively contaminated area in the United States and one Nature reserve.

Even then, the costs of building and maintaining these nuclear facilities were gigantic and should have been Military budget let the government explode. So the costs had to be reduced, but this was only possible to a very limited extent for various reasons (including security).

On the other hand, it is 'business as usual' for every administration to distribute costs over different budget items.

So from now on 'nuclear research and development' was fed from a wide variety of sources. The public budgets, both national and regional, the areas of research and education, health, economy, energy and defense, etc., all contributed and continue to do their part to this day.

So it is no wonder and actually Auch no secret at all; the money is missing everywhere, what we see are dilapidated streets, schools, hospitals etc.

About the acquisition of so-called 'Third-party funding'Other interested parties were also involved. Even then, creativity knew no bounds and the financing of atomic research became increasingly obscure.

The nuclear industry has been around since the mid-20th century 'too big to fail'.

Any supposedly purely civilian nuclear research was and is primarily one from the start military matter. Nuclear researchers have to submit to the wishes and demands of the military.

However, a few things were already clear to the strategists back then:

Nuclear power plants do not make economic sense: too dangerous, too expensive and because of the insanely high costs for disposal, they are simply not competitive ...

But if the electricity and the material for the bomb are produced in the same process, the immense effort can pay off. The military budget only needs to be increased moderately, and the citizens pay a large part of the nuclear weapons research and production through electricity bills and taxes without complaint.

In this context, it should not be forgotten that the nuclear industry is extremely generous. Of course, she is particularly generous in the vicinity of her production facilities and industrial sites. Every politician in every municipality and in every town hall benefits from the flow of money. From fishing clubs to all sports and rifle clubs to the pigeon breeding association, everyone gets a piece of the big cake.

That is why the representatives of the nuclear industry continue to be very welcome with their lavish donations at the power plant sites.

Money doesn't stink, and neither does radioactivity.


2. Susceptibility of the systems due to incorrect assessments in planning and sloppiness in construction

In 1988 it was, among other things, the bolts at THTR - a good 20 years later the ones Dowels in Brunsbüttel and 25 years later it was missing Tsunami protective wall in Fukushima at a few meters above sea level.

Natural disasters, like that Tōhoku earthquake 2011 and the subsequent tsunami in Japan are not exactly predictable. Neither does big fires in Los Alamos / New Mexico, Flood in NebraskaOr Earthquake in the eastern United States. But such natural events can occur and should have been taken into account when planning such dangerous systems, as well as the enormous forces, e.g. due to extreme temperature fluctuations and corrosive radiation, to which the built-in materials are exposed, especially in the 'hot areas' of the nuclear facilities.

That brings us to the topic of 'insurance', but there isn't much to say about it. Nuclear facilities in Europe are usually only up to a damage amount of 1 billion euros insured ... (see next point).


3. Malfunctions in the operation of the systems triggered by operating errors

According to official statements, human error was the cause of the events in Chernobyl on April 26, 1986, the accident on May 4-5, 1986 in the THTR in Hamm-Uentrop and in many other places around the world.

Please refer: 'INES and the list of incidents' and'The map of the nuclear world'.

The estimated Amount of damage the consequences of a disaster in Europe lie between € 100 billion and € 430 billion, adequate insurance would drive the operating costs of a nuclear power plant to dizzying heights. That's why there isn't a single vehicle in the world with even remotely adequate insurance.

See: Story # arguments 3. insurance


4. Mobbing of internal reminders in research and in operations in the nuclear industry

The internal critics of the nuclear industry, instead of taking their suggestions seriously and involving them, are first bullied, then sidelined and if they dare to defend themselves against it, they are consistently and only worked to silence and discredit them.

In the USA, the most well-known case is the 'father of the atomic bomb' Robert Oppenheimer.

In the USSR, the 'father of the Tsar bomb' and later Nobel Prize winner Andrei Sakharov and many others.

Here in Germany it is: dr Klaus Traube.

These people worked in atomic research and knew the problems from personal experience.

Around the international nuclear business is a Omerta-Culture emerged and has solidified over time.

A culture of silence that makes unprejudiced, open-ended research impossible and massively calls the safe operation of nuclear facilities into question.

Such symptoms of social decomposition are most evident when one looks at the Influence of the Mafia on Italian society in the 20th century considered.


5. The information policy of the operating companies

As eloquent as the THTR operating company HKG was silent in May 1986, its company spokespeople and lobbyists chattered as frankly, meaninglessly and without ceasing in the months and years that followed. They tried to downplay the problems and to cloud the public's view of the facts with huge clouds of words.

Also in 2007 the head of Vattenfall on the events in Brunsbüttel and in 2011 the Japanese government spokesman Edano on the subject of Fukushima.

The list of false promises, lies and cover-ups could go on and on ...

Then as now:

Regulators are lied to and cheated with impunity.

The public is 'duped' by all those involved.

See: The cold shiver runs down my spine - Mirror 17/1987


6. The lies, false promises, and real deeds of politicians

In every single one of the THTR circulars, Horst Blume points out the lies and false promises made by politicians of all stripes. Lip service from 'nuclear power is safe' to 'the greatest possible transparency and openness in investigating the incidents ...' is intended to obscure the fact that exactly the opposite is actually being practiced.

For example, the required comprehensive cancer study not as pointless, but only as completely exaggerated. In practice, however, very little was actually implemented...

Questions on the subject have so far been simply ignored, regardless of which coalition in the federal and state governments.

In spite of all this, there are now a few relevant ones Radioactivity studies, including the 'INWORKS study'from 2015.


7. The Responsibility

I think, J. Robert Oppenheimer oversimplified things when he said:

Our work has changed the way people live, but what happens to those changes is the problem of governments, not scientists.

Also Albert Einstein, who with the signing the letter who got the ball rolling for US President Roosevelt, dodged responsibility when he said:

They brought me a finished letter and I just signed it.

Einstein's letter and the terrible consequences

...on August 6th at 8.16:140 a.m., the bomb called "Little Boy" explodes over Hiroshima, killing about 000 people.

When Einstein heard the news, he reportedly just let out a sigh: "Oh my." For the rest of his life, he feels complicit. In 1945 he founded the "Emergency Committee of Atomic Researchers" with Szilárd and demanded that the bomb be entrusted to a "world government". He deeply regrets the letters to Roosevelt. "If I had known that the Germans would not succeed in constructing the atomic bomb, I would have stayed away from everything." Shortly before his death on April 18, 1955, he called the letter from 1939 the big mistake of his life.


Truth and lie


THTR 300 Problems Truth and lie
Communication Intention What to do?


Says one pig to another:
"You, I heard the farmer only feeds us so he can slaughter us."

Answers the other pig:
"Oh, you always with your conspiracy theories!"


Those who speak the truth will be accused of lying and insulted by the horror clowns.

information war | In Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine the topic of Chernobyl has been successfully made a taboo by the incumbent rulers. Stories about the place and the events are no longer told and people only speak the names of the victims behind closed doors. People are ashamed of the truth and afraid of repression, because the victims are treated with distrust and contempt, not those responsible for the causes of the disaster.

It has been practiced in a very similar way in Japan since 2011.

The Direction of movement of the radioactive clouds after the explosions in the reactor blocks of the Fukushima 1 Daichi and 2 Daini nuclear power plants on March 12.03. to 16.03.2011/XNUMX/XNUMX was initially veiled, and many of the severely affected areas were not evacuated.

People have been denied radiation exposure measurements on their bodies in the hospital.

3 years after the catastrophe, in 2014, journalists in Japan already had big problems if they even wanted to talk about 'Fukushima'.

Critical journalists were no longer invited to press conferences, finished articles were discontinued and in individual cases stubborn reporters had their employment contracts terminated.

"Lying press" - The intention of this disparagement should be clear to everyone. If press people are considered liars in the eyes of the public, the widespread corrupt horror clown easy game when lying in office.

"You can't believe the lying press anyway..."

Such undifferentiated hate tirades against the free press in general have a clear goal, they should contribute to the freedom of the press as Fourth estate to weaken it in order to then destroy the other three pillars of democracy at the same time.

As 'Reporters Without Borders' reports that journalists are being threatened more and more frequently all over the world, they really need courage for their job...!

The screamers, on the other hand, are not hiding behind the very values ​​- 'freedom of expression and democracy' - which they want to abolish and are thus allowed to utter any nonsense with impunity!

Despite all this: our best tool is attention - keep an eye on your fingers!

The described effects of these quasi-mafia-like structures were observed not only in the planning, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear power plants, but also in other work on plants in the nuclear industry - worldwide - and so we in Germany are certainly not yet at the end of our exit efforts arrived.

Because as long as more and more radioactive nuclear waste is being driven through the area in castor containers, by truck, ship or train - and in the best case only recycled into fresh fuel for nuclear power plants around the world - we cannot have achieved our goal yet.

See the Spiegel article from March 29.03.2018, XNUMX: Hundreds of nuclear shipments through German ports


Despots love nuclear power plants!

The nuclear economy is an ideal instrument of power for any despotic ruler, because whoever exercises control over the paths taken by uranium quickly has an entire state under his control.

See: History # Arguments against the nuclear industry

- Asks the politicians standing for election clear questions and demands clear, clear answers as well.

- Forces them to make clear statements and keeps a close eye on you when they put their promises into practice.

Otherwise the glorious ascent of a noble bearer of hope, but only the entry into the nuclear industry through the back door, e.g. under the name 'Transmutation'.


Intermediate storage, repository? Nuclear waste dump!

Whether we call it a nuclear waste repository or a nuclear waste interim storage facility, the nuclear waste probably doesn't matter much, just like our health.

- Dumping nuclear waste into the sea has been banned since 1994; that has increased the price for this form of 'disposal' enormously and the Disposal mafia could hardly believe her luck.

- Radioactive waste should not be put into the taiga or any other at the 'end of the world' Deposit deep down in the mountain, where it can react 'out of sight, out of mind' for thousands of years, unobserved.

- Storing radioactive waste in the open air is also not a really good idea (see e.g. 'West Lake Landfill'in St. Louis).

This highly dangerous material must be stored as safely as possible behind thick walls, easily accessible, in small units and under constant observation by science, research and the public. That will certainly be very expensive, but it is unavoidable and feasible.

See: nukleare-welt.html # atomic waste

There is no 'end', as the word 'repository' implies, when it comes to 'nuclear waste' ...


Continue reading: Communication is a fine art


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Donation appeal

- The THTR circular is published by the 'BI Environmental Protection Hamm' and is financed by donations.

- The THTR circular has meanwhile become a much-noticed information medium. However, there are ongoing costs due to the expansion of the website and the printing of additional information sheets.

- The THTR circular researches and reports in detail. In order for us to be able to do that, we depend on donations. We are happy about every donation!

Donations account: BI Umweltschutz Hamm

Usage: THTR Rundbrief

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