No. 127 July 09

THTR 300 The THTR Circular
Studies on THTR and much more. The THTR breakdown list
The HTR research The THTR incident in the 'Spiegel'

THTR Newsletter No. 150,

summer 2018


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To issue 150

Answers from the NRW Ministry on THTR dismantling

Thorium salt reactor planned in China, news about the HTR

Thorium is not a fuel for better atomic technology!

HTR course in Poland

HTGR in Indonesia

Generation snail. To Generation IV reactors

Project manager trainer: THTR is a negative example

AfD member of the state parliament Loose: bad guys are getting bad!

Westfälischer Anzeiger and Ippen: Not everything that belongs to ippt is typed!

New rights: To the book by Thomas Wagner

Moritz-Bacharach-Strasse in Hamm-Uentrop

NPD and displaced persons associations in Hamm

India: March against land grabbing in Europe!

Dear readers!


To issue 150

Title page - THTR circular no.150, summer 2018Hello Werner, Harald, Peter, Marita, Thomas and Ulrich ... - no, no, don't worry, I am not going to list all newsletter subscribers individually. Thanks to our website, we have had a very high number of readers with 15 visits a year for 300.000 years and we are well positioned in terms of media. But this paper edition is a bit anachronistic.

While nowadays almost every rabbit breeding club presents its club leaflet with glossy and four-color printing, this circular defies the colorful, glittering zeitgeist, is tinkered with scissors and glue and partly printed on environmental protection paper. Since 1996 in the parliamentary group office of the Greens in the council of the city of Hamm. With paper jams and other technical problems, Siegbert and Elvira willingly and reliably help. Those who want to appreciate the extent of this help should keep in mind that this newsletter was published up to nine times a year during their weddings!

Of course, with two simultaneous red-green coalitions in the federal and state governments, there was also some harsh criticism of green government policy to be read in the newspaper. During this time it could happen that a green councilor addressed me with an ironic undertone at the copier with "Well, are you cursing us again and we have to print that too?" A period of at least 22 years (!) And the many inquiries and applications regarding THTR that we jointly initiated, too!

Up to 1995 this magazine was up to 100 pages thick and was printed in an alternative print shop in Münster. At that time we also documented detailed newspaper reports from Ahaus, where the THTR fuel element balls are stored, and articles from Dortmund, the headquarters of the United Electricity Works (VEW). Theo Hengesbach, who sadly passed away in 2009 and who, incidentally, also gave the impetus for the foundation of our citizens' initiative in 1975 with a small advertisement in the libertarian monthly magazine "Graswurzelrevolution", cut it out and sent it to us in painstaking detail work. This magazine has also accompanied the circular for decades as an amplifier and source of ideas. To date, this circular has a total volume of over 3.000 pages. The breakdown reactor THTR and its successors sought by the nuclear industry were continuously and critically monitored in this way.

After the final shutdown of the THTR in 1989, not only the public but also the interest of former demonstrators and activists in the THTR decreased significantly, although the problems of the shutdown, further incidents and the storage of nuclear waste were reason enough to remain active . The circular was therefore a means and medium to ensure continuity. A number of extra sheets were also distributed in large numbers.

The circular was originally focused on the Hamm location for obvious reasons. In the course of time, however, he became "more internationalist". On the one hand, because I hate the traditional local egoism of many Hammer citizens to only become active when one is directly threatened. On the other hand, because the nuclear industry still did not give up after the bankruptcy in Hamm and tried to establish this type of reactor in many other countries around the world.

In South Africa, preparations to build the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) were particularly advanced before the experiment was canceled after a billion euros had been spent. Stefan Cramer from the local Heinrich Böll Foundation, with whom we worked intensively and ultimately successfully, played an important role in passing on our experience to South Africa. The more or less advanced attempts in China, Indonesia, India, Japan, USA, EU or elsewhere to develop and build HTR reactors have always been very interesting challenges for me to put myself in the situation of other countries and to think outside the box.

In recent history, our collaboration with the whistleblower Rainer Moormann has been particularly important because he not only provided us with important background information on the HTR line in a factual, serious and helpful manner, but also provided us with too hasty "snap shots", which some excited activists sometimes do in the heat of the moment tends to have preserved.

Of course, we also have to thank the subscribers who have paid for their subscription over many years and often even donated additional money! The majority of the members of our BI are now over 60 years old. I will endeavor to pass on information and experiences in this newsletter for a while longer.


Answers from the NRW Ministry on THTR dismantling

The maintenance operation of the enclosed thorium high-temperature reactor (THTR) lasts from 1997 to 2027. Almost ten years ago, on October 17, 10, the Committee for Economy, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Energy NRW confirmed the information given in the approval notice 2008 / 7c, after up to At the end of 12, the operators of the THTR have to inform the nuclear regulatory authority how long the safe enclosure is to be maintained and when the dismantling of the reactor is to begin.

What's new?

Since nothing has been known to the public so far, we as the citizens' initiative for environmental protection in Hamm asked the Ministry for Economics, Innovation, Digitization and Energy NRW in detail (1) and received an answer after almost four months on February 7, 2018:

"According to the current state of planning, the high-temperature nuclear power plant GmbH (HKG), as the operator of the plant, intends to maintain the safe enclosure until 2027 and to begin preparing the plant for complete dismantling from 2028 onwards. (...) MWIDE has not yet received any applications for changes to existing nuclear licenses or for the dismantling of the THTR 300. “Of course, this meager information says very little about the actual discussions and considerations of operators and ministries behind the scenes. Ten years ago the now so taciturn ministry was more informative and on April 9, 2008 presented a relatively detailed schedule for the planned 21-year dismantling activities: "2023-2028 planning and approval 5,3 years 2028-2030 preparation of the plant for the Dismantling 2,0 years 2030 - 2042 Dismantling nuclear 12,0 years 2042 - 2044 Dismantling conventional 2,0 years "

The costs

The ministry today writes about the dismantling costs of EUR 347,1 million that were forecast ten years ago:

“The reported price level related to the year 2007. The price level is updated annually in the HKG business plan. (...) According to current planning (as of November 2017), the costs for the dismantling are estimated at around 430 million euros. "

In view of the previous dismantling costs for the twenty times smaller THTR in Jülich over one billion euros, these forecasts for the THTR Hamm can at best be described as a bad joke. But perhaps the realistic cost forecasts, which may have been estimated much higher internally, are one more reason not to slow down with the THTR dismantling and to let deadlines like the one of December 31, 12 pass by. Because it is all too obvious that the dismantling will be very expensive and money is scarce.


When we asked about provisions, the Ministry replied:

“As of the balance sheet date of December 31, 12, HKG set up provisions totaling around EUR 2016 million for disposal in the nuclear energy sector. This includes provisions for the shutdown of the power plant as well as provisions for the disposal of irradiated operational elements. Although the amount of the provisions is based on the expected costs, provisions that are too low may not have any influence on the actual payment obligations. "

The 900 million euros HKG provisions will hardly be sufficient for the "disposal of irradiated operating elements", since they are to be viewed as perpetual costs to be paid continuously. When HKG runs out of money, the taxpayer will have to step in. Everything else is window dressing.

The ministry also writes:

“So far, all financial commitments have been kept.” And it emphasizes that “the costs incurred will be paid from the unused funds made available by the federal government and North Rhine-Westphalia up to 2009. Should these funds not suffice, the federal government and North Rhine-Westphalia have undertaken to bear half of the additional costs. By the end of 2022, costs of around 28,5 million euros are expected for the operation of the safe enclosure. A further supplementary agreement based on the framework agreement for the period after 2022 has not yet been made. ”In other words: So far, the taxpayer has largely paid the decommissioning costs and this will probably remain so in the future. How things will continue after 2022 is unclear.


And how does the ministry assess the potential risk of dismantling in view of the radioactive inventory (including 1,6 kg of nuclear fuel) and past incidents?

“The decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear power plants is an established process in Germany, both technically and organizationally, in which the individual dismantling steps are carried out according to a previous detailed planning, taking into account the respective hazard potential. Especially when mining the graphite in the reactor, in the area of ​​which there are still residues of nuclear fuel from the decommissioning phase, it can be assumed that primarily remote-controlled mining and subsequent packaging techniques will be used. The operating history, ie the events during operation, is taken into account in that it is taken into account in a radiological description prior to the dismantling of individual system parts to determine the disposal routes and personal radiation protection. "

The "operational history" or the "events during operation", to stick to the euphemistical jargon of the ministry, show, however, that one has to be prepared for the failure of the THTR reactor that nothing will go as planned. The radioactive graphite dust was blown into the last corner of the reactor through leaks and pipe systems. According to this history, the only thing left for the ministry and the commissioned dismantling company to rely on is a "radiological description before the dismantling of individual parts of the facility" that cannot be quantified by measurement. The creation of a detailed nuclide atlas for all parts of the plant, which we requested, was rejected by all those involved after the THTR was shut down. This may cause problems in future dismantling.

The dismantling company will poke around in the graphite-contaminated reactor just as haphazardly as the operators in the unpredictable pebble pile during the operational tests in the 80s. The surprises at THTR will remain. They will drag on for decades. Indeed, this has been an "established process" for a long time.

Further information in THTR circular no.149:


Search the with the keyword: THTR dismantlingückbau


Thorium salt reactor planned in China, news about the HTR

In the last issue I reported that the two THTR reactor blocks on the Shandong Peninsula (Tsingtao) cannot be completed by the scheduled time of December 2017. The operators blame problems in the “conventional” part of the nuclear power plant for this. Another source of nuclear power plant proponents states that the two HTR blocks may not be able to deliver electricity until December 2018, a year later. This would take six years to build.

In the meantime it has become quiet in the media about this reactor. Only a report by Worldnuclearnews (1) from January 4, 2018 reported that on December 27, 2017, the 80-tonne top of the pressure vessel was screwed tight with 76 screws within one hour and 35 minutes. Beyond this one sentence, the report is satisfied with once again listing the individual development steps of the last few years.

The news portal Telepolis reported on April 7, 2018 about the planned construction of a thorium reactor in Wuwei:

The experimental double thorium reactor TMSR ("Thorium Molten Salt Reactor") planned by the Shanghai Institute for Applied Physics is expected to be built in the Minqin industrial park in the city of Wuwei, which is located in the so far underdeveloped desert province of Gansu. The deadline for citizen appeals against the plan expired on April 2nd. The deputy provincial governor Huang Qiang praised the choice of location for the project, which is estimated at 22 billion yuan (or the equivalent of a good 2,8 billion euros), among other things because of the short distances to minerals that supply the fuel for the power plant. (...)

If everything goes according to plan, the thorium reactor in Gansu will produce twelve megawatts of electricity as early as 2020, which will, among other things, operate a desalination plant that produces drinking water, hydrogen and minerals. According to researcher Yan Long involved in the project, the knowledge gained during the construction and operation of the TMSR will also help to develop molten salt reactors for military use. They would have the advantage of being much smaller than the pressurized water reactors with which ships and submarines have been operated up to now. "




Search the with the keyword: China


Thorium is not a fuel for better atomic technology!

Rainer Moormann wrote a detailed article in "Strahlentelex" No. 746/747 on the use of thorium in nuclear power plants. Here is the foreword: “Thorium is currently being described by some nuclear power proponents as a better alternative to uranium fuel. Thorium itself is not a fissile material, but can only be converted into fissile uranium 233 via breeder and reprocessing technology. It is 3 to 4 times more common than uranium; In terms of safety and disposal, there are no significant advantages over the classic uranium fuel. A serious disadvantage is that uranium 233 hatched from thorium is suitable for the construction of simple but highly effective nuclear explosive devices, for example by terrorist organizations. The currently still sought-after use of thorium without effective denaturation of the generated fissile material therefore appears irresponsible. "

Moormann refutes the following claims in detail: “With thorium, the nuclear fuel reserves can be stretched by a factor of 400. Thorium was not used in the use of nuclear energy because it is not suitable for military use. The use of thorium hardly poses a proliferation risk. Thorium reactors are safer than conventional uranium reactors. The use of thorium hardly poses any disposal problems. "

The article can be viewed here:


HTR course in Poland

The National Center for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) in Poland invites you to a five-year doctorate in reactor physics as part of the project "New reactor concepts and safety analyzes for the Polish nuclear energy program". The project will be devoted to research in the new high temperature reactor technologies: HTGR - High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor and DFR - Dual Fluid Reactor, which were specified in the report of the Polish Ministry of Energy for the use of high temperature reactors. These studies cover all aspects of these Generation IV reactors.

From October 1, 2018, 14 doctoral positions will be filled. The selection process is currently underway. The curriculum for the first year of study has now been published. The NCBJ was founded in 2011 and is the largest research institute in Poland with 1100 employees, 200 doctoral students and 70 professors. In 2010, a German-Polish seminar on the HTR line took place in neighboring Saxony (Freiberg). HTR propagandist Prof. Hurtado taught only a few kilometers away in Rossendorf near Dresden.

More information about this story:


Search the with the search term: Poland


HTGR in Indonesia

When the Indonesian Research Minister visited the THTR in Hamm in 1987, even after the incident, NRW Economics Minister Jochimsen had nothing better to do than warmly recommend the construction of HTRs to the foreign guest. A few years later, more than a dozen Indonesian doctoral students learned and worked at the Jülich Research Center, where the THTR was developed. I described the whole story in detail in the Indonesia Special Issue No. 144 (1).

In the meantime, the Indonesian National Atomic Energy Agency Batan published the roadmap for the development of the Daya Eksperimental (RDE) reactor on March 16, 2018. The RDE is a very small, gas-cooled, high-temperature fluidized bed reactor (HTGR) with low-enriched uranium oxide TRISO fuel and an output of 10 MW. The first draft of the construction plan was reviewed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAOA) in June 2018. The site permit for the construction of the RDE in the Serpong complex on the outskirts of the capital Jakarta has already been granted. Allegedly, the construction of a system test facility will begin at the end of the year. The small nuclear power plants are to generate energy for industrial use in particular on Kalimatan, Sulawesi and other islands. It is noteworthy that the Russian-Indonesian consortium RENUKO, as well as Rosatom, also includes the German NUKEM Technologies GmbH (2).




Search the with the search term: Indonesia


Generation snail. To Generation IV reactors

I have already written more than a dozen articles about the six different Generation IV reactor types, which also include the HTR line. The nuclear-critical magazine "Nuclear Monitor" from the Netherlands reported in its 860 issue of May 10, 2018 with reference to communications from the OECD's nuclear energy agency (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) that even proponents of nuclear energy would consider the development of Generation IV a difficult "challenge " look at. Above all, the schedules loudly trumpeted by the atomic lobby are wasted.

Little progress has been made in the last 20 years and, according to the OECD, it will be another 20 years before commercial Generation IV reactors can come into operation. It's going very slowly. Sometime between 2030 and 2040 the completion of the first demonstration plants can be expected ...


Search the with the search term: Generation IV


Project manager trainer: THTR is a negative example

The company "Projekt-Manager-Training" from Bonn conducts very expensive in-house courses for numerous companies, corporations, chambers of industry and commerce and city administrations. On their homepage, the trainers present the problems with the development and construction of the THTR as a particularly terrifying negative example:

“The theoretical advantages of the pebble bed reactor technology, the blueprint of which was developed in the 1950s and 60s at the Jülich Research Center, never came to fruition in Hamm-Uentop. The planning work for the THTR-300 took place in 1966–68 parallel to the commissioning of the research reactor in Jülich, which meant that operating experience could hardly be incorporated into the THTR concept. The rush to plan and start building the THTR-300 was due to the market launch of light water reactors in the late 1960s.

The owner of the THTR-300 was HKG Hoch Temperatur-Kernkraftwerk GmbH Hamm-Uentrop, founded in 1968, whose parent companies were six medium-sized and smaller regional electricity suppliers. A consortium made up of BBC, Krupp Reaktorbau GmbH and Nukem was commissioned to build the turnkey system. Shortly before construction began in 1971, Krupp left the consortium because there were doubts about the profitability of the pebble bed reactor concept.

This resulted in a delay of six months. The projected construction period of five years became 15 years due to technical problems and stricter requirements. The construction costs rose from the originally estimated 690 million and finally to more than four billion marks (...). "


AfD member of the state parliament Loose: bad guys are getting bad!

Even the bad guys are no longer what they used to be. After our nuclear friend Laurenz Meyer was only noticed recently by the fact that his parliamentary office ordered a couple of ultra-expensive pens at the last minute and he wanted to establish a gun shop as an honest broker in the city center of Hammer, all that was heard was a completely excess-free birthday party at his seventieth. How boring!

While one villain is weakening or even becoming milder with age, another right-wing youngster pulls out big guns. I came across him by chance when I was looking for the THTR bullets on the internet again. I found what I was looking for with the new AfD member of the state parliament Christian Loose from North Rhine-Westphalia. On August 25, 2017, he asked questions in a parliamentary question that embarrassingly revealed his own naivety on the subject. For example, where are the Jülich THTR spheres? In Jülich, of course, answers the well-known Prof. Dr. Andreas Pinkwart experienced for the ministry. And otherwise there was practically nothing new.

However, when I looked at the vita of the Bochum member of the state parliament, I was amazed. From 2009 to 2017 Loose worked as a controller for a "large energy company", it says somewhat cautiously on his homepage. It was RWE Power and so the latter did not fizzle out pointlessly, he became the energy policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group. As such he sees in all seriousness the energy policy of "CDU & FDP on the way to socialism" and vigorously polemicizes against "climate rescue plans".

In response to the sensational climate action brought by a Peruvian smallholder against his former bread roll provider RWE at the Hamm Higher Regional Court, he railed in the state parliament: “Fake news? April Fool's Day? - No, EU madness 2018! It is slowly becoming time for politicians to protect companies from such arbitrary attacks ”. - Yes, where would we end up if corporations could even be called to account by a Peruvian farmer for their inhumane policies?

And when it comes to lignite, he goes a step further in his article “Terror im Revier”: “Militant left-green pseudo-ecos whose understanding does not go beyond“ coal = bad, atom = very bad ”, a modern one fits the needs of the However, consumer-tailored supply does not fit into the ideological concept. What they are expressing with terrorist attacks on facilities and employees, including those of RWE. ”It becomes clear: Here the“ big energy company ”has let one of its most disgusting chain dogs off the leash. An unmistakable sign that the group is not doing so well. But devastating for the culture of environmental policy debate. I would rather have our Laurenz back!

Meanwhile, the AfD is facing headwinds from opponents of lignite:

“Endegebiet is participating in the blockades of the alliance“ Stop the hatred, stop the AfD ”on Sunday, May 27th in Berlin. The climate justice activists carry the protest from the coal mines onto the streets of Berlin and block the planned march of the “Alternative for Germany” with their bodies.

“For global climate justice we also have to stop the inhuman and destructive agitation of the AfD. This party has no answers to the climate crisis, but fuels existing injustices with its racism and neoliberalism. We want a good life for everyone and for this we block destructive coal excavators as well as the misanthropists of the AfD, "says Karolina Drzewo, spokeswoman for Endegebiet.

The AfD pursues a nationalist policy and denies man-made climate destruction. The climate activists protesting against the AFD stand for global solidarity. The climate crisis is already hitting those people hardest worldwide who are socially oppressed and marginalized. "

Extract from the press release from EndeGelände:


Westfälischer Anzeiger and Ippen: Not everything that belongs to ippt is typed!

Article by Dirk IppenDo you no longer understand the world? The youth are behaving worse and worse? Was almost everything better in the past, except for your health? We have come to terms with the Nazi past well and can't we even be satisfied because of that? More and more people in the circle of relatives and acquaintances come out as lesbian or gay, where should children come from? Daughter-in-law has a very eye-catching tattoo? - More and more people want to be taken by the hand and guided through life by an enlightened conservative with class in these difficult times. That costs only 35,40 euros per month and is done by the Ippen team.

The busy publisher Dirk Ippen regularly writes a column in his dozen local newspapers (note, entrepreneurs have many “homes”) in which he explains the world from his point of view. Here in Hamm it is the Westfälische Anzeiger, which, as a designated local newspaper, turns everything from the supposed world of its customers into a commodity, from the cradle to the grave, and feeds it to a very special kind of news exploitation.

But be careful, the cosmopolitan publisher is not always right and even wrong! A long, long time ago, the young Ippen committed himself to an optimistic technology euphoria in 1976 and himself produced four full pages in his favorite paper WA on the most modern, innovative energy system that human history has ever had to offer - in Hamm !! It was the THTR and the end was terribly pathetic, you can read it in every issue of this paper. So: Not everything that belongs to ippt is typed - because it flops!

Unfortunately, the reality is very different. This year Ippen has incorporated the venerable “Frankfurter Rundschau”. It is only a matter of time before local flavor and intellectual gourmet food take over. A crash that couldn't be deeper. Fascism had just been crushed when the FR was the first newspaper to receive a license from the victorious powers in 1945. Wikipedia writes about the group of editors: "The committee was composed of social democrats, communists and a socialist representative of political Catholicism (Gerst)". Associate editor Emil Carlebach was a Jew, communist and resistance fighter. For decades, the FR was the best-known left-wing journalistic voice in the country. It was more consistent and critical than the later liberal taz. - And now, please, a minute's silence for the FR.

To read on:


New rights: To the book by Thomas Wagner

At the end of the 70s, at an anti-nuclear demonstration in Hamm, I noticed a Bundschuh flag and curiously spoke to its owner. It was a small group of so-called national revolutionaries who are now considered the ideological forerunners of the right-wing “identitarians”.

In 1982 I wrote a much-noticed, detailed criticism of the national revolutionaries in the magazine “Schwarzer Faden”. However, for some leftists, this criticism was not verbally radical enough and too factual. Obviously, these people could only imagine criticizing the right with foam at the mouth. In 2016, the left book author and editor of the “Junge Welt”, Thomas Wagner, visited me and asked me a whole day for his book “Die Angstmacher. 1968 and the New Right ”(Aufbau Verlag, 351 pages, 18,95 euros). On a total of eleven pages, he reported on the turbulent debates about my contribution at the time. His book was discussed positively and often on full pages in Die Zeit, FAZ, Die Welt, Der Freitag (...). “Die Zeit” wrote: “He does not speak to you in the usual gesture of exposing extremism researching (...) but as a curious discussant. That is undoubtedly the charm of this unusual book. «

Some left-wing magazines criticized the fact that Wagner had pointed out how today's New Right “ticked”, but did not contradict them vehemently enough in the talks. - It is definitely a very interesting book that everyone who studies the New Right should know.

Here is more information with several links to this book and the related discussions and articles:


Moritz-Bacharach-Strasse in Hamm-Uentrop

When, in the 80s, as a district representative of GAL Uentrop, I campaigned for a street to be named after the first Jewish councilor in Hamm, I was able to experience something.

A review:


NPD and displaced persons associations in Hamm

In the 80s the NPD tried to draw attention to itself with citizens' motions in local politics. At that time, as a member of the complaints committee in the City Council of Hamm, I observed more closely. And also noted that the so-called displaced persons' associations were pampered partners of the large council groups, even though they represented right-wing content.

An inventory:


India: March against land grabbing in Europe!

Around 200 million indigenous people (Adivasis) and “untouchables” (Dalits) in India are being robbed of their land by corporations and ruthless caste Hindus, thereby depriving them of their livelihoods. The Gandhian movement Ekta Parishad has been organizing the resistance against this for 25 years and persistently confronts the powerful by walking on foot. After the March of the Hundred Thousands in 2012, we are now facing the next two years of unprecedented activity. A million people are mobilized in marches in India and on the occasion of Gandhi's 150th birthday the 12-month, ten-thousand-kilometer-long walk from Delhi to Geneva to the UN will take place through 17 countries! The whole thing is embedded in a global overall campaign. I have met the charismatic leader, Rajagopal PV, several times and so far have written 35 articles about this movement.

Here is an overview article as basic information:


Search the with the keyword: India


Dear readers!

I still have a few duplicates of the THTR circular from the last few decades and would like to vacate the warehouse by the end of the year. These are also issues up to the year 2002 which are not available on the Internet and which are sometimes up to 66 pages thick. Individuals and archives are welcome to contact me, and the requested issues will be sent to them.



For work on 'THTR circular', '' and 'Map of the nuclear world' we need up-to-date information, energetic, fresh comrades-in-arms under 100 (;-) and donations. If you can help, please send a message to:

Donation appeal

- The THTR circular is published by the 'BI Environmental Protection Hamm' and is financed by donations.

- The THTR circular has meanwhile become a much-noticed information medium. However, there are ongoing costs due to the expansion of the website and the printing of additional information sheets.

- The THTR circular researches and reports in detail. In order for us to be able to do that, we depend on donations. We are happy about every donation!

Donations account: BI Umweltschutz Hamm

Usage: THTR Rundbrief

IBAN: DE31 4105 0095 0000 0394 79



