1. Newsletter VIII - February 16 to 24.02.2021, 16 - News+ February XNUMX - Nuclear power plants light GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy establishes Canadian SMR company

    to provide a power supply. The technical basis was reactors in submarines. Examples of early US SMRs are the PM-2A in Greenland and the PM-3A in McMurdo in Antarctica... ** Wikipedia MiK - Military-Industrial Complex The term military-industrial complex (MIK) is used to describe socially critical analyses the close cooperation and the...

  2. Newsletter VII - February 09th to 15.02.2021th, 09 - News+ February XNUMXth - Nuclear waste - repository wanted

    Reasons failed: Gorleben, Asse, Morsleben. Only the Konrad shaft has gone through a complete nuclear law process and was confirmed by the Federal Constitutional Court... ** Wikipedia Search for a final storage facility in Germany The search for a final storage facility is intended to find a suitable location in a deep geological formation for a final storage facility for highly radioactive waste. The search process for the...

  3. Newsletter VI - February 02nd to 08.02.2021th, 02 - News+ February XNUMXnd - Green electricity - Safely through the dark doldrums

    Increased efficiency is to be achieved. A success of the German energy transition would prove that energy supply and prosperity are also possible without conventional energy sources... ** Wikipedia gas-and-steam combined cycle power plant A gas-and-steam combined cycle power plant or gas-and-steam turbine power plant (CCGT for short -Power plant) is a power plant in which the waste heat from a gas turbine power plant is...

  4. Newsletter IV - January 22 to 26.01.2021, 22 - News+ January XNUMX - Nuclear weapons: Banned worldwide as of today

    Power. However, the nuclear powers do not plan to sign the treaty, nor do most NATO countries, including Germany. They consider the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to be sufficient... ** Wikipedia Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty The Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty (abbreviated AVV, English: Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, abbreviated TPNW) is an international agreement that...

  5. Newsletter V - 27.01. - 01.02.2021/27/XNUMX - News+ January XNUMXth - Crediting in the EU budget: Fusion costs nice climate balance

    (Great Britain). The ITER nuclear fusion plant, which is currently under construction, is expected to generate energy for the first time from 2035. With the successor DEMO, this should be possible on a commercial scale... ** Wikipedia Nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two atomic nuclei fuse to form a new nucleus. Nuclear fusion is the reason why the sun and all shining stars produce energy...

  6. Newsletter III - January 15th to 21.01.2021st, 15 - News+ January XNUMXth - New money for new nuclear reactors

    Name "catchy". It should do without a large infrastructure, only use the heat of a decaying radioactive isotope, be buried underground and therefore be particularly safe... ** Wikipedia Nuclear reactors - Reactor types - Special types There are also some special types for special applications. Small reactors with highly enriched fuel were used to provide electricity...

  7. Newsletter II - January 08th to 14.01.2021th, 08 - News+ January XNUMXth - European Organization for Cooperation in Waste Management established

    The fuel elements are to be disposed of in the LILW repository in Risø for low- and medium-level radioactive waste. The spent fuel elements for DR-2 and -3 were transferred to the USA... ** Wikipedia search for a repository in Germany The aim of the repository search is to find a suitable location in a deep geological formation for a repository for highly radioactive waste. The search process for...

  8. Newsletter I - January 01st to 07.01.2021th, 04 - News+ January XNUMXth - Radiation exposure in Fukushima: between lies and self-deception

    reassuring that everything is under control. It was only two weeks after the disaster that TEPCO admitted that radiation levels increased by a factor of 2 in reactor 100.000... ** Wikipedia Chronicle of the Fukushima nuclear disaster Fukushima I is the oldest and, with six power plant blocks, was one of the most powerful nuclear power plants in the world Japan. It is based on...

  9. December 10.12.2020th, 12.12.2020 - Saturday, December 14th, XNUMX, XNUMX p.m. - vigil 'Am Seitenkanal' in the south of Lingen, in front of the fuel element factory

    to influence and manipulate in their own way. The term nuclear lobby is often used by the public and the media without there being a clear definition or idea for it. Wikipedia generally discusses the forms and methods of lobbying, but a separate chapter on the nuclear lobby has not yet been created. On the Internet and in the media...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 151 December 2018

    Radio show, Schulten was in the USA and Great Britain before 1955 to study various new reactor concepts. This is phrased very politely and cautiously. Even in Wikipedia it is a little clearer: “He belonged to the study group for reactor physics, which was actually not allowed by Wirtz in 1953 (...) and which in reality was already a planning group for...

  11. THTR Circular No. 150 June 2018

    Low-fat diet takes over. A crash that couldn't be any deeper. Fascism had just been defeated when the FR became the first newspaper to receive a license from the victorious powers in 1945. Wikipedia writes about the editorial board: “The committee was composed of social democrats, communists and a socialist representative of political Catholicism (Gerst).” Co-editor Emil...

  12. THTR Newsletter No. 148 Summer 2017

    brought to Ahaus. The special feature: They contained 3,9 kg of highly enriched uranium, almost 93 percent. This would make it possible to produce atomic bombs without any intermediate steps. On Wikipedia, the AMR is only mentioned in one sentence as “auxiliary reactor” (3). In the storage permit dated November 7, 11 for the Ahaus transport container warehouse, it is stated on page nine that...

  13. Task Force Medical NBC Protection

    NBC protection on standby. Address: Task Force Medical NBC Protection Ernst-von-Bergmann-Kaserne Neuherbergstrasse No. 11 80937 Munich * Sources: (31) NN: Ernst-von-Bergmann-Kaserne, Wikipedia, o. O., June 18, 2009, online : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst-von-Bergmann-Kaserne (32) Piper, Gerhard: Expansion of high-security biological laboratories in Germany, Telepolis, Munich, July 12th...

  14. Analytical task forces

    with Chief Fire Officer Dr. Volker Ruster, Rhein-Sieg-Anzeiger, Cologne, September 5, 2008, online: http://www.rhein-sieg-anzeiger.ksta.de/html/artikel/1218660491281.shtml (17) NN: Dortmund Fire Department, Wikipedia , o. O., August 5, 2009, Online: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feuerwehr_Dortmund Call for donations - The THTR newsletter is published by the 'BI Umweltschutz Hamm' and is financed from...

  15. The uranium story

    von fachlich allzu fähigen, und deswegen ungeliebten Angestellten verwendet. Beide Zitate stammen aus: www.chessmail.de (Vabanque - 09. Mai '19) * Wer oder was ist die... Atomlobby Zitat aus Wikipedia:... Die Energiewirtschaft, insbesondere die vier großen Energiekonzerne in Deutschland (RWE, EON, EnBW und Vattenfall), musste im Jahre 2000 mit der „Vereinbarung zwischen Bundesregierung und den...

  16. THTR Newsletter No. 147 September 2016

    THTR accident no longer bothers red-green in North Rhine-Westphalia A few weeks before the planned anniversary celebration of our citizens' initiative for its 40th anniversary on June 4, 2016, a Wikipedia discussion entry by THTR commissioning manager Schollmeyer, who was involved in the serious accident, once again caused a lot of excitement. In 1986 the radioactive fuel balls got stuck in the "pneumatic tube"...

  17. May 18, 2016 - News about the THTR incident -

    After Chernobyl and the accident in the thorium high-temperature reactor (THTR) Hamm-Uentrop that became known a few days later on May 4, 1986, an article on the Wikipedia discussion page about the THTR confirms the worst fears of opponents of nuclear power plants. What happened? Only now did we discover Dr.'s reference on the extensive Wikipedia discussion page. Hermann...

  18. Apr. 26, 2016 - 30 years after Chernobyl - 5 years after Fukushima

    Wismut AG: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/themen/reportage/die-uranfoerderung-im-erzgebirge-und-ihre-folgen-neues-leben-im-tal-des-todes/12771046.html https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wismut_%28Unternehmen%29#Gesundheitswesen_Wismut http://www.reaktorpleite.de/54-wichtige-artikel/wichtige-artikel-2014/480-12-03-2014-das-billionen-dollar-desaster-schaeden-durch-atomkraft.html...

  19. Important newspaper articles about Atom ... * etc. since 2011

    After Chernobyl and the accident in the thorium high-temperature reactor (THTR) Hamm-Uentrop that became known a few days later on May 4, 1986, an article on the Wikipedia discussion page about the THTR confirms the worst fears of opponents of nuclear power plants. What happened? Only now did we discover Dr.'s reference on the extensive Wikipedia discussion page. Hermann...

  20. From uranium mining and processing, to nuclear research, the construction and operation of nuclear plants including nuclear power plant accidents, to dealing with nuclear waste and nuclear weapons! - Worldwide, almost, everything at a glance with Google Maps

    (…) Uran ist hoch giftig und greift innere Organe wie die Nieren an. Studien belegen, dass Uran für Missbildungen von Föten und Säuglingen verantwortlich und das Leukämie-Risiko erhöht ist... Wikipedia de Schon beim Abbau von Uranerz lauern tödliche Gefahren, radioaktives Radongas wird freigesetzt und der Abraum enthält noch bis zu 85 Prozent der ursprünglichen Radioaktivität. Diese Abraumhalden...