1. Newsletter VII - February 09th to 15.02.2021th, 09 - News+ February XNUMXth - Nuclear waste - repository wanted

    for highly radioactive nuclear waste and final storage operations. The Asse-GmbH, the German Society for the Construction and Operation of Final Repositories for Waste Materials mbH and parts of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection were merged into it on December 20, 2017... *** Top of page Current information + background knowledge *** Call for donations - The THTR newsletter is published and financed by the 'BI Umweltschutz Hamm'...

  2. 17.03.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX - Deadly dust - use of uranium ammunition and the consequences

    about “Uranium weapons and their consequences”. And there, after an insistent conversation, one of the great trivializers of uranium weapons, the then head of the Institute for Radiation Protection in Neuherberg near Munich, Prof. Dr. Herwig Paretzke called for an immediate ban because of the high toxicity of uranium weapons. But the moderator of the AA summed up - so to speak as a final word...

  3. Central support group of the federal government

    of the federal government for serious cases of nuclear-specific security" (ZUB). The ZUB, in which special forces from the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Federal Police and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection participate, supports the states originally responsible for security at their request. The aim of the ZUB is to all multidisciplinary Expertise and experience as well as personnel and...

  4. Analytical task forces

    not yet foreseeable," said fire director Altheim. So far, the Munich professional fire department had stationed NBC forces at four fire stations: Fire station 2 Sendling (a radiation protection equipment truck and an environmental rescue truck), fire station 5 Ramersdorf (a respiratory protection-radiation protection equipment truck, an infection Ambulance and a roll-off container Dekon (V), fire station 6 Pasing (an equipment truck...

  5. The uranium story

    radioaktive-strahl.org: http://www.radioaktive-strahl.org/ * Ionizing radiation Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionöse_Strahlung Federal Office for Radiation Protection: https://www.bfs.de/ DE/themen/ion/einfuehrung/einfuehrung.html * Uranium economy Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranwirtschaft * Uranium mining - uranium production Wikipedia:...

  6. Important newspaper articles about Atom ... * etc. since 2011

    Newspaper article 2016 *** 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 *** December 31st 2016 - E.On sticks to lawsuit against fuel tax * Toshiba has made a mistake in purchasing an American nuclear company - Japanese technology group examines capital increase December 28, 2016 - Toshiba shares collapse * Nuclear research at KIT...

  7. 2007 - The KiKK Study - Childhood Cancer Study

    Claudia Spix, Sven Schmiedel, Renate Schulze-Rath, Andreas Mergenthaler, Maria Blettner Funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety via the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (project StSch 4334) Institute for Medical Biometry, Epidemiology and Informatics (IMBEI) at Johannes Gutenberg -University of Mainz Director: Prof. Dr. Maria Blettner Project management:...

  8. What is low level radioactive radiation? INWORKS study

    increased. As a direct result of radioactivity, the cells affected suffer severe dysfunction. They can no longer divide or even die... * BfS - Federal Office for Radiation Protection What is ionizing radiation? Radiation transports energy - starting from a radiation source. The energy is in the form of electromagnetic waves (such as visible light...

  9. The current THTR newsletter No. 146 - December 2015

    Boslar from the alliance against castor exports: “Now the transport of the Jülich castors to the Ahaus interim storage facility is becoming more and more likely! - As far as we know, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection is only processing the application for the storage of the 152 castors in the Ahaus interim storage facility." New responsibilities - questions to the BfS are intended to shed light on the darkness. This has been...

  10. THTR Circular No. 139 June 2012

    Notes: 1. See: THTR-RB No. 138 2. Westfälischer Anzeiger dated May 17, 2012 3. See: http://www.lia.nrw.de/themen/strahlschutz/ambientsueberwachung/messen_hamm_uentrop/index.html Nuclear terrorism: Not “crazy” villains, just power-hungry governments! Top of page In the years 2004 to 2009 I wrote in detail about...

  11. THTR Circular No. 134 January 2011

    believes Nils Bøhmer, nuclear expert at the environmental protection organization Bellona: 'Hopefully politicians are now concerned with real solutions to the climate problem.'" (27) The government and the radiation protection authority rejected the construction of thorium reactors in Norway in 2009. The nuclear industry is all the more so and their propagandists in other countries are anxious to...

  12. Important books on atomic research, THTR etc.

    the different types of nuclear power plants, explains the consequences of radioactive radiation for people and nature and points out the risks of accidents. He goes into detail about safety measures, radiation protection and the problem of repository storage and shows possible alternatives to nuclear power. Anyone who has read this book cannot possibly still be in favor of nuclear power. Radioactive 'low' radiation...

  13. THTR Newsletter No. 129 December 09

    There will be protests in Duisburg because Duisburg is to become a nuclear waste hub," said Willi Hesters from the Münsterland Action Alliance Against Nuclear Facilities. Since 2006, applications for approval for 150 transport containers from La Hague (France) have been pending at the Federal Office for Radiation Protection. The transport of these containers to the interim storage facility Ahaus will begin in the next few years. On November 11.11, 2009...

  14. THTR Newsletter No. 128 November 09

    Storage in the interim fuel storage facility (BEZ). At the end of September 2009, the Society for Nuclear Service (GNS), based in Ahaus, expressed interest in receiving the 152 THTR balls stored in 300.000 castor containers from the AVR Jülich research reactor in Ahaus, which was decommissioned in 1988, in its application to the Federal Office for Radiation Protection. For many years in Jülich...

  15. THTR Circular No. 126 April 09

    Jülich to be brought to Ahaus. Even the storage of unpackaged nuclear waste has been applied for - the Münster district government responsible for the approval and the Federal Office for Radiation Protection still refuse any public participation! Gronau: The only uranium enrichment plant in Germany is being massively expanded and is expected to provide 35 large nuclear power plants with uranium fuel in the future...

  16. THTR Newsletter No. 124 December 2008

    of the affected people in the area up to 50 km from German nuclear power plants will be further delayed. The Radiation Protection Commission's detailed justification for the children's cancer study, which had long been announced for December 2008, was canceled by the Federal Environment Ministry. Already in December 2007, after the much-noticed study on childhood cancer around nuclear power plants (KiKK study)...

  17. THTR Newsletter No. 123 October 08

    50 km radius - around the nuclear power plants. So we're talking about a significant rate of cancer cases in small children." Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Pflugbeil, President of the Society for Radiation Protection, pointed out in this context that an additional case-control study carried out examined: whether the main result of the Mainz child cancer study, a...

  18. THTR Circular No. 122 August 2008

    to be presented at Alexanderplatz. Remarkable: They were ex-Hammensers (or Münsterlanders) living in Berlin, all of whom are still active in the area of ​​energy policy to this day! After the “radiation protection suit” was put on and the banner was unrolled, the press spokesman came and photos could be taken and interviews given. Michael Schroeren welcomed on behalf of...

  19. THTR Newsletter No. 120 March 08

    There have also been reports of cases of cancer and leukemia. In the next few weeks we will make these available in an appropriate form to the NRW state government, the new NRW cancer registry, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection and the Federal Environment Minister. Concerned citizens are welcome to contact the Citizens' Initiative for Environmental Protection on our homepage with their information. We manage the...

  20. THTR Circular No. 119 January 08

    will not be investigated! Details of the KIKK study, in which the incidence of childhood cancer in the vicinity of nuclear power plants was examined, were published online by the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) on December 10th. Of all things, the thorium high-temperature reactor in Hamm-Uentrop, which not only made a name for itself due to a whole series of breakdowns, but also its operator...

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