1. THTR Newsletter No. 128 November 09

    However, this is no reason for those involved to back down. On the contrary, full-bodied press releases about new planned international collaborations with China and the USA give the impression that the PBMR is constantly moving forward. It is doubtful whether these collaborations will lead to the construction of a single PBMR in the next few years. BÜSO journalism shines with its...

  2. Chernobyl anniversary 2009

    In northern Germany, anti-nuclear activists met in front of the Krümmel nuclear power plant on April 26.04.2009, 14 at 26.04.2009 p.m. In the southwest of the republic, opponents of nuclear power met on April 14, XNUMX at XNUMX p.m., in front of the Neckarwestheim nuclear power plant. Here is the press release from the organizations organizing the demo in Münster... Münsterland Action Alliance Against Nuclear Plants BI “No Nuclear Waste in Ahaus” SOFA (Immediate Nuclear Phase-out)...

  3. THTR Circular No. 127 July 09

    but a specialist in everything that makes money. Mechanical engineering, retail chains, brown coal mining and power plants, coal trading and since 1967 the largest private shareholder in RWE with 10%, including supervisory and board positions there (2). Hermann Josef Werhahn is also Adenauer's (3) son-in-law, which brings us to a very special cornerstone of the much-quoted...

  4. THTR Circular No. 126 April 09

    useless and were already shipped on January 5, 2009. The destination was the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Idaho National Laboratory in the USA to use the fuel elements for research experiments. Outlook: unreasonableness or alternative energy The South African PBMR company is now a partner of the large US reactor company Westinghouse, which is now majority Japanese...

  5. THTR Newsletter No. 124 December 2008

    That's why two promoters will be able to sink their teeth into the following topics in the future: 1. Investigations into the release of fission products from an HTR in the event of a pressure relief accident 2. Expansion of the simulation options for accidents in HTR by coupling the computing programs DIREKT and COCOSYS and integrating system technology components We have done this again and again being told how...

  6. THTR Circular No. 122 August 2008

    The success of the high number of signatures did not fall from heaven. A downloadable list on our homepage has made a lot of things easier. Press releases on various occasions (RWE shareholders' meeting, Chernobyl anniversary) attracted additional attention. It was important that we distributed information sheets and lists almost everywhere in Lippborg, Vellinghausen and Uentrop...

  7. THTR Newsletter No. 121 May 08

    In 2008, it became the third municipality after Lippborg and Hamm to join the call for a cancer study. Gabriel wrote: “It is not intended to expand the KiKK study to include additional individual locations.” He did not even respond to the request to have a separate study drawn up for the THTR region if necessary. Minister Gabriel's letter continued to contain only those...

  8. Newspaper clippings (2009)

    huge amounts of money in decommissioning operations every year. According to Blume, of the annual costs of over 5,6 million euros, Hochtemperaturreaktor Kernkraft GmbH, in which the energy company RWE has a significant stake, only covers 166666 euros. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the federal government must cover the rest in equal shares. This payment agreement expires on December 31, 2009. One...

  9. Newspaper clippings (2008)

    Hamm by Horst Blume With the laying of the foundation stone for the two coal-fired power plants, Hamm has once again become the focus of energy policy discussions. RWE's two new coal-fired power plant blocks in Uentrop will not only emit 8,9 million tons of CO2 per year, but with an efficiency of 46 percent they are far behind modern gas and steam power plants. These new...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 117 November 07

    one of the few remaining non-university centers in Germany where nuclear security research is carried out. Research on reactor dynamics, the safety of reactor materials and thermal hydraulics takes place here in an international network. It is planned that Prof. Hurtado will lead a working group at this institute.” This coup was only possible because the...

  11. THTR Newsletter No. 116 September 07

    that there is a future without nuclear power.” Hohlefelder: “The nuclear research institutes worldwide and the research and development departments of the power plant manufacturers are now working intensively on the fourth generation of nuclear power plants. It could be commercially available around 2025. The initiative for research and development of this so-called 'Generation IV'...

  12. Entangled in the network of European uranium transports

    Gronau (UAG 1) exportiert, um daraus Brennelemente für sämtliche deutschen Leichtwasserreaktoren herzustellen. Die Fabrik in Pierrelatte soll nun durch eine Gaszentrifugenanlage "Georges Besse 2" erweitert werden, die einen entsprechend größeren Bedarf an Uranhexafluorid hat. Noch ist unklar, ob sich dies auf die Atomexporte nach Deutschland auswirken wird. Der Atomzug Auf deutscher Seite werden...

  13. THTR Circular No. 114 June 07

    in Schwellenländer. Süffisant fragt der Nuklearexperte Steve Thomas, was denn wohl die mindestens zehnjährige Verzögerung bei der Realisierung eines Demonstrationskraftwerkes demonstriert? Und verweist auf den THTR in Hamm-Uentrop, der nach 423 Volllasttagen 1989 stillgelegt werden musste. In dem südafrikanischen Umweltrahmenplan (RFESR) vom Januar 2007 wird davon ausgegangen, dass bei der...

  14. THTR Newsletter No. 111 March 07

    2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 *** THTR Rundbrief Nr. 111, März 2007 Unser Widerstand wird konkreter Die Demonstration der 400 Menschen am 3. Februar 2007 in Münster richtete sich nicht nur gegen die Erweiterungspläne im Brennelemente-Zwischenlager Ahaus, die Urananreicherungsanlage (UAA) in Gronau und die Urantransporte dorthin, sondern bezog ausdrücklich den Protest gegen die Renaissance der...

  15. THTR Circular No. 110 January 07

    der Konzerne, insbesondere der Energieunternehmen. Ein Jülicht leuchtet in der Finsternis Längst abgeschriebene Steinzeittechnologien wie Hochtemperatur-Reaktoren (HTRs) werden trotz zunehmendem Verwesungsgeruch wieder an den finanziellen Tropf gehängt. Denn der Pinkwart steht seit Jahrzehnten zu ihnen in Treue fest und zündet zu ihrem Gedenken jede Woche ein teures Jülicht an, auf dass die...

  16. THTR newsletters from 2005

    Against the comeback of the nuclear industry - for a sunny future! Successful demonstration in Lüneburg THTR nuclear waste in Morsleben and Ahaus. Press coverage. * THTR Newsletter No. 101, October 2005 RWE NUKEM produces nuclear fuel elements in South Africa! Uhde in trouble. Nuclear city Dortmund. PBMR in South Africa: Uneconomical! Uranium mining in Namibia. News about “Langer Heinrich” and...

  17. THTR newsletters from 2006

    is also nuclear research. NRW, FRG, EU: The stuff atomic dreams are made of. Detailed list of nuclear hydrogen funding programs and what the ministries (don't) say about them. RWE sells NUKEM (HTR fuel element manufacturer) to Advent. DIDO switched off in Jülich. Wind energy in Cape Town. Press review for the Chernobyl anniversary. * THTR circular No. 106, April 2006 accident in the nuclear power plant...

  18. THTR Newsletter No. 109 November 2006

    politischen Problemen nichts mehr zu hören und nichts mehr zu sehen?? Ganz besonders nichts vom derzeit arg umstrittenen und umkämpften THTR-Pleitereaktor, der im Begriff ist, zu neuem Leben erweckt zu werden. Da kenne ich einen guten Tipp für diejenigen, die von all dem nachrichtenmäßig absolut nichts mitbekommen wollen – selbst dann nicht, wenn sich der Deutsche Bundestag mit fast kompletter...

  19. THTR Newsletter No. 76 September 02

    propagierten angeblich notwendigen Absenkung der Lohnnebenkosten keine Alternativen entgegensetzten, wurden sie politisch entwaffnet und von den Ereignissen überrollt. Um kurz vor einer möglicherweise verlorengehenden Bundestagswahl noch einmal zu Punkten, hat Schröder die Hartz-Kommission ins Leben gerufen, deren Konzept doch noch eine deutliche Verringerung der Arbeitslosigkeit in Aussicht...

  20. THTR Newsletter No. 77 November 02

    zu dem befreienden Glücksgefühl verholfen haben, unser Anliegen an eine andere Dienststelle weiterleiten zu können, so steht doch zumindest noch die Beantwortung der Frage Nr. 4 nach einer möglicherweise anderen Sichtweise gegenüber einer vom Finanzministerium zugestandenen Steuervergünstigung noch aus. Oder ist das zuviel verlangt? Das Finanzministerium NW schreibt: "Die in Ihrem Schreiben...

Results 101 - 120 from 132