1. Newsletter XLII - September 15th to 19.09.2021th, 15 - News+ September XNUMXth - Climate crisis: The cost of inaction

    Print * September 17, 2021 - Sunday - Livestream of the RWE Tribunal in Essen The Federal Association of Citizens' Environmental Protection Initiatives (BBU) points out that a protest action will take place at the (atomic) research center in Jülich on Saturday (September 18.9.21, 12). The campaign is directed, among other things, against any research to promote nuclear energy and against the export of NRW nuclear waste to the USA. Meeting point is at XNUMX...

  2. Newsletter XXXVII - 20/25.08.2021-20/XNUMX - News+ XNUMX August - IAEA safety guarantee for Fukushima water release begins

    and all parties exert pressure so that effective action is finally taken against the climate crisis! Datteln IV must be taken off the grid immediately and the coal phase-out must come much faster. Here are the three protest actions on Thursday by the Klimaalarm Münster alliance in collaboration with the network "We stop Datteln IV": 8.30 a.m. - 10.30 a.m.: Vigil in front of the OVG meeting building in the police school at the...

  3. Newsletter XV - April 06th to 12.04.2021th, 06 - News+ April 2021th - German environmental aid fights against greenwashing: Now nominate the "boldest environmental lie" for the abusive Goldener Geier XNUMX award

    +++ Protest alliance heralds resistance against the planned assembly law for North Rhine-Westphalia +++ Alliance warns: The draft law is an attack on the fundamental right of freedom of assembly +++ Various protest actions planned online and offline A broad civil society alliance is forming against this in North Rhine-Westphalia planned assembly law at the state level. The draft law...

  4. December 10.12.2020th, 12.12.2020 - Saturday, December 14th, XNUMX, XNUMX p.m. - vigil 'Am Seitenkanal' in the south of Lingen, in front of the fuel element factory

    ... and the taz report from this afternoon: https://taz.de/Gericht-erlaubt-deutsche-Exporte/!5730625/ So we have to defend our rights ourselves, which is why the protest action is taking place in front of the fuel element factory on Saturday - If you have time, come by. The nuclear phase-out remains manual work. We guarantee plenty of space and distance if you bring a face mask with you :-) To...

  5. April 03, 2020 - Nuclear waste should roll again

    There are strict exit restrictions there. Urenco must now urgently show public responsibility and bindingly cancel the transport," said Udo Buchholz from the local environmental working group in Gronau. Protest actions on Monday and online petition During the last uranium waste transports, at the end of 2019, opponents of nuclear power had two uranium waste trains between Gronau and Münster with abseiling activities for several hours. ..

  6. Nov. 29, 2019 - Urenco's massive uranium waste problems

    First police summonses Meanwhile, there have been initial protests against the arrival of the last uranium waste train in Russia, including in St. Petersburg, Moscow and also at the destination of Novouralsk. According to Russian environmentalists, several people in Novouralsk were summoned by the police as a result. "It is an absurdity that Urenco, the shareholders RWE and EON...

  7. Nov. 27, 2019 - Uranium waste from Gronau reaches St. Petersburg

    from the German uranium enrichment plant in Gronau / Westphalia. The nuclear waste is now loaded onto a train for the Russian Novouralsk nuclear facility. There had already been a protest at the German consulate in St. Petersburg on Monday, as the Tagesschau reported yesterday. There were also various protests in other Russian cities over the weekend, including Novouralsk...

  8. Important newspaper articles on Atom * ... etc. from 2019

    from the German uranium enrichment plant in Gronau / Westphalia. The nuclear waste is now loaded onto a train for the Russian Novouralsk nuclear facility. There had already been a protest at the German consulate in St. Petersburg on Monday, as the Tagesschau reported yesterday. There were also various protests in other Russian cities over the weekend, including Novouralsk...

  9. THTR Newsletter No. 147 September 2016

    Nuclear waste transports from the THTR Hamm-Uentrop to Ahaus, which were carried out in the early 90s. The special trains carrying nuclear waste also rolled through Gronau at the time and triggered repeated protests. In a greeting from the citizens' initiative "No Nuclear Waste in Ahaus" to the citizens' initiative in Hamm it said: "How justified is your resistance to the THTR and the resistance to the storage of...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 137 December 2011

    She has to, because a decision is expected in January 2012. Online petitions with over 125.000 signatures, postcard campaigns by the Urgewald organization (see picture) and protest actions in 40 cities impressively document the resistance. On November 12, 2011, activists from Robin Wood, Attac and Urgewald hung over the entrance to the FDP special party conference and welcomed the...

  11. THTR Newsletter No. 118 December 2007

    the Hammer emergency services have been warned and can take certain precautions. After two requests each from the Hamm Citizens' Initiative for Environmental Protection and the Green Council Group and several protests, the Hamm city administration has finally responded with a detailed statement (0809/07) on the transport of highly dangerous uranium hexafluoride through Hamm. Our colleague Gerhard Piper...

  12. THTR Newsletter No. 117 November 07

    from 9th to 11th November in Helsinki. The participants are also calling for joint protests against the deliveries of natural uranium from Pierrelatte in southern France to Gronau/D and Almelo/NL. In addition, protests against the transport of uranium waste from Gronau and Almelo to Russia are intensifying. In 2008, for the first time, a joint European day of action against the...

  13. Entangled in the network of European uranium transports

    is apparently more likely to excite people than transporting uranium hexafluoride, which is used to make new fuel rods. Anti-nuclear initiatives in the Ruhr area and Münsterland now want to expand the protest actions. The timing for protests seems good. The uranium hexafluoride trains have been traveling unnoticed through West Germany every two weeks for years, but in December 2006...

  14. THTR Circular No. 83 July 03

    this year. The nuclear waste came from the Stade and Esenshamm (Lower Saxony), Neckarwestheim and Philipsburg (Baden-Württemberg) and Ohu (Bavaria) nuclear power plants. With various protest actions, nuclear opponents in Germany and France were able to stop the transport several times. Already on Tuesday evening, demonstrators brought the train coming from Stade shortly before the Maschen marshalling yard...

  15. THTR Newsletter No. 105 March 06

    A sign when a citizens' initiative foregoes the nostalgic celebration of its 30th birthday and instead carries out a much-noticed protest action on a very current topic at the Hammer City Reception with the Atomic Minister. You really can't "celebrate" better. But we can't completely ignore the anniversary. WDR broadcast a six-minute program on February 18th...

Results 21 - 35 from 35