1. THTR Newsletter No. 133 October 2010

    des Jülicher Geländes aufbewahrt werden. Diese Castor-Behälter müssen demnächst in das Atom-Zwischenlager in Ahaus verlegt werden, da es für deren Deponierung in Jülich nur bis 2013 eine Genehmigung gibt" (1). Inzwischen haben die finanziellen Belastungen schwindelerregende Höhen erreicht: "Die bislang aufgelaufenen Kosten für Stilllegung und Rückbau beziffert die Bundesregierung auf inzwischen...

  2. THTR Newsletter No. 129 December 09

    der GNS in Duisburg-Wanheim. Die Atomanlage grenzt direkt an ein Wohngebiet an und liegt auf halbem Weg von Jülich nach Ahaus. Am 14. November 2009 meldete die taz in Zusammenhang mit der Genehmigung für neuen Atommüll nach Ahaus, dass dieser "schwach- und mittelaktive" Atommüll laut GNS u. a. in der Duisburger Konditionierungsanlage lagerfähig verpresst wird. Die GNS nutzt u. a. sog. Mosaik...

  3. THTR Newsletter No. 128 November 09

    from Jülich are identical in construction to the containers from the Hamm high-temperature reactor already stored in Ahaus 305." (Münstersche Zeitung October 6, 10) The GNS in Ahaus has submitted its application for approval at the instigation of the Research Center (FZ) Jülich, which is getting rid of the nuclear waste wants: "'Of course we would benefit from approval in this regard,' said the FZ spokesman (Aachen...

  4. Chernobyl anniversary 2009

    Construction of new nuclear power plants in France. Felix Ruwe from the BI “No Nuclear Waste in Ahaus” also announced massive resistance to new nuclear waste transports to Ahaus. The permits for the transports are currently being processed by the Münster district government behind closed doors. Klaus Kubernus-Perscheid from the Lower Rhine Climate Alliance explained the connection between...

  5. THTR Circular No. 126 April 09

    would arise in the event of a disaster. And: The sun often shines here, the wind blows - why is so little done for alternative energy in South Africa? He had to work through a number of file folders for the PBMR approval process in just 50 days. No doubt; The nuclear industry and the state wanted to rush through the process as quickly as possible. Filmmaker Martin Herzog visits...

  6. THTR Newsletter No. 124 December 2008

    “No nuclear waste in Ahaus” was represented at the congress by Felix Ruwe and Hartmut Liebermann. "For Ahaus, the minister's statement means that the 40-year storage permit for the BZA cannot be complied with under any circumstances: at least for the THTR fuel elements stored from 1992 onwards, it ends in 2032," comments Hartmut Liebermann. Like the minister...

  7. THTR Newsletter No. 117 November 07

    RAPHAEL was very well received. Modular HTRs are recognized by experts as safe nuclear reactors. They were developed by Siemens almost 30 years ago and successfully completed the approval process in accordance with Section 1989 of the Atomic Energy Act in 7." - This miracle reactor was so successful that the THTR in Hamm had to be shut down that same year. But that's what it said... .

  8. The history of the citizens' initiative in Hamm and its posters

    negotiated on site. Numerous conversations with police officers were held in a relaxed atmosphere. * * 1977: The "Uentroper Umwelt Zeitung" When the NRW state government put the approval process for the planned light water reactor on hold, our resistance concentrated entirely on the THTR, which was under construction. So far, its impending commissioning has been...

  9. Entangled in the network of European uranium transports

    Since Urenco has a branch in Great Britain, it acquired approval there for transport in European traffic in accordance with international guidelines. This approval has been confirmed for Germany by the Federal Institute for Radiation Protection in Salzgitter. Their “Section SE 1.1 Transports” is e.g. Currently by Dr. Frank Nitsche directed. Like the federal government...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 111 March 07

    one third belongs to the energy suppliers RWE Energie and E.ON Kernkraft). However, this only applies to the current amount of 1800 t of uranium separation work. After the approval was granted in 2005 for the expansion of the nuclear facility to 4500 t of uranium separation work, the amount of uranium hexafluoride to be transported will also multiply very soon and the danger potential...

  11. THTR Newsletter No. 81 March 03

    made the auditors' hair stand on end. The federal government assured the company that it would cover almost all of the costs, without setting a timetable. After that, the approvals took a long time. It took years until the documents were available to the responsible NRW Energy Ministry. 'The papers came in pieces,' says the ministry. 'We had no experience...

  12. THTR Circular No. 84 August 03

    in power plants, safety aspects and training issues, we are doing the entire population in South Africa a favor." - Red-green ministries today use the same "arguments" to justify their approval for the current export of nuclear know-how to South Africa! As on October 27th, 10 in A VGB conference on HTR technology is taking place in Dortmund, among other things, 1987 demonstrators protested. The TAZ...

  13. THTR Newsletter No. 85 September 03

    2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 *** THTR Newsletter No. 85 Sept. 2003 Resistance on the Cape - Silence in Germany Events are moving rapidly in South Africa. The deadline to object to the approval of the environmental impact assessment for the proposed Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) expired on July 25. Numerous protests and public pressure resulted in the environmental and...

  14. THTR Newsletter No. 89 March 04

    If an objection had been lodged against the THTR at Cape Town, construction of this reactor would probably have already begun at this point. We hope that the citizens of South Africa can hold off on approval for the construction of a new THTR until the complaints committee in Hamm manages to meet. Otherwise we will complain to him.... On February 04.02.2004, XNUMX, the...

  15. THTR Circular No. 90 June 04

    Questions: 1. If such funding took place, who submitted the applications for the funding and by which body were they approved? What were the deciding factors for approval? 2. Is this funding a one-off payment from 2001 or was there other funding before or after? If this is the case, how high were these...

  16. The incident at the THTR in May 1986 in 'Spiegel'

    But what were elaborate gags in Chaplin's case were a chain of mishaps in Hamm that no engineer could have imagined. More than 100 tons of paper have been labeled for THTR approval in 15 years - with operating instructions, TÜV documents and production plans. It does not include an incident like the one on May 4th. What came out of the chimney, an estimated 90...

  17. 1988 - Lothar Hahn on the subject of proliferation in pebble bed reactors

    Locked doors until 1984 discussed security issues for the HTR module. The actual task of this uncontrollable secret body was obviously to develop a common strategy and interpretation of the security criteria in anticipation of subsequent approval procedures in order to prepare the smooth approval of the HTR module and the HTR-500. As a technical...

  18. 1986 - Lothar Hahn on the subject of safety at HTR

    Temperature. Comment: This property is not specific to HTR, but is also present in the light water reactor; Without this feature, neither the HTR nor the light water reactor would be eligible for approval. The HTR in particular needs a negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, since in the case of accidental heating - unlike the light water reactor - the moderator effect...

  19. THTR Newsletter No. 94 October 04

    2004 HKG: After the measuring strip gap in 1986, now also the memory gap! Excerpt from the chronology of the HKG on its current website: 1968/70: Founding of the HKG 05.1971: 1. Partial construction permit, construction start September 13.09.1983, 1: 09.04.1985. Nuclear chain reaction April 7, 11: Approval 16.11.1985/1 b Performance test operation November 29.09.1988, XNUMX: XNUMX. Feed-in into the public network September XNUMX, XNUMX: Shutdown for revision...

  20. THTR Circular No. 96 January 05

    always approved smoothly. This means that the state government has in fact always approved the uranium transports associated with the plant, even if it is not directly the responsible approval authority. And the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is currently carrying out an approval process for the requested expansion of the plant, the capacity is to be expanded and a so-called interim storage facility is to be created for around...

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