Action alliance Münsterland against nuclear facilities
Federal Association of Citizens' Initiatives Environmental Protection (BBU)

Oct. 13th, 2016th

Nuclear opponents disappointed with the green election platform:

- no concrete statements on the decommissioning of uranium enrichment Gronau
- no concrete statements on uranium waste storage in Gronau
- No concrete statements about the Ahaus nuclear waste interim storage facility
- No concrete statements about the stop of nuclear transport in NRW

The anti-nuclear power initiatives in the Münsterland as well as the Federal Association of Citizens' Initiatives Environmental Protection (BBU) are disappointed with the draft of the election program of the NRW Greens. It is true that there is a general call for the withdrawal from uranium enrichment in Gronau, but there are no concrete statements as to how and when this should be achieved. Neither the unanimous closure decision of the state environment ministers from June nor the offer of talks by Federal Environment Minister Hendricks (SPD) in July is mentioned. An envisaged shutdown date is also missing and there is not a word in the draft of the election manifesto for the planned opening of the new uranium waste hall in Gronau in 2017 - a new large nuclear waste storage facility for North Rhine-Westphalia, the storage of which is not limited in time.

"What the NRW Greens formulated for the state elections in 2017 on the subject of nuclear energy is completely inadequate and even falls behind the 2012 green election program and the current coalition agreement with the SPD. The real problems of uranium enrichment in Gronau, for example The supply of the Belgian nuclear power plant operator Electrabel with enriched uranium is not specifically denounced. What goes unmentioned is that in 2017 in Gronau, a huge new nuclear waste storage facility, the uranium waste warehouse, is to go into operation in North Rhine-Westphalia, the disposal of which has not yet been clarified The NRW Greens now have to act as a ruling party before the state elections instead of drafting vague election programs, "said Udo Buchholz from the BBU and Working Group Environment (AKU) Gronau.

The anti-nuclear power initiatives are also very disappointed with the part of the program on the numerous nuclear transports through North Rhine-Westphalia and to the Ahaus interim storage facility for nuclear waste. "Although there is again the formulation that the highly radioactive nuclear waste from Jülich should only be transported once, namely to a repository. But the transport of the 152 castors to the Ahaus interim storage facility is not explicitly rejected, Ahaus is not considered a central nuclear waste location in North Rhine-Westphalia once mentioned. There is also no demand to stop dangerous nuclear (waste) transports through NRW - that is very weak. Obviously, the green NRW party leadership is already bowing to possible coalition partners and is therefore relinquishing clear calls to abandon nuclear power, "said Matthias Eickhoff from Action alliance Münsterland against nuclear facilities.

The Münsterland anti-nuclear power initiatives will continue to demand a clear phase-out timetable for all nuclear power plants in North Rhine-Westphalia from the red-green state government in Düsseldorf. And for the election programs for the state elections next year, the initiatives demand clear and unambiguous statements from the parties about the nuclear facilities in North Rhine-Westphalia.


More info:


Search all contents of the 'reaktorpleite' search term: NRW Greens


Further to: Newspaper article 2016


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