1. Newsletter XVII 2024 - News+ April 21st - Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    zum Protest aufgerufen. Rund 100 Menschen waren dem gefolgt. Mit großen Bannern und entschlossenen Worten wollten sie zeigen: "Mit uns nicht!". Es geht um 152 Castor-Behälter, die noch am Versuchsreaktor Jülich lagern. Zwischenlager in Jülich bauen? Vertreter der großen Kirchen und des nordrhein-westfälischen Landesverbandes des BUND beteiligten sich an der Kundgebung am "Mahner", einem...

  2. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    zu sein. Das Land besitzt bisher keine kommerziell betriebenen Kernkraftwerke, betreibt aber mit dem Forschungsreaktor Maria, der am 18. Dezember 1974 kritisch wurde, einen kleinen Versuchsreaktor mit einer thermischen Leistung von 30 MW. Dieser arbeitet gegenwärtig mit nur zwei Drittel der Leistung. Bis 1968 wurde im Südwesten des Landes Uranbergbau betrieben. Die Planung neuer Kernkraftwerke...

  3. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    Kompaktreaktoren verwirklicht, weil sich etwa die Baukosten nicht mit dem Stromverkauf decken lassen. Als erstes Projekt will das deutsch-kanadische Unternehmen Dual Fluid in Ruanda einen Versuchsreaktor bauen. Am nächsten kommt der Vorstellung von SMRs aktuell die russische Akademik Lomonossow. Selbst wenn die Technologie zur Marktreife geführt wäre, müssten noch einige Jahre Entwicklungszeit...

  4. Newsletter XLV 2023 - November 5th to 11th - News+ Are Habeck, Pistorius, Baerbock an infernal trio?

    Protests announced. 152 nuclear waste containers, so-called castors, are to be brought to the Ahaus interim storage facility. The containers contain 300.000 spherical fuel elements from the decommissioned Jülich experimental reactor. There are protests against this in both Jülich and Ahaus. Jülich's mayor Axel Fuchs rejects the transports, as does his counterpart Carola Voß in Ahaus. The city of Ahaus has...

  5. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    The Jülich Research Center (FZJ) was heavily criticized: Starting next year, the FZJ wants to move the approximately 152 spherical fuel elements from its decommissioned AVR test reactor to the Ahaus interim storage facility with a total of 300.000 road transports. The FZJ and its...

  6. 1940 to 1949 - INES, NAMS and other events

    Hanford gilt als der radioaktiv am schwersten verstrahlte Ort in der westlichen Hemisphäre... 1942 Der 2. Weltkrieg... Wikipedia de Chicago Pile 1 Chicago Pile bezeichnet eine Reihe von Versuchsreaktoren. Die ersten drei dieser Reaktoren waren Teil des Manhattan-Projekts, dessen Ziel der Bau von Atombomben war. Als der Chicago Pile 1 (englisch pile ‚Stapel‘), kurz CP-1, die Kritikalität...

  7. 1970 to 1979 - INES, NAMS and other events

    davon zwei mit erhöhten Radioaktivitätsabgaben... 13. Mai 1978 (INES Klass.?) Akw AVR Jülich, DEU Wikipedia de Kugelhaufenreaktor AVR (Jülich) Ein Wassereinbruchstörfall im Jülicher Versuchsreaktor, der nur der damals niedrigsten Kategorie C zugeordnet wurde, führte zu einer hohen Kontamination des Kühlkreislaufs und des Erdreiches und Grundwassers unter dem Reaktor mit Strontium-90 und Tritium....

  8. Newsletter XXVII 2023 - July 2nd to 8th - News+ Is nuclear power experiencing a renaissance? There are also military interests behind it

    weapons systems, more than all other nuclear weapons countries combined. The civil use of nuclear power was only the second step in the nuclear age. On December 20, 1951, the American experimental reactor Arco (Idaho) generated electricity for the first time. Two years later, on December 8, 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced the Atoms for Peace program at the UN. He spoke of a...

  9. Newsletter XXIV 2023 - June 11th to 17th - News+ How the West is losing the Global South

    missed targets no longer lie with the ministries responsible for the sectors, but with the federal government as a whole... * Nuclear fusion | ITER, International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ITER: World's largest nuclear fusion experiment is getting completely out of control The world's largest fusion research project, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), is probably...

  10. Newsletter XXI 2023 - 21 to 27 May - News+ World Biodiversity Day: Will the plan to restore Europe's biodiversity fail?

    becomes. The necessary approval is expected shortly. The relocation of the 152 Castor barrels with highly radioactive fuel balls from the shut down Jülich experimental reactor to Ahaus is the option that can be implemented most quickly, said a spokesman for the nuclear waste disposal company (JEN). This is also confirmed by three federal ministries in a...

  11. Newsletter III 2023 - January 15-21 - News+ Climate Scam - Exxon knew it all

    As a result of the explosion of the moderator tank, larger amounts of radioactive substances were released in the reactor, and radioactive gases escaped into the open air. Fortunately, the experimental reactor was able to be evacuated in time. The cavern with radioactive material was initially sealed. The clean-up work only began years later and lasted until 1973. The rubble was only...

  12. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    against several companies that manufacture or use PFAS, including DuPont and 3M. The legal pressure from stricter environmental regulations worldwide is... * United States | MIK | experimental reactor | SMR 62 years ago today: The fatal nuclear accident in Idaho In a routine procedure, a reactor was supposed to be restarted in early 1961. From error to catastrophe it only took...

  13. THTR Circular No. 152, December 2019

    Reich citizens involved in the THTR Jülich dismantling An employee of the Jülich disposal company for nuclear plants was involved in the dismantling of the AVR experimental reactor for around thirteen years. “In 2017, reports emerged, including from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which classified the man as a so-called ‘Reich citizen’. (...) The authorities became aware when the man got a...

  14. THTR Newsletter No. 151 December 2018

    spoke up and viewed Schulten's work critically: “If you opposed his ideas, you got into big trouble.” He presented the problems with the HTR line. Development and construction of the experimental reactor in Jülich and the THTR 300 in Hamm-Uentrop were, as is well known, extremely difficult. Numerous unsolved technical problems plagued the scientists. There was an ongoing...

  15. Important newspaper articles on Atom * ... etc. from 2018

    Research reactor, transmutation September 10, 2018 - Belgian government approves funding for Myrrha Translate with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) * Fuel elements from experimental reactor September 05, 2018 - Nuclear waste export to the USA applied for * Radioactive contamination of concrete and Graphite components have so far been difficult to assess September 05, 2018 - Nuclear power plant dismantling: New measuring method...

  16. Studies on the THTR from 1986 to 2015

    Report that was kept secret for more than twenty years because of its highly explosive content: “Criticism of the safety devices and safety concepts of the THTR 300 in Hamm and the Jülich experimental reactor (AVR)”. Benecke and his colleagues involved (Peter Breitenlohner, Dieter Maison, Michael Reimann, Erhard Seiler) attested to the tendency of both the AVR and the THTR to...

  17. THTR Newsletter No. 145 May 2015

    Containers from the decommissioned research reactor are to be brought to the newly built interim storage facility 200 meters away in May or June. This was announced by the operator of the Experimental Reactor Association (AVR). “The major work has all been completed,” said AVR spokesman Wilfried Hubrich. 16 years after the research reactor was decommissioned, the AVR began relocating...

  18. 1988 - The "Benecke report on the THTR

    Report that was kept secret for more than twenty years because of its highly explosive content: “Criticism of the safety devices and safety concepts of the THTR 300 in Hamm and the Jülich experimental reactor (AVR)”. Benecke and his colleagues involved (Peter Breitenlohner, Dieter Maison, Michael Reimann, Erhard Seiler) attested to the tendency of both the AVR and the THTR to...

  19. March 26, 2014 - THTR research in North Rhine-Westphalia continues!

    One of the questions that arises is: what to do with the fuel elements? But Jülich is obviously also concerned with the further development of a controversial nuclear technology. The experimental reactor in Jülich was a failure. Research disaster: high-temperature reactor in Jülich At the Jülich Research Center, an experimental reactor was in operation for 20 years in which spherical fuel elements...

  20. THTR Circular No. 141 July 2013

    "Cordes announced the establishment of a new subsidiary in North Rhine-Westphalia to dismantle the THTR 1989 high-temperature reactor in Hamm, which was decommissioned in 300. In addition to the Jülich experimental reactor, which currently has 140 employees, it will also include the decommissioning area of ​​the Jülich Research Center with 220 employees." (1) Note: 1....

Results 1 - 20 from 46