1. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    auf dem Vormarsch? Weltweit stagniert die Stromerzeugung aus Kernenergie, zeigt der von einem Team um den Atomexperten Mycle Schneider erstellte und kürzlich veröffentlichte „World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2023“ (wnisr2023-v5.pdf). Während die absolute Menge des weltweit in Kernkraftwerken erzeugten Stroms im Wesentlichen unverändert geblieben ist, ist ihr Anteil am weltweiten Strommix...

  2. Newsletter LII 2023 - December 24th to 31st - News+ Nuclear power fantasy fails due to desolate industry

    Is this plan feasible? Mycle Schneider: First of all, it is not a mandatory goal, but a pledge: 22 countries promise to triple global capacity. The World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) has the characteristic of conducting empirical analysis. We're not part of the crystal ball prediction group, but if you look at the data from the last 20...

  3. Newsletter XLIX 2023 - December 3rd to 9th - News+ The language of autocracy

    The share of nuclear energy in global electricity generation even fell to its lowest level in around four decades in 2022, as the independent "World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2023" published on Wednesday shows. Renewable energies are far behind nuclear power in terms of expansion... * Climate change | Oil companies | Record winnings Naomi Oreskes: "They won't go without a fight...

  4. Newsletter XVII 2023 - April 23rd to 29th - News+ Faulty SPD, self-deception at 1,5 degrees and war as a climate destroyer

    Newsletter Some of this information was only made public under the most difficult conditions. As new information emerges, this...

  5. Newsletter XIII 2023 - March 26 to April 1 - News+ What uranium ammunition would do to Ukraine

    Newsletter Some of this information was only made public under the most difficult conditions. As new information emerges,...

  6. Newsletter XXXIX 2022 - October 01st to 08th - News+ Belgium shows problems with extending the runtimes of nuclear power plants

    were created by nuclear fission; the historic high was 1996 percent in 17,5. The numbers come from the World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2022 (WNISR) presented on Wednesday afternoon in Berlin. The publisher is the renowned nuclear energy consultant Mycle Schneider, who writes the report annually with an international team. It shows once again the...

  7. INES! What's happening?

    - Germany in Nov. 1975 Los Alamos - Forbidden City - USA in Dec. 1962 Lucky Dragon V - a Japanese fishing boat near the Bikini Atoll in March 1954 WNISR: World Nuclear Industry Status Report (WNISR) Nuclear supervision in Germany In Germany the Term refers to the nuclear regulatory and licensing authorities, which are similar to the financial administrations...

  8. Newsletter XIX 2022 - May 05th to 12th - News+ The economic consequences of the Ukraine war

    in 2030?" asks Mycle Schneider in the second part of the ntv conversation about the future of the nuclear industry. If the system then works at all: The editor of the "World Nuclear Industry Status Report" (WNISR) explains in the "Climate Laboratory", that he only knows of two nuclear projects that were able to go into operation on the planned date. The cause? Among other things, a system of corruption and...

  9. Newsletter XVIII 2022 - April 28th to May 04th - News+ wind vanes and pocket fillers in tireless use

    has no understanding whatsoever. It is astonishing how deep and wide the gap has become between the perception of the nuclear sector and reality, explains the editor of the "World Nuclear Industry Status Report" (WNISR) in ntv's "Climate Laboratory". The annual report on the state of the global nuclear industry makes it clear that nowhere is there a so-called "renaissance of...

  10. From uranium mining and processing, to nuclear research, the construction and operation of nuclear plants including nuclear power plant accidents, to dealing with nuclear waste and nuclear weapons! - Worldwide, almost, everything at a glance with Google Maps

    Gewähr“. Allerdings haben sich die Vorzeichen inzwischen erneut geändert und die Atomanlagenbauer aus den USA, Frankreich, Südkorea usw. gehen wieder „ALL IN“. März 2024 - WNISR - World Nuclear Industry Status Report - Kernenergie 2023 Neubau von Kernreaktoren weltweit erneut rückläufig https://www.worldnuclearreport.org/Nuclear-Reactor-Construction-Starts-Drop-Again-in-the-World.html China und...

Results 1 - 10 from 10