1. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    Staat. Als ehemalige Kolonialmacht hatte die Pariser Regierung stets vorteilhafte Lieferverträge mit Niger geschlossen, die französische Firma Orano kontrolliert zu Dreiviertel die Uranvorkommen. Der Putsch gefährdet nun diese einseitig vorteilhaften Deals für den französischen Atomstrom. Diese Abhängigkeit erklärt auch, warum sich Frankreich aktuell so vehement wie kaum ein zweites Land gegen...

  2. Newsletter XXXI 2023 - July 30th to August 05th - News+ Brussels buys more fire-fighting aircraft to fight forest fires

    the risks as “negligible”. In January 2012, contaminated water leaked from the "broken" reactor 4, according to the Sierra Club... August 1 France | Orange | Uranium deposits Niger coup: According to the nuclear power company, uranium deliveries are not at risk France's supply of uranium, an important raw material for the production of nuclear energy, is not at risk, declared the...

  3. Newsletter XLVI 2022 - November 16th to 23rd - News+ Now only the wisdom of the Peace of Westphalia can help

    mainly from the USA and Algeria - and then sells it on to Germany. This is "European solidarity", according to the French gas network operator GRTgaz... * United States | Uranium deposits | Coles Hill Consolidated Uranium Purchases Virginia Uranium Project Consolidated Uranium Inc. has agreed to purchase Virginia Energy Resources, the owner of Coles Hill - the largest...

  4. Newsletter XXII - May 10th to 17.05.2021th, 10 - Current News+ May XNUMXth - Cameco increases uranium purchases to fulfill contracts

    if you want to believe the traders... The English version of this world map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1fCmKdqlqSCNPo3We1TWZexPjgNDQOaLD ** The IAEA lists around 4600 uranium deposits worldwide. 1200 uranium mines are considered "dormant" and fewer than 150 uranium mines are operational. Since 2011, the price of uranium has no longer been high enough to make mines profitable. The price of uranium was...

  5. The uranium story

    - Between 1946 and 1995 the Wismut company produced 235 t. - In 2015 alone, the production volume worldwide was 60496 t of uranium ore. * The price of uranium The IAEA lists around 4500 uranium deposits worldwide. 1200 uranium mines are considered "dormant" and fewer than 150 uranium mines are operational. For years, the price per pound of uranium has no longer been sufficient to operate uranium mines profitably. The price of uranium...

  6. What is low level radioactive radiation? INWORKS study

    together as follows: 1. Natural radiation exposure: From cosmic and terrestrial radiation. 1a. Radiation from outside, for example from the sun. 1b. Radiation from within, emanating from uranium deposits in the earth, for example through escaping radon gas. These two sources of natural radiation have existed, with fairly constant values, for millions of years... The entire natural...

  7. THTR Newsletter No. 137 December 2011

    "Another way to expand the available nuclear fuel is to introduce thorium into the fuel cycle, the occurrence of which in the earth's crust is 3 times higher than the uranium deposits" (p. 95). Poland will probably not build the HTR as the first nuclear reactor. Because the first companies willing to cooperate have something different to offer: "Areva and...

  8. THTR Circular No. 136 July 2011

    Angola". Since Angola not only has huge oil deposits, but also a lot of uranium in the earth, its elites are preparing for another plundering raid against their own population. "Uranium deposits are found in the provinces of Bengo (Ucua) and Kwanza-Norte (Zenza do Itombe) and Huambo (Longonjo)" (9). The Wismut example should actually be a deterrent: 20 years of renovation have so far cost 6,5...

  9. THTR Circular No. 132 July 2010

    through Hermes guarantees from Germany. In 1978, junta chief Geisel also expressed interest in the THTR during a visit to Bonn. The goal: nuclear weapons Brazil has the sixth largest uranium deposits in the world and has invested a total of one billion dollars in reprocessing techniques. Not just to reduce the enrichment costs of uranium by 30 percent, but to be able to build atomic bombs...

  10. THTR Circular No. 127 July 09

    Uranium? Werhahn: Thorium is found in monazite deposits. The reserves would be enough to operate all the world's nuclear power plants for several hundred years. Welt Online: The uranium deposits are unlikely to last that long. Werhahn: That’s right...” Hermann Josef knows all this so precisely because he has to know it. He was with the holy creator of THTR, the professor who died in 1996...

  11. THTR Newsletter No. 102 November 05

    South Africa added: "Kriek (from PBMR Ltd, THTR-RB) saw the participation of the Vice President and three ministers as evidence of how important the government is taking the project. 'In our country, which is rich in uranium deposits, it is natural that we should use this resource for peaceful and economic purposes." The VDI article highlights the importance of suppliers for the construction of the nuclear power plant:...

  12. THTR Newsletter No. 105 March 06

    It's important "safety research" anyway." Horst Blume Further information about HTR in China in THTR newsletters No. 88 and No. 98. HTR in India Top of page India has limited uranium deposits, but very large sources of thorium that are used for high-temperature thorium reactors A small 1996 KW experimental reactor near Madras has been in operation since 30, producing thorium...

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