1. Newsletter XXXVII 2022 - September 17 to 23 - News+ Low-level ionizing radiation also poses a risk

    verheimlicht wurden: Pannen oft absonderlichster, profanster Art von den Vereinigten Staaten und Argentinien bis Bulgarien und Pakistan... ** 22. September Erneuerbar | Starkwind | Stromnetz Ungenutzte Energie: So soll Starkwind-Strom endlich auch ins Netz Der Winter naht und die Gaspreise steigen. Forschende aus Kiel haben jedoch schon länger einen Lösungsansatz entwickelt, um Gas und Heizöl...

  2. Newsletter XXXVI 2022 - September 09th to 16th - News+ permanent vigil in front of ANF Framatome in Lingen

    in a continuous loop on all channels. A "top economist" warns of difficult years for Germany: The state will be hopelessly overwhelmed and Merzthutjanix There is a risk of the power grid being completely overloaded in autumn and winter as well as inadequate electricity supplies, etc. The calculation is clear: whoever manages it, the people As is well known, making people afraid causes them to...

  3. Newsletter XXXV 2022 - September 01st to 08th - News+ No nuclear power plant runtime extensions!

    The demand for electricity is increasing, especially in countries like France, where a lot of heating is done with electricity, said the energy expert of the Rheinische Post... * Merzthutjanix | CDU | Blackout overloading the power grids CDU leader Merz warns of a "blackout" Friedrich Merz fears that lights and heating could fail throughout Germany in autumn and winter - the only way to prevent this:...

  4. Newsletter XXXII 2022 - August 07th to 13th - News+ Real existing politicians who do not do what is necessary

    ... * memory | Control power | Excess electricity Energy supply What happens to excess electricity Electricity generation from wind or solar is subject to large fluctuations. But the power grid must be stable - and so far there is a lack of energy storage. How is security of supply working? * statista.com: 2021 - US military spending around $800,7 billion United...

  5. Newsletter XXV 2022 - June 18-25 - News+ Assange case: "Black day for freedom of the press"

    for an extension of the operating times for nuclear power plants. Theoretically this would be possible - but it's not that simple. * Photovoltaic solar boom on German roofs A third more solar power was fed into the power grid at the beginning of the year. More than two million photovoltaic systems have already been installed on houses and properties. * Greenpeace | Burner Greenpeace:...

  6. Newsletter XXIII 2022 - June 01st to 09th - News+ Noam Chomsky: From Class Struggle to Green Revolution

    Exploratory paper practiced in which the CDU and the Greens did not say anything at all about the numerous nuclear facilities in North Rhine-Westphalia or the frequent nuclear transports between the Rhine and Weser... * Offshore | Power grid | Energy transition First German offshore wind farm supplies control reserve Since May 2022, Ørsted's offshore wind farm Borkum Riffgrund 1 has been providing system-stabilizing control power for the German...

  7. Newsletter XXII 2022 - May 27th to 31st - News+ The nuclear lobby is stepping on the gas again

    Think again... see for example here ↓ * Renewable | Storage High-rise buildings as batteries: Researchers turn elevators into electricity storage With the significant increase in renewable energy in our power grid, storage solutions are becoming increasingly important. Now a team has presented an interesting approach. With a strange system, elevators can turn tall buildings into batteries. * self-defense | Blockade |...

  8. Newsletter XV 2022 - April 08th to 14th - News+ Russian gas and the German energy transition: perspective yellow vests

    für den Betreiber Eon keine Option. Der Chef des Energiekonzerns hat einer Forderung der bayerischen Staatsregierung eine Absage erteilt. Atomkraft habe in Deutschland keine Zukunft. * Japan | Stromnetz | Erneuerbar | Blackout Japans Stromversorger stoppen die Einspeisung erneuerbarer Energien ins Stromnetz Japans Stromversorger versuchen, Stromausfälle zu bekämpfen. Ein Stromversorger hat...

  9. Newsletter XXVII - June 14th to 21.06.2021st, 14 - News+ June XNUMXth - The unpunished chemical war against Serbia: Who finally condemns NATO?

    Nuclear power plant after "technical error" initially from * June 18, 2021 - No eco-label for gas and nuclear: IPPNW warns of plans for EU taxonomy * Nationalization June 17, 2021 - Berlin buys back power grid from Vattenfall * June 17, 2021 - Grohnde nuclear power plant: Opponents of nuclear power criticize dismantling plans * June 17, 2021 - China confirms problems in nuclear reactor, denies radiation leaks * June 16, 2021 -...

  10. Newsletter XV - April 06th to 12.04.2021th, 06 - News+ April 2021th - German environmental aid fights against greenwashing: Now nominate the "boldest environmental lie" for the abusive Goldener Geier XNUMX award

    und schränkt demokratische Rechte ein,“ erklärt Bündnissprecherin Michèle Winkler... * Lösungen für die Energiewende 12. April 2021 - 100 Prozent erneuerbar und trotzdem stabil: So sieht das Stromnetz der Zukunft aus * Energiewende 12. April 2021 - Erneuerbare Energien in Frankreich wachsen nur langsam * 11. April 2021 - Urananreicherung im Iran - Zwischenfall in Atomanlage Natans * 11. April...

  11. Newsletter VI - February 02nd to 08.02.2021th, 02 - News+ February XNUMXnd - Green electricity - Safely through the dark doldrums

    *** News+ ** February 02nd, 2021 - Green electricity - Safe through the dark doldrums Little wind, hardly any sun - in January, wind turbines and solar systems weakened for days. How risky is this for the power grids? Climate activists had good reasons to celebrate at the beginning of the year: Vattenfall shut down its hard coal-fired power plant in the Moorburg district of Hamburg, and some power plant blocks in the Rhineland also went...

  12. Newsletter III - January 15th to 21.01.2021st, 15 - News+ January XNUMXth - New money for new nuclear reactors

    World * January 20, 2021 - Darlington Unit 3 ready for dismantling Translate with https://www.deepL.com/translator (free version) * Frequency drop January 20, 2021 - Power grid problems not due to renewables * January 20, 2021 - The nuclear danger has not been averted * January 19, 2021 - Ulm doctor about nuclear weapons: “This nonsense must come to an end!” * He just wants to play...

  13. Newsletter II - January 08th to 14.01.2021th, 08 - News+ January XNUMXth - European Organization for Cooperation in Waste Management established

    Biden should restrict nuclear weapons authority * Espionage January 10, 2021 - Vienna as a "small North Korea hotspot" * January 09, 2021 - Critical infrastructure: Massive problems in the European power grid * January 09, 2021 - Germany is looking for the super shaft * Money for final storage facility 09 January 2021, 09 - A “nuclear bonus” for communities causes discontent * January 2021, XNUMX - French nuclear regulator criticizes...

  14. The international INES rating scale and the list of nuclear power plant accidents

    If the diesel runs for a longer period of time, it can fail prematurely. During a test in another nuclear power plant, these quality defects proved to be the cause of total diesel failure. If the external power grid and the reserve grid failed (emergency power situation), the power supply for Tricastin 3/4 would not have been secured to dissipate the decay heat in the reactor core; in the worst case, there would have been a...

  15. THTR Circular No. 130 March 2010

    A total of $2008 billion was spent in 3,25. "The expenses for this technology have already consumed half of the amount needed to connect all apartments to the power grid as planned..." (5). National pride versus sustainability Because the misery is so great, an overarching idea is needed that clouds critical consciousness and puts all the problems in the...

  16. THTR Newsletter No. 123 October 08

    ESKOM switched off the electricity to XNUMX households per month. The poor population and the opponents of privatization resorted to self-help and illegally reconnected the disconnected households to the power grid. ESKOM pursues them mercilessly with the help of the state. The very moving film features the voice of activist Bongani Lubisi, who died four months after the film was finished under unexplained...

  17. THTR Newsletter No. 81 March 03

    got involved powerfully at the beginning of the 4s. At that time, ESKOM produced three quarters of South Africa's electricity. (...) Since the end of apartheid, ESKOM has connected over 10 million households to the electricity grid. During the same period, the company temporarily cut off electricity to XNUMX million South Africans because they could not pay the unreasonably high tariffs. The...

  18. THTR Circular No. 91 July 04

    yesterday and today Risen from ruin(s) 50 years ago, on June 26, 1954, for the first time in the world, nuclear power flowed into a public power grid at the Obninsk nuclear power plant near Moscow. Reason enough for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to look to the future with hope at the anniversary conference in Moscow with several hundred scientists. And where these...

  19. THTR Circular No. 106 April 06

    and the population is widely dispersed with two people per square kilometer. This means that a significant proportion live in areas that cannot be connected to the electricity grid in the foreseeable future. Renewable energies offer the solution for lighting and hot water" (6). Information days are now being held in the various regions and...

  20. THTR Circular No. 107 June 06

    out because 1.500 students blocked the hall." (From: TAZ-NRW from May 24.05.2006, 2020) Wind energy in Cape Town Top of page Wind energy from the South African west coast has recently been fed into Cape Town's power grid. The metropolis wants to be at its best by XNUMX The world will meet ten percent of its energy needs from renewable sources. This is also a victory over the...

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