1. Newsletter LVII - December 14 to 19.12.2021, 14 - News+ December XNUMX - Nobel Prize winners call for two percent disarmament for the climate

    1949 - (INES 4 - NAMS 3,8) Hanford Nuclear Factory - The secret experiment "Green Run" released 259 to 444 TBq of radioactivity... December 06, 1972 - (INES 3 - NAMS 1,6) Sellafield Nuclear Factory - one of many incidents in Sellafield... December 07, 1975 - (INES 3) Greifswald Nuclear Power Plant - An electrician triggered a short circuit on the primary side of the block transformer of block 1... 19...

  2. Newsletter LVI - December 08th to 13.12.2021th, 08 - News+ December XNUMXth - The Greens must act now

    1949 - (INES 4 - NAMS 3,8) Hanford Nuclear Factory - The secret experiment "Green Run" released 259 to 444 TBq of radioactivity... December 06, 1972 - (INES 3 - NAMS 1,6) Sellafield Nuclear Factory - one of many incidents in Sellafield... December 07, 1975 - (INES 3) Greifswald Nuclear Power Plant - An electrician triggered a short circuit on the primary side of the block transformer of block 1... 19...

  3. Newsletter LV - 01/07.12.2021/01 to XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - News+ December XNUMX - How many of our greenhouse gas emissions are we attributing to China?

    - (INES 4 - NAMS 3,8) Hanford nuclear plant - The secret experiment 'Green Run' released 259 to 444 TBq of radioactivity... December 06, 1972 - (INES 3 - NAMS 1,6) Sellafield nuclear plant - one of many accidents in Sellafield... December 07, 1975 - (INES 3) Greifswald Nuclear Power Plant - An electrician triggered a short circuit on the primary side of the block transformer of block 1... 19...

  4. Newsletter LIV - November 26th to 30.11.2021th, 26 - News+ November 30th - Solar world record: HZB tandem cell achieves almost XNUMX percent efficiency

    1949 - (INES 4 - NAMS 3,8) Hanford Nuclear Plant - The secret 'Green Run' experiment released 259 to 444 TBq of radioactivity... December 06, 1972 - (INES 3 - NAMS 1,6) Sellafield Nuclear Plant - one of many incidents in Sellafield... December 07, 1975 - (INES 3) Greifswald - An electrician in the Greifswald nuclear power plant triggered a short circuit on the primary side of the block transformer of block 1...

  5. Newsletter LIII - November 19th to 25.11.2021th, 19 - News+ November XNUMXth - Glasgow was yesterday

    1949 - (INES 4 - NAMS 3,8) Hanford Nuclear Plant - The secret 'Green Run' experiment released 259 to 444 TBq of radioactivity... December 06, 1972 - (INES 3 - NAMS 1,6) Sellafield Nuclear Plant - one of many incidents in Sellafield... December 07, 1975 - (INES 3) Greifswald - An electrician in the Greifswald nuclear power plant triggered a short circuit on the primary side of the block transformer of block 1...

  6. Newsletter LII - November 13th to 18.11.2021th, 13 - News+ November XNUMXth - The "great statesmen" of this world are puppets of the military

    ... 02.12.1949/4/3,8 - (INES 259 - NAMS 444) Hanford Nuclear Factory - The secret 'Green Run' experiment released 06.12.1972 to 3 TBq of radioactivity... 1,6/07.12.1975/3 - (INES 1 - NAMS XNUMX) Nuclear Factory Sellafield - one of many accidents in Sellafield... December XNUMXth, XNUMX - (INES XNUMX) Greifswald - An electrician in the Greifswald nuclear power plant triggered a short circuit on the primary side of the block transformer of block XNUMX...

  7. Newsletter LI - November 06th to 11.11.2021th, 06 - News+ November XNUMXth - Is this megalomania or the end of the climate crisis?

    As new information becomes available, this PDF file will be expanded and updated... Extract from the PDF file for this month: * November 01, 1983 - (INES 3) one of many incidents at Sellafield... November 03, 1997 - (INES 3) at the Japanese Tokaimura nuclear factory, 37 employees were exposed to increased radiation. November 29, 1955 - (INES 4) Idaho Falls - In the National...

  8. Newsletter L - November 01st to 05.11.2021th, 01 - News+ November XNUMXst - Immediately, immediately

    As new information becomes available, this PDF file will be expanded and updated... Extract from the PDF file for this month: * November 01, 1983 - (INES 3) one of many incidents at Sellafield... November 03, 1997 - (INES 3) at the Japanese Tokaimura nuclear factory, 37 employees were exposed to increased radiation. November 29, 1955 - (INES 4) Idaho Falls - In the National...

  9. Newsletter XLIX - October 27th to 31.10.2021st, 27 - News+ October XNUMXth - Garching reactor

    As soon as new information is available, this PDF file will be expanded and updated... Excerpt from the PDF file for this month: * October marks the anniversary of three incidents in Sellafield/Great Britain alone, as well as one incident each in the USA and Yugoslavia , France and Pakistan: October 01, 1981 (INES 3 - NAMS 1,3) one of 15 'INES 3' incidents occurred in Sellafield, in this...

  10. Newsletter XLVIII - October 21 to 26.10.2021, 21 - News+ October XNUMX - Instead of terrorizing, start a humanitarian program

    As soon as new information is available, this PDF file will be expanded and updated... Excerpt from the PDF file for this month: * October marks the anniversary of three incidents in Sellafield/Great Britain alone, as well as one incident each in the USA and Yugoslavia , France and Pakistan: October 01, 1981 (INES 3 - NAMS 1,3) one of 15 'INES 3' incidents occurred in Sellafield, in this...

  11. Newsletter XLVII - October 13th to 20.10.2021th, 13 - News+ October XNUMXth - Radiant madness

    As soon as new information is available, this PDF file will be expanded and updated... Excerpt from the PDF file for this month: * October marks the anniversary of three incidents in Sellafield/Great Britain alone, as well as one incident each in the USA and Yugoslavia , France and Pakistan: October 01, 1981 (INES 3 - NAMS 1,3) one of 15 'INES 3' incidents occurred in Sellafield, in this...

  12. Newsletter XLVI - October 07th to 12.10.2021th, 07 - News+ October XNUMXth - Nuclear power in Germany: Cleared? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!

    As soon as new information is available, this PDF file will be expanded and updated... Excerpt from the PDF file for this month: * October marks the anniversary of three incidents in Sellafield/Great Britain alone, as well as one incident each in the USA and Yugoslavia , France and Pakistan: October 01, 1981 (INES 3 - NAMS 1,3) one of 15 'INES 3' incidents occurred in Sellafield, in this...

  13. Newsletter XLV - 29.09. to 06.10.2021 - News+ September 29 - Germany's militarization: not an issue on election night

    As soon as new information is available, this PDF file will be expanded and updated... Excerpt from the PDF file for this month: * October marks the anniversary of three incidents in Sellafield/Great Britain alone, as well as one incident each in the USA and Yugoslavia , France and Pakistan: October 01, 1981 (INES 3 - NAMS 1,3) one of 15 'INES 3' incidents occurred in Sellafield, in this...

  14. Newsletter XIX - April 25th to 27.04.2021th, 25 - News+ April XNUMXth - MiK prepares for important battles to come

    Somehow we don't really remember it, even though the release of radioactivity in Harrisburg was more than twice as high as in Fukushima. Then there are Majak and Windscale/Sellafield, both in 1957, etc... NAMS - Nuclear Accident Magnitude Scale assesses the severity of a nuclear accident based on the release of radioactivity (sorted by release TBq), the costs in...

  15. Newsletter XVIII - April 20th to 24.04.2021th, 20 - News+ April XNUMXth - Expert predicts further nuclear catastrophe like in Fukushima

    Somehow we don't really remember it, even though the release of radioactivity in Harrisburg was more than twice as high as in Fukushima. Then there are Majak and Windscale/Sellafield, both in 1957, etc... NAMS - Nuclear Accident Magnitude Scale assesses the severity of a nuclear accident based on the release of radioactivity (sorted by release TBq), the costs in...

  16. April 03, 2020 - Nuclear waste should roll again

    signed a protest petition against uranium waste exports from Germany. In mid-March, the Federal Ministry of the Interior canceled a nuclear waste transport planned for the beginning of April from Sellafield in the UK to the decommissioned Biblis nuclear power plant in Hesse due to the Corona danger situation. There is currently an Easter march appeal against the continued operation of the Gronau uranium enrichment plant...

  17. Important newspaper articles on Atom * ... etc. from 2018

    Newspaper article 2018 *** 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 *** December 31st 2018 - Control of Sellafield * Climate neutral December 27, 2018 - How Europe can complete the energy transition by 2050 * Too high radiation exposure for workers December 22, 2018 - Chernobyl ruins: Safe containment is delayed again *...

  18. The uranium story

    es schon etliche: 2011 Fukushima - Japan (INES 7), 1986 Tschernobyl - UDSSR (INES 7), 1979 Three Mile Island - USA (INES 5), 1977 Belojarsk - UDSSR (INES 5) 1969 Lucens - Schweiz (INES 5), 1957 Sellafield - GB - Der Windscale Brand (INES 5), 1957 Majak - UDSSR - Der Kyschtym-Unfall (INES 6) uvm. Mehr Informationen zum Thema finden Sie hier: INES und die AKW-Störfälle * Je älter die Anlagen,...

  19. From uranium mining and processing, to nuclear research, the construction and operation of nuclear plants including nuclear power plant accidents, to dealing with nuclear waste and nuclear weapons! - Worldwide, almost, everything at a glance with Google Maps

    mit den über zweihunderttausend Toten von Hiroshima und Nagasaki... Die Uranstory Durchsuchen der reaktorpleite.de mit dem Suchwort: Uranhexafluorid 'Hanford' in den USA, 'Majak' in Russland, 'Sellafield' (Windscale) in Großbritannien und 'La Hague' in Frankreich, sind nur die bekanntesten Beispiele für den Betrieb kerntechnischer Anlagen und deren katastrophale Folgen für Umwelt und Menschen......

  20. Important newspaper articles about Atom ... * etc. from the year 2014

    Near aging nuclear power plants? * May 05, 2014 - The scandal surrounding nuclear research in Jülich *** 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 *** April 26, 2014 - Fragile land, dilapidated nuclear power plants * Contaminants in Sellafield April 22, 2014 - Nuclear waste sinks into the sea * USA - United States April 07, 2014 - Uranium mining contaminated their area: Indians get a billion dollars * April 05, 2014 - Accident in...

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