1. From uranium mining and processing, to nuclear research, the construction and operation of nuclear plants including nuclear power plant accidents, to dealing with nuclear waste and nuclear weapons! - Worldwide, almost, everything at a glance with Google Maps

    für die Bundeswehr kaufen Zwischen 1945 und 1962 führten allein die USA 210 atmosphärische Kernwaffentests durch - zunächst nur in der Wüste von New Mexico, später auf dem Bikini-Atoll im Pazifik http://www.scinexx.de/dossier-430-1.html Durchsuchen der reaktorpleite.de mit dem Suchwort: Atombombentest Wir suchen aktuelle Informationen, wer dabei helfen kann, schicke bitte eine Nachricht an:...

  2. What is low level radioactive radiation? INWORKS study

    When it was primarily about the security of the country, liability, compensation, etc. were absolute taboo topics and people didn't talk or write about them. That only changed after the nuclear tests in the Pacific. Since 1945 there have been over 2050 nuclear weapons tests worldwide... * Nuclear weapons AZ Radiation effects on people Ionizing radiation is a life-threatening cause of disease that has...

  3. The international INES rating scale and the list of nuclear power plant accidents

    Map of the nuclear world The uranium story INES, NAMS and the interference Low-level radioactive radiation?! Uranium transports through Europe The ABC operational concept INES and the disruptions in nuclear facilities 2010 to 2019 *** INES, Who the f... is INES? The International Scale of Nuclear and Radiological Events (INES) is a tool to convey to the public the safety significance...

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