1. Newsletter XIX 2022 - May 05th to 12th - News+ The economic consequences of the Ukraine war

    * Wir suchen aktuelle Informationen. Wer helfen kann, sende bitte eine Nachricht an: nukleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de *** 12. Mai RWE | erneuerbar RWE verdient dank erneuerbarer Energie mehr Der Energiekonzern RWE ist mit einem Gewinnsprung ins laufende Jahr gestartet. Vor allem dank des Ausbaus der Kapazitäten im Geschäft mit erneuerbaren Energien und dafür günstigerem Wetter verdiente der...

  2. Newsletter XLVII - October 13th to 20.10.2021th, 13 - News+ October XNUMXth - Radiant madness

    - Zehn Jahre nach der Atomkatastrophe von Fukushima: Deutsche Umwelthilfe warnt vor Renaissance der Atomkraft unter dem Deckmantel des Klimaschutzes * Hitzewelle in Frankreich 25. Juli 2019 - Energiekonzern EDF muss Atomreaktoren abschalten * 03. August 2018 - Frankreich schaltet Atomreaktoren wegen Hitze ab * 17. Januar 2017 - Atom-Frankreich versucht Blackout abzuwenden * 06. Juni 2011 -...

  3. Newsletter XLII - September 15th to 19.09.2021th, 15 - News+ September XNUMXth - Climate crisis: The cost of inaction

    Jülich". Ebenfalls am Samstag beginnt in Essen ein zweitägiges RWE-Tribunal. Auf der Tagesordnung stehen personelle und strukturelle Verflechtungen und ökonomische Abhängigkeiten zwischen dem Energiekonzern RWE und der Kommunalpolitik. Außerdem kommen die Zusammenhänge von Extremwetterlagen und RWE zur Sprache.Es werden zahlreiche Zeug*innen und Sachverständige angehört. Veranstaltungsort des...

  4. Newsletter XXVI - June 08th to 13.06.2021th, 08 - News+ June XNUMXth - The last rebellion

    against the majority * June 09, 2021 - Nuclear power: EDF gives up Dungeness B nuclear power plant * June 09, 2021 - German Environmental Aid awards the 2021 Golden Vulture for the “Brashest Environmental Lie of the Year” to the energy company RWE Around 25.000 consumers voted online: RWE Voted the most brazen environmental liar by a wide margin Greenwashing by companies harms the environment and...

  5. Newsletter XII - March 17th to 24.03.2021th, 17 - News+ March XNUMXth - Urenco: Phasing out uranium enrichment in NRW would be 'political issue of the first order'

    Almelo founded between Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain. The British and Dutch governments each own a third of URENCO, the German energy companies RWE and E.ON share the remaining third with 50% each... * Studies and endowed professorships Bruno Thomauske, the RWTH Aachen and the Gorleben report Der Chair Bruno Thomauskes...

  6. April 06, 2020 - Nuclear waste rolls through NRW

    Ruhrgebiet und einmal quer durch die Niederlande soll der Atomzug nach Amsterdam fahren. Dort wird er auf ein Schiff verladen. Ziel der deutschen Uranabfälle ist Nowouralsk. Der russische Energiekonzern unterhält dort eine Atomfabrik, in der das hochgiftige Uranhexafluorid weiterverarbeitet werden soll. Umweltschützer bezweifeln das seit Jahren und sprechen von einer »Atommüllkippe«... ***...

  7. Important newspaper articles on Atom * ... etc. from 2019

    Juli 2019 - Großbritanniens neuer Premierminister verspricht Schub für die Kernenergie Übersetzen mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version) * Hitzewelle in Frankreich 25. Juli 2019 - Energiekonzern EDF muss Atomreaktoren abschalten * 1986 sang Grönemeyer "Kinder an die Macht", 30 Jahre später drängen infantile Horrorclowns an die Macht... 24. Juli 2019 - Die Abrüstung stirbt – und...

  8. THTR Newsletter No. 148 Summer 2017

    libertarian revolutionary poet Oskar Kanehls (1888 – 1929), which were published with new commentary by Wolfgang Haug. It is even mentioned here that in the 20s the emerging energy company RWE secured monopolies and sinecures in the municipalities with the help of right-wing politicians. The often bad experiences of many people with party politicians are reflected in a mocking poem by Kanehl that...

  9. THTR Newsletter No. 147 September 2016

    Construction of the facility”. However, a decision has not yet been made anyway. The background to the protests are plans by the state nuclear company CNNC to build a reprocessing plant together with the French energy company Areva. The two companies agreed on construction in 2012, but have not yet named a location” (16). Notes (1)...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 142 December 2013

    Nuclear Lies: Indian film needs donations THTR fuel elements are prime nuclear bomb material! THTR: The costs of decommissioning Accidents in the Hamm coal-fired power plant SPD coal power makes energy companies happy Dear readers! Effects of nuclear power in India: Deceived, displaced, sick and impoverished In the film documentary “High Power”, interviews with local residents illustrate...

  11. THTR Circular No. 138 April 2012

    The working group should present this to the shareholders of the research center and the responsible supervisory authorities by the end of the year” (4). – Nothing but nice words and cheap promises! Energy companies buy their professorships - after 3 years the taxpayer pays! In the introduction, Dieter Deiseroth addresses an often neglected aspect of the influence of large corporations on...

  12. THTR Newsletter No. 137 December 2011

    "It is possible that mentioning a name has a negative impact on the ongoing contract negotiations." -- So the federal government has to grovel before a powerful energy company for a few million euros a year! This is only a very limited payment agreement until 2017 . Then the drama starts again anyway. How high...

  13. THTR Newsletter No. 133 October 2010

    Socialist Group in the European Parliament Barbara Simonis declared on September 7, 9: "The desired 'technical-scientific exchange of experience' with South Africa's state energy company is a conspiratorial collaboration with the racist regime (1987)". Incidentally, the above-mentioned ESKOM (from South Africa!) is still a “regular member company” of the...

  14. THTR Circular No. 125 February 09

    (PBMR)? - Here is the long version of the report: "South Africa has initially given up on the planned expansion of its nuclear power plants due to increased capital costs. The state energy company Eskom announced on Friday that the planned construction of a second pressurized water reactor had been canceled. The French Areva was in the final selection -Group and the US manufacturer Westinghouse....

  15. Newspaper clippings (2009)

    Hamm, huge sums of money in decommissioning operations alone every year. According to Blume, of the annual costs of over 5,6 million euros, Hochtemperaturreaktor Kernkraft GmbH, in which the energy company RWE has a significant stake, only covers 166666 euros. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the federal government must cover the rest in equal shares. This payment agreement expires on December 31, 2009...

  16. THTR Newsletter No. 111 March 07

    Taken from Earthlife Africa from 2002. Earthlife Africa is one organization in the impressively long list of national opponents of the project. They write: "ESKOM, the South African energy company, is not a reliable partner. At the beginning of 2006, the Cape region was plagued by severe power outages and narrowly escaped a major reactor accident at the Koeberg nuclear power plant, nearby...

  17. THTR Circular No. 83 July 03

    The dispute over Bulmahn's answer will continue in the next editions of the newsletter. In the next issue we will look in detail at the South African energy company ESKOM and at VEW/HKG's relations with South Africa. And there are a few surprises waiting for us... The possible ones write about the proliferation risks of the PBMR in South Africa...

  18. THTR Circular No. 84 August 03

    Socialist Group in the European Parliament Barbara Simonis declared on September 7, 9: "The desired 'technical-scientific exchange of experience' with South Africa's state-owned energy company is a conspiratorial collaboration with the racist regime." In contrast, the social democratic supervisory board members at RWE appeared to be extremely uninformed and uninterested...

  19. THTR Circular No. 88 February 04

    Letter has not yet been answered, for which I ask for your indulgence. I would like to comment on the questions you have raised as follows: There is no cooperation between the Foreign Office and the South African energy company ESKOM. According to information from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which is responsible for the Jülich Research Center (FZJ), there is rather...

  20. THTR Newsletter No. 89 March 04

    new investors to replace the already withdrawn companies Exlelon (USA) and British Nuclear Field Limited (BNFL). South African environmental activists have now revealed that the energy company Areva Group is supposed to deliver the new HTRs to Koeberg. This French holding company called Areva, founded in 2001, includes Framatome ANP and Cogema, the Framatome subsidiary FCI and...

Results 41 - 60 from 61