1. Newsletter V - 27.01. - 01.02.2021/27/XNUMX - News+ January XNUMXth - Crediting in the EU budget: Fusion costs nice climate balance

    The pharmaceutical industry and the energy industry are considered to be sectors with particularly great lobbying power. The energy industry, especially the four large energy companies in Germany (RWE, EON, EnBW and Vattenfall), had to initially phase out nuclear energy for the first time in 2000 with the “agreement between the federal government and the energy supply companies” (nuclear consensus)...

  2. Nuclear Technical Relief Service GmbH

    can. This is how the Nuclear Technical Relief Service (KHG) was founded in 1977 as a private company. Mr. Walter Fall acts as managing director. Shareholders today include AREVA, EnBW, E.ON, RWE, Vattenfall, the Karlsruhe reprocessing plant and the Jülich Research Center. The auxiliary service includes 24 permanent staff, who are reinforced by 164 men in the event of an emergency...

  3. The uranium story

    www.chessmail.de (Vabanque - May 09, '19) * Who or what is the... nuclear lobby Quote from Wikipedia:... The energy industry, especially the four large energy companies in Germany (RWE, EON, EnBW and Vattenfall) , in 2000 the “agreement between the federal government and the energy supply companies” had to be the first phase-out of nuclear energy...

  4. THTR Circular No. 138 April 2012

    in Bavaria alone 114 and in Baden-Württemberg 103”. (Page 18) “The corporations have largely agreed on regional responsibilities when financing these professorships. EnBW is active in Baden-Württemberg, Vattenfall in the new federal states, RWE in Aachen and E.ON in Munich. The energy company EnBW alone holds eleven endowed professorships at German universities. E.ON donated...

  5. THTR Circular No. 136 July 2011

    Company representatives and scientists from the two countries met together. The economic forum, to which up to 200 representatives travel to initiate business, is sponsored by RWE, Eon and Enbw, among others. At the 2nd German-Angolan Economic Forum on February 27, 2, a declaration of intent regarding a strategic partnership was signed between the two countries, which also...

  6. THTR Newsletter No. 129 December 09

    Radioactively contaminated materials will be cleaned and processed for the interim storage facility in Gorleben and, from now on, Ahaus." The GNS is a subsidiary of the nuclear companies (48% EON, 28% RWE, plus EnBW + Vattenfall). The GNS also operates in North Rhine-Westphalia, among other things, in the decommissioned Würgassen nuclear power plant on the Weser is another conditioning plant for the dismantling of the nuclear power plant. The GNS is also strongly represented in Jülich...

  7. Chernobyl anniversary 2009

    impede. He called for an accelerated switch to renewable energies. Matthias Eickhoff from the Münsterland Action Alliance Against Nuclear Plants criticized the fact that the four energy companies RWE, EON, EnBW and Vattenfall want to prevent the nuclear phase-out. He called for participation in the nationwide anti-nuclear demonstration on September 5th in Berlin. Already tomorrow at 14 p.m. before the...

  8. THTR Newsletter No. 116 September 07

    Change of government announced to the public on the Internet: A so-called “HGF doctoral seminar” on the topic of “nuclear security research” will take place with the subsequent awarding of the EnBW seminar prize for the best presentation. In plain language: Here the nuclear industry recruits willing nuclear scientists and the Helmholz Association acts as an overarching nationwide...

  9. THTR Newsletter No. 109 November 2006

    'The minister is making herself the bailiff of the large electricity companies.' There was no other way for him to explain the NRW state government's leadership on the paper. Only the energy giants E.on, RWE and EnBW benefited from an extension of the terms." The Greens now have to watch powerlessly as even the extremely inadequate "nuclear phase-out" that they helped initiate just a few months after...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 76 September 02

    the federal government agreed (unlawfully) not to require any costly safety upgrades in the future. While the nuclear power plant operators such as RWE, E.ON, EnBW and HEW were satisfied with the "nuclear consensus", this federal government supported the nuclear power plant manufacturer Siemens with numerous Hermes guarantees for its nuclear exports abroad. Such...

  11. THTR Newsletter No. 102 November 05

    To oppose the renaissance of nuclear energy and to advocate for the further consistent expansion of renewable energies as an alternative. The dirty game played by E.ON, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall must end. From: www.ausgestrahlt.de Successful demonstration on November 05.11.2005th, 100 in Lüneburg Top of page With two buses and more than XNUMX opponents of nuclear power, initiatives from...

  12. THTR Circular No. 104 January 06

    the most important physical capital of the energy companies. They get this refinanced by their customers with high pass-through fees. However, the four regional monopolists E.on, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall at least have an obligation to ensure that this network works. This was obviously not the case at RWE in Münsterland, and now consumer advocates, customers and politicians are asking...

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