1. Newsletter XXVIII 2022 - July 11 - 16 - News+ What's next for the protest, Lina Schinköthe?

    in the early hours of July 10 in the city of Foz do Iguaçu in the southern state of Paraná. PT member Arruda was celebrating his 50th birthday at the city's sports center when Federal Criminal Police officer Jorge Guaranho ended the celebration with his shots. Arruda, also armed, shot back. Guaranho was wounded and has been lying in a local...

  2. Newsletter XV 2022 - April 08th to 14th - News+ Russian gas and the German energy transition: perspective yellow vests

    immer mindestens zweimal in den Zeitungen, einmal dafür und einmal dagegen. Mir reicht's, ab jetzt heißt er hier nur noch Kini Jödler, der mit dem Presse-Echo gesegnete Jodelkönig von Bayern. * Beamte belagern Wikipedia: Sie schreiben über Habeck und den NSU und beleidigen Journalisten Über die Netze deutscher Behörden wurden Tausende Änderungen in der Wikipedia vorgenommen. Die Urheber bleiben...

  3. Newsletter X 2022 - March 07th to 11th - News+ Will the world end sooner than capitalism?

    zu liefern. Anlass ist die Sorge um die Sicherheit ukrainischer Atomkraftwerke im Kriegsgebiet... * Lobby Auftrag: Bundestag Die Lobby-Armada der Ex-Politiker Viele ehemalige Politiker und Beamte arbeiten als Berater für eine Lobbyfirma. Die vertritt große deutsche und internationale Konzerne. Auch der ehemalige SPD-Abgeordnete Johannes Kahrs gehört dazu... * Ukraine Der Stärkere soll...

  4. Newsletter XL - September 06th to 09.09.2021th, 06 - News+ September XNUMXth - The kingdom of death: Profits in the billions and "cool military commanders"

    Until 2017, an investigation was carried out against managers of Atlas Elektronik and the defense company Rheinmetall on suspicion of having paid nine million euros in bribes to Greek politicians and officials in order to stimulate the sale of submarine equipment to Greece. Atlas reported the suspicion himself. In January 2014, the former Greek representative from...

  5. Newsletter XXXIX - 31.08. to 05.09.2021 - News+ August 31st - Armed, corrupt and criminal

    Until 2017, an investigation was carried out against managers of Atlas Elektronik and the defense company Rheinmetall on suspicion of having paid nine million euros in bribes to Greek politicians and officials in order to stimulate the sale of submarine equipment to Greece. Atlas reported the suspicion himself. In January 2014, the former Greek representative from...

  6. Newsletter XXXVII - 20/25.08.2021-20/XNUMX - News+ XNUMX August - IAEA safety guarantee for Fukushima water release begins

    which was offered to him when he visited the power plant in 2020. The decision was made because operator TEPCO was running out of water storage space at the site, Japanese officials said. In doing so, the government in Tokyo not only antagonized environmentalists and fishermen's groups from Fukushima Prefecture, who were decidedly against discharging the contaminated Fukushima water into...

  7. Newsletter XIX - April 25th to 27.04.2021th, 25 - News+ April XNUMXth - MiK prepares for important battles to come

    afflicted world without law enforcement, military, (nuclear) industry, jobs and security, so "no future" for the following generations. Meanwhile, senior military officials, politicians, civil servants, journalists and other employees - beneficiaries of the MiK system - are increasing the pressure on dissidents, bar by bar; Of course, without a receipt and certainly without leaving any traces behind. Lie...

  8. Important newspaper articles on Atom * ... etc. from 2018

    through nuclear power? *** 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 *** March 28, 2018 - Energy transition in France via electricity storage? * Nuclear power as retirement provision March 21, 2018 - How pension reserves for civil servants are invested in nuclear power plants * France wants to sell India 6 Evolutionary Power Reactor EPR... March 15, 2018 - India: Agreement with France for six EPR at the Jaitapur site *...

  9. Central support group of the federal government

    and advice provided by the Central Services Department (ZD). Requests for support are received by the permanent criminal service (24/7 service) and forwarded by them to the on-call officer in the ZD department Berlin-Karlshorst...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 147 September 2016

    and accused the government of not acting transparently. According to eyewitnesses, there were also violent clashes between police and demonstrators. The officials are said to have acted brutally. The protests were not officially confirmed. Even now, the short statement only says that there is “controversy surrounding the construction of the facility.” One...

  11. THTR Circular No. 134 January 2011

    Service provider To get a first impression of who is so persistently committed to thorium reactors, let's look at what Wikipedia has to say about Hans-Georg Wieck: "From 1954 to 1993 he was an official at the Foreign Office. Among other things, he was ambassador to Iran USSR and India as well as Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany in the North Atlantic Council (NATO). He was also...

  12. THTR Newsletter No. 129 December 09

    and other VEW customers who were allowed in at the back door of the VEW building. The situation only changed when a patrol car called by the VEW arrived. We saw the officials talking to VEW employees, then they came to us, only complained about the trumpet blown by a demonstrator (violation of the Immission Control Act), and suddenly Sesame opened...

  13. Entangled in the network of European uranium transports

    The state police take part in monitoring the transport of dangerous goods. However, the police are targeting road transport rather than rail transport. In Saarland, 6 officers form the dangerous goods squad at the traffic police inspection (VPI). In Rhineland-Palatinate, 56 officers from the central traffic surveillance and the police highway service are responsible. North Rhine-Westphalia...

  14. THTR Circular No. 82 April 03

    important support to those involved in the discovery. A working group led by Professor Arthur Scharmann from the University of Giessen became aware of the absurd statements made by Schleswig-Holstein officials about the origin of plutonium. The nuclear energy experts wanted to know exactly - they took and analyzed soil samples from both banks of the Elbe and found "spheres" that...

  15. THTR Circular No. 83 July 03

    had arrived. While one group demonstrated at the train station with banners, others drove to a vigil at the railway crossing in the suburb of Peitre. French police officers, including several officers from the special force prepared for civil wars, initially prevented nuclear opponents from getting onto the tracks. But a few hundred meters away, some demonstrators managed to...

  16. THTR Newsletter No. 85 September 03

    The Legal Resources Center commissioned the local activist group Earthlife Africa to produce a 150-page legal analysis containing expert testimony from recognized scientists and government officials. The allotted time for public comments had now ended. The environmental impact assessment has been circulated for comment in the following affected provinces...

  17. THTR Circular No. 92 August 04

    relies on toughness when dealing with opponents of nuclear power: two demonstrators were arrested late on Sunday afternoon without any reason, according to anti-nuclear initiatives from Münsterland. “I wanted to register a demonstration with the local officials,” says Matthias Eickhoff, spokesman for the group Resistance to Nuclear Facilities (WIGA) from Münster. "I was then taken to the police station by three police officers...

Results 21 - 37 from 37