1. THTR Newsletter No. 124 December 2008

    News from the nuclear phase-out: "Extreme reactivity accidents" Top of page The nuclear phase-out is still a valid agreement in the Federal Republic of Germany. Nevertheless, research into nuclear energy continues. Especially on high-temperature reactors. When it comes to safety, its inventors and developers are expecting the very worst for this reactor line. The Rhenish...

  2. THTR Circular No. 122 August 2008

    continue to work on nuclear power. This is particularly true for the Federal Republic of Germany, where they want to build on the development of the THTR. In 2006, Russia and China joined the GIF. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) started a similar initiative with its own financial resources in 2001: INPRO (3), which it founded, agreed to cooperate with the GIF, so that a total of 28...

  3. THTR Newsletter No. 121 May 08

    for the future. They can't even deal with the ruins of the former prodigies. It continues to be massively suppressed, covered up and hidden in order not to disturb the positive ideal of nuclear energy. Horst Blume from BI Hamm reported on the missing cancer study and the possible THTR demolition. A week later, these topics were discussed at the well-attended spring conference of...

  4. THTR Newsletter No. 116 September 07

    "Gabriel: "Now it's important not to have permanent doubts about this exit agreement, but rather to implement it and ensure the future of our energy supply without nuclear energy." Hohlefelder: "Without wanting to offend anyone, I believe in the formula the irreversibility of the exit is foolish. It is presumptuous for our generation to...

  5. The history of the citizens' initiative in Hamm and its posters

    einen langfristigen, zähen Widerstand einstellen. Die gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen und Zaunkämpfe um das AKW Brokdorf verschärften nicht nur das Klima zwischen Befürwortern und Gegnern der Atomenergie, sondern die bewegungsinterne Debatte über die Gewaltfrage wurde leider zu einem alles dominerenden Streit. * 1977: Die BI erhält den Schalom-Preis Nachdem die quasi-militärischen...

  6. THTR Circular No. 115 August 07

    Recently, increased office activities have been observed at universities. The “Bochum Student Newspaper” wrote: “Perhaps they believe that their glorification of atomic energy and other technical solutions will appeal to students and scientists in the natural sciences and engineering” (9). In Bochum in particular, professors and other teachers are...

  7. THTR Circular No. 114 June 07

    have been completed. The cooperation agreements of all the companies involved have not yet been concluded. Therefore, the final version of the plans cannot be submitted to the South African Atomic Energy Authority before the end of 2007. It can be assumed that this authority will need at least two years to examine the documents. Construction could therefore begin in 2010 at the earliest...

  8. THTR Newsletter No. 111 March 07

    Companies - especially from North Rhine-Westphalia - were significantly involved in the development and construction of these inhumane weapons. And that the myth about the peaceful use of nuclear energy is a shameless lie. And above all: without URENCO's German-Dutch uranium enrichment plants, this disastrous development could not have taken its course. -- Similar...

  9. THTR Newsletter No. 76 September 02

    insists on "exit" Top of page Why the nuclear power lobby called back Chancellor candidate Stoiber From the perspective of environmental associations and the nuclear-critical doctors' organization IPPNW, the nuclear energy policy of the red-green federal government is a disaster. One might be tempted to dismiss the associations' criticism as exaggerated - if it weren't for the Union's candidate for chancellor, Edmund Stoiber. This...

  10. THTR Circular No. 79 January 03

    I put my hands in my lap and just had to wait. The opposite is the case. The nuclear industry and its lackeys in research and science continue to work undeterred on highly dangerous nuclear energy and want to put their plans into practice! The attention that has now arisen in the media and the demands from critical environmentalists and journalists will make it more difficult for them...

  11. THTR Circular No. 80 February 03

    a high-temperature reactor. Since ESKOM aims to export the newly developed high-temperature reactor, not only the South African regulatory authority but also the International Atomic Energy Agency is concerned. Construction has not yet started. 4. If so, what will be the safety of this nuclear technology, especially with regard to the possible use of...

  12. THTR Newsletter No. 81 March 03

    admits, are the lowest in the world - an additional incentive to build thermal power plants with their high carbon dioxide emissions. The company invests 25 times as much money in nuclear energy as in renewable energies and, with the blessing of the World Bank and Nepad, is involved in mega projects throughout Africa such as the construction of gigantic hydroelectric power plants, namely in Angola, Botswana, Cameroon,...

  13. THTR Circular No. 84 August 03

    The conference organized by ESKOM in Johannisburg on November 9, 1987 was scheduled to include a lecture by the chairman of the board of the VEW and the deputy chairman of the VGB, Klaus Knizia. The topic of nuclear energy was not officially on the agenda. But according to TAZ, Knizia “is known to never miss an opportunity to heat up the nuclear power business.” Dr. Marnet, board member of Düsseldorf...

  14. THTR Newsletter No. 89 March 04

    The ministers and state secretaries sitting at the research center learn here - if necessary with the help of tried and tested trainers - the complicated science of why this country is phasing out nuclear energy and at the same time millions of euros still have to be invested in HTR research. For some this still remains difficult to understand and that's why they are here...

  15. THTR Circular No. 91 July 04

    50 years ago, on June 26, 1954, nuclear power flowed into a public power grid for the first time in the world at the Obninsk nuclear power plant near Moscow. Reason enough for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to look to the future with hope at the anniversary conference in Moscow with several hundred scientists. And where this hope is linked to tangible economic...

  16. THTR Newsletter No. 93 September 04

    USA, also affected targets in South Africa." On September 06.09.2004, XNUMX, the ND reported: "After arrests of nuclear smugglers in South Africa, Germany and the USA, representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency have now traveled to Pretoria to put a stop to a global syndicate. The syndicate is supposed to supply uranium and components necessary to set up nuclear weapons production...

  17. THTR Newsletter No. 94 October 04

    justify it and thereby deny any responsibility of their own. The Euratom Treaty of 1957 is the only one of the four founding treaties of the EU that was never changed and thus the promotion of nuclear energy was enshrined. The nuclear industry has made the EU its very own instrument. So nothing other than unconditional nuclear support can come from here - unless...

  18. THTR Circular No. 96 January 05

    (UAA), writes the “Junge Welt” on January 21.01.2005, XNUMX. There has been new movement in the discussion about the future of the Gronau uranium enrichment plant. The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Mohamed El Baradei is calling for a global five-year moratorium on uranium enrichment because uranium enrichment is...

  19. THTR Circular No. 97 February 05

    could be endured and processed. It became clear to many of those involved in the actions that, as producers or consumers, they were also involved in the conflict over nuclear energy on an economic level. As a result of this self-reflection, alternative businesses, ecological research institutes, future workshops and alternative energy systems emerged. From the original...

  20. THTR Newsletter No. 98 March 05

    Generation can probably be expected in 30 years. It is expected that the agreement will also be signed by Argentina, Brazil, Switzerland, South Korea and South Africa as well as the EU atomic energy authority Euratom in the coming months." (From: Neues Deutschland, March 2, 3) Work by FZ Jülich of the HTR line Top of page In THTR-RB No. 2005 from August 92 there is a list of 2004...