1. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    sich einige der letzten noch verbliebenen Urwälder Europas. Ikea dürfe diese "nicht für Möbel zerstören", sagte Greenpeace-Waldexpertin Gesche Jürgens. "Alte Wälder sind für die Gesundheit des Planeten unverzichtbar und müssen sofort geschützt werden." Ikea müsse gegen den Raubbau vorgehen, forderte sie... * Subventionen | Arbeitsplätze | Transformation Stellenstreichungen bei ThyssenKrupp: Und...

  2. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    die chinesische Seite betont, dass Angebot und Nachfrage global betrachtet werden müssten. Schließlich konzentriere sich die Kritik des Westens auf Industrien, die für die Klimaziele des gesamten Planeten entscheidend seien. Dieses Argument verfängt auch bei westlichen Ökonomen. "Wenn man [über den Vorwurf der Überkapazitäten] nachdenkt, bedeutet das, dass jedes Land nur das produzieren sollte,...

  3. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    gegen noch eine Metapher haben) aus den Nähten zu platzen. Und es scheint nicht enden zu wollen, oder? Man muss sich nur klarmachen, dass 32 Jahre, nachdem die USA die letzte Supermacht auf dem Planeten Erde geworden sind, dieses Land in einem verheerenden politischen Chaos tatsächlich einen Mann wiederwählen könnte, der vorhat, eine kommende amerikanische "Diktatur" anzuführen... 3. April...

  4. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    Namen eines aufgemöbelten Fortschritts konsumieren wir fröhlich weiter und zehren – in Reichweite von Krieg und Umweltkatastrophen – von der wohltätigen Illusion der Freiheit. Und strapazieren den Planeten wie gehabt mit an Sturheit grenzendem Zivilisationsoptimismus. Bis an sein absehbares Ultimo. Fossile Brennstoffe, Eisen und Stahl, die herkömmliche Elektrizität - vielgeschmähte Triade -...

  5. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    gegen Hersteller von Plastik und Düngemittel. Denn die Klimakrise bedrohe die Menschheit. Er heisst Michael Bloomberg, war Bürgermeister von New York und ist der elftreichste Mensch auf unserem Planeten. Seitdem er kein öffentliches Amt mehr bekleidet, zeigt er sich mit seinen 81 Jahren umso kämpferischer. Für seinen Kampf gegen die Kohle- und Gasindustrie hat er bisher eine halbe Milliarde...

  6. Newsletter VII 2024 - February 11th to 17th - Current+ super election year in the crucial climate decade

    of over 370 million. Climate crisis far down on the priority list A surprisingly large proportion of humanity believes that climate change represents a serious crisis for our planet. According to the current Trust Barometer from the PR agency Edelman, it is 93 percent. However, significantly fewer people are in favor of concrete climate protection measures. So over 70 percent...

  7. Newsletter V 2024 - January 28th to February 3rd - Current news + US foreign policy: Profit over peace?

    We live in a plastic age. Since plastic's rise to fame in the 1960s, the extremely versatile material has spread to the most remote corners of our planet, from the polar regions to the depths of the oceans. Even if the damage to the environment, biological diversity and people is now evident - a peak of the ever-increasing...

  8. Newsletter III 2024 - January 14th to 20th - Current news + Psychological explanations for doing nothing

    to reduce the CO2 concentration in the air and store the carbon permanently. Without these efforts, the global community's climate goals would likely be missed and our planet would continue to heat up. However, previous processes for this so-called CO2 capture often require high temperatures, high pressure and a lot of energy overall. They are also usually not very efficient...

  9. Newsletter LI 2023 - December 17th to 23rd - Current news + steps towards climate change, unsettled OPEC and loving politics

    Wikipedia Climate change Climate change, also climate change, climate change or climate change, is a global change in the climate on Earth or Earth-like planets or moons that have an atmosphere. The cooling or warming associated with climate change can occur over different periods of time. An important distinguishing feature is...

  10. Newsletter XLVIII 2023 - November 26th to December 2nd - Current News+ Greenwashing at COP28: How corporations lobby against climate goals

    Nevertheless, the topic is controversial at the UN climate conference. How do the world powers China and the USA position themselves? At the World Climate Conference in Dubai, the planet's two biggest climate sinners, China and the USA, spoke out in more detail for the first time. The two world powers, otherwise at odds on many issues, agreed to ignore the proverbial elephant in the room:...

  11. THTR Circular No. 156, December 2023

    In recent decades, an important nature reserve has emerged from the diamond mining area, in which "an endemic, extraordinary fauna and flora develops that is unique on our planet," writes Kohrs. "The area is home to 20 percent of all plant species in Namibia on just 2 percent of the country's area." Conservationists were not involved in the decision-making...

  12. Newsletter XLVII 2023 - November 19th to 25th - News+ Spectacular setback for the development of small nuclear reactors in the USA - The dead horse

    The global average was already 86 days warmer than 1,5 degrees compared to pre-industrial times. The UN Environmental Program (UNEP) has calculated that the air on the planet's surface has already warmed by 1.2 degrees. This warming also includes the air above the oceans. Temperatures on land are about twice as high. That's why in Germany it's already over two...

  13. Newsletter XLIV 2023 - October 29th to November 4th - News+ Uranium exports from Lingen to Russia violate EU law - study by the Greens justifies the possibility of a ban

    - April 2, 2023 - 2:15 OUTRAGE ABOUT NUCLEAR DEAL: Russian-French joint venture produces fuel elements * ZDF Frontal21 - August 12, 2017 - 8:29 German nuclear transports to Russia * ZDF planet e - August 31, 2016 - 28:28 Germany's secret nuclear transports Playlist - Radioactivity worldwide... This playlist contains over 150 videos on the topic The search engine Ecosia plants...

  14. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    in all areas of the environment, which will continue to accumulate over the next few years until it is no longer low-level radiation, but highly dangerous for all life on this planet. October 19th Wind Energy | Solar energy | Coal-fired power generation Over 100 billion kWh of wind power 2023: Wind energy is the most important source of energy in Germany - Decline in coal-fired power generation Münster - The...

  15. Newsletter XXXIX 2023 - September 24th to 30th - News+ “Populist, verbally radical, ethnic” – and no end in sight

    from the Mecklenburg coast, was the first large offshore park in the world. It is now 20 years old and has therefore reached its projected lifespan. Gift to Planet Earth It all started in 1998. At that time, the Danish Energy and Environment Minister Svend Auken pathetically announced that the Kingdom of Denmark would build huge wind farms at sea...

  16. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    The extinction of so many higher levels of the family tree would have taken around 18.000 years. The life tree therefore has larger gaps than previously assumed. Throughout its history, our planet has repeatedly experienced major mass extinctions, in which up to 75 percent of the entire living environment died out. The triggers were often climate changes caused by extreme volcanism or...

  17. Newsletter XXXVII 2023 - September 10th to 16th - News+ How Germany is ruining the climate with billions in gifts to industry

    For more than 50 years, the oil giants have lied to us and concealed the fact that they have long known how dangerous the fossil fuels they produce are to our planet," said California Governor Gavin Newsom. California now wants to “hold the big polluters accountable”... * AfD | CDU | Merzthutjanix Right-wing tussle Union and AfD...

  18. Newsletter XXXVI 2023 - September 3rd to 9th - News+ Scientist predicts brutal “population correction” later this century

    and the use of fossil energies, humanity has so far been able to achieve exponential growth. In the last two centuries, humanity has increased from one billion to 8 billion on a limited planet, which corresponds to a 100-fold increase. But that won't be a long-term solution, and homo sapiens should gradually know that. The people...

  19. Newsletter XXXIV 2023 - August 20th to 26th - News+ The sun will shine for another 4,5 billion years

    achieved and the measures necessary for effective climate protection were taken. It should be about: How can we secure the future of our generation, but also of all future generations on this planet? Instead of talking about it, many people, including those in the parties, are now concentrating on criticizing climate activists. This is a shift in the discourse. I think so...

  20. Newsletter XXXIII 2023 - August 13th to 19th - News+ Military coup in Niger: Uranium mining and environmental destruction as deeper reasons?

    Celsius compared to pre-industrial times, but hopefully still within the much-vaunted two-degree target. If everyone made enough effort, the green transition could still be achieved before the planet becomes largely uninhabitable. But what if that's not true? When in reality control over the unleashed force of nature has long since slipped away? Last week it came...

Results 1 - 20 from 76