1. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    auf Kosten von Sozialleistungen zu finanzieren, müssen wir die Einnahmen des Staates stärken. Wir brauchen eine Reform der Schuldenbremse und höhere Steuereinnahmen." Engelmeier nannte eine Übergewinnsteuer für Unternehmen, eine Reform der Erbschaftssteuer und eine Vermögenssteuer für Superreiche. * Vereinigte Staaten | Lobbyist | schuldig US-Waffenlobby: Ehemaliger NRA-Chef wegen Veruntreuung...

  2. Newsletter XIII 2023 - March 26 to April 1 - News+ What uranium ammunition would do to Ukraine

    Huge “gravity batteries” could store up to 70 terawatts of energy. That's enough to cover the world's entire daily electricity consumption... * Fossil industry | California | Excess profits tax California punishes oil multinationals for excessive profits Governor Gavin Newsom signs bill - State control agency planned California Governor Gavin Newsom has...

  3. Newsletter XI 2023 - March 12th to 18th - News+ 12 years after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima – What have we learned from it?

    But even though the alarming figures have been known within the government for a year, it still says: "Data is not currently available." * Constitutional complaint | Proceeds skimming | Excess profit tax Lichtblick is suing against the skimming of proceeds - inadmissible special levy Hamburg - The energy supplier Lichtblick, together with 25 other operators of solar, wind and biomass power plants, has...

  4. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    January 2023 begins. According to TVO, the identified damage to the pumps would have no impact on nuclear safety... * Excess profit tax | traffic light | Energy company SPD boss Esken: Excess profits tax must not be “diluted” After the Greens, the SPD also has doubts as to whether the plans of Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) are sufficient. He wants a third of the extra winnings as...

  5. Newsletter XLV 2022 - November 08th to 15th - News+ Penalties for activists - And what about the climate?

    then have to roof over half of their area within five years. Larger car parks with more than 400 spaces have three years to do this... * Gas ​​crisis | billion profit | Excess profit tax Gas crisis causes billions in profits for RWE For months, companies like RWE have made big money from energy prices. Now the federal government wants a share of the...

  6. Newsletter XL 2022 - October 09th to 15th - News+ In the hyperloop of excitement

    explained Scholz. The Federal Ministries of Economics and Finance had previously stated that consultations on the nuclear issue were ongoing and that there was still a need for clarification... * Energy crisis | Excess profits tax | Energy companies London: Excess profits tax also for renewables and nuclear power After the excess profits tax for oil and gas companies, the British government is now taking "excess revenue"...

  7. Newsletter XXXIII 2022 - August 14th to 21st - News+ Brainwashed? – Strategic communication!

    penetrate. There is far too much to do and to decide for us to be occupied with smokescreens and sham debates about a revival of German nuclear power. * Gas ​​levy | Excess profits tax | Energy transition “Indecent even for outright capitalists” - Scientist Harald Lesch speaks plainly with Markus Lanz On Wednesday, Markus Lanz talked about the gas levy and...

  8. Newsletter XXX 2022 - July 25th to 31st - News+ Nuclear lobbyists, term preachers, MIK and a few really great names

    Class?) Surry, VA, USA * We are looking for current information. If you can help, please send a message to: nucleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de ** July 31st Traffic Light Coalition | Duration | Gas power | Excess profit tax The energy dispute in the government is escalating Fear of the blackout in the winter: the Greens and the FDP clash over longer nuclear power plant lifetimes and plans to save gas, leaving deep cracks...

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