1. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    Explosion einer Drohne über der Kuppel des sechsten Reaktors. Auf ihrem Telegram-Kanal machte die Werksleitung die ukrainische Armee für den Angriff verantwortlich... * Energiekonzern | Uniper | Übergewinne Blockade von Ende Gelände: Gegen Blutkohle aus Kolumbien In Gelsenkirchen haben Ak­tivis­t:in­nen Kohlemeiler blockiert – und damit auch gegen Morde und Zerstörung der Umwelt in Südamerika...

  2. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    The British government should stick to taxing windfall profits on “low-carbon” electricity generation. The “windfall tax” is intended to tax excess profits that “fall from the sky” and arise from the absurd tariff system (merit order). According to this, the price of electricity is always determined by the most expensive form of its generation... * Citizen energy | Expansion of renewable traffic lights...

  3. Newsletter XLIX 2022 - December 08th to 14th - News+ Umwelthilfe makes proposals for the rapid development of European photovoltaic production

    to have highways built. Wissing is thus continuing a decades-long misguided practice by the Federal Ministry of Transport: more asphalt for everything that drives fast on four wheels... * Excess profit | Renewables | Revenue capture of capital worth “billions” for wind power and photovoltaics in the far north is blocked. Schleswig-Holstein’s renewables industry is sounding the alarm. The planned...

  4. Newsletter XLVIII 2022 - December 01st to 07th - News+ The New York Times and the new climate deniers

    should enable. South America's largest country could soon be exporting uranium - but it will be in competition with former heavyweight Canada, which is aiming for a comeback... * Fossile | excess profit | Renewables | Revenue capture taxes for fossils, revenue capture for renewables? It is right to involve energy companies in financing the electricity price cap. Those from the...

  5. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    EBR-I, USA November 30, 1975 (INES 5) Leningrad, USSR * We are looking for current information. If you can help, please send a message to: nucleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de ** November 30th excess profit | Green electricity | Lawsuits BSW Solar: Skimming of proceeds from operators of green electricity systems is unconstitutional The skimming of fictitious proceeds from solar systems is not consistent with the Basic Law and EU law...

  6. Newsletter XLVI 2022 - November 16th to 23rd - News+ Now only the wisdom of the Peace of Westphalia can help

    because Allen Dulles was the man on his team who had built up both the oil and arms industries and the US secret services... ** November 22nd Electricity price brake | excess profit | Profit skimming Bill for the electricity price brake Additional profits are to be skimmed off retroactively from September onwards The Ministry of Economic Affairs has...

  7. Newsletter XLIV 2022 - November 01st to 07th - News+ Do not fear progress and technology, fear capitalism

    Vorteile: Sie nutzt die Winde in höheren Lagen von 200 bis 300 Metern, die mehr und kräftigere Luftströmungen aufweisen. Das führt zu einer höheren Ausbeute... * Milliardengewinne | Ölkonzern | Übergewinn Steuer BP und Saudi Aramco Weitere Ölkonzerne mit Milliardengewinn Wegen der hohen Energiepreise haben die Ölkonzerne BP und Saudi Aramco Milliardengewinne vorgelegt. Die Ergebnisse reihen...

  8. Newsletter XXXVI 2022 - September 09th to 16th - News+ permanent vigil in front of ANF Framatome in Lingen

    "The risk increases if Russia goes on the defensive," is the warning from the four leading peace and conflict research institutes in the peace report... * Electricity price | excess profit | Merit Order Who benefits from skyrocketing electricity prices – and when? The explosion in electricity prices is bringing large excess profits to conventional and renewable power plants. These to...

  9. Newsletter XXXV 2022 - September 01st to 08th - News+ No nuclear power plant runtime extensions!

    Uranium from Russia to Lingen in Lower Saxony. The basis is approvals from 2021. There are almost no options for banning deliveries. * Green electricity | Merit Order | Excess profit Planned profit skimming Green electricity expansion in danger? The federal government's plans to skim high profits from electricity producers are met with skepticism among green electricity producers. They fear,...

  10. Newsletter XXXIII 2022 - August 14th to 21st - News+ Brainwashed? – Strategic communication!

    penetrate. There is far too much to do and to decide for us to be occupied with smokescreens and sham debates about a revival of German nuclear power. * Gas ​​levy | Excess profits tax | Energy transition “Indecent even for outright capitalists” - Scientist Harald Lesch speaks plainly with Markus Lanz On Wednesday, Markus Lanz talked about the gas levy and...

  11. Newsletter XXXII 2022 - August 07th to 13th - News+ Real existing politicians who do not do what is necessary

    of 1000 meters to the nearest residential development until the Wind on Land Act passed by the Federal Traffic Light Government prohibits any minimum distances from June 1, 2023. * Excess profit | Merit Order Rising profits at RWE: Prevent unnecessarily high prices Although gas in particular has become more expensive, profits for electricity from coal and renewables are also rising sharply. Politics must...

Results 1 - 11 from 11