1. THTR Newsletter No. 76 September 02

    fired top managers can celebrate severance payments and retirement benefits amounting to millions. At the same time, the red-green federal government has withdrawn from the solidarity-funded pension system, which will ease the burden on employers and drive low-income sections of the population into poverty in old age. Since the DGB unions are following the...

  2. THTR Newsletter No. 77 November 02

    Hubert Schulte, Grohnde construction site, all moved to the THTR Schmehausen nuclear power plant. After a short time, the property manager Jürgen Reißberg and the construction manager Achim Lenz were operating the same system as at the Grohnde NPP. The construction managers of BBC Mannheim were on the payroll of Hubert Schulte. The invoices were not written according to effort, but according to...

  3. THTR Newsletter No. 93 September 04

    (BEZ) we received the following response from the Ministry of Transport, Energy and State Planning of North Rhine-Westphalia on August 13.08.2004, 15.07.2004: "On July XNUMX, XNUMX, the storage container monitoring system (LBÜS) of the transport container warehouse responded due to a malfunction of a component. Investigations were carried out initiated in accordance with the company regulations, the defective component was...

  4. THTR Newsletter No. 94 October 04

    Reasons for approval? One of the themes of the specific nuclear energy program of the Fifth Euratom Framework Program (FP5) (1998-2002) was "safety and efficiency of future systems". Research on high temperature reactors (HTR) was part of the work program to implement the specific program. Several European research institutions and companies...

  5. THTR Circular No. 97 February 05

    to defend against specific threats. People who did not want to be tied to parties at the time, but rather pursued their interests in a self-organized manner, actually became pariahs of this system, as Hans-Helmuth Wüstenhagen, the first chairman of the Federal Association of Citizens' Environmental Protection Initiatives (BBU), put it in 1975. At that time, the German Atomic Forum alone saw...

  6. THTR Circular No. 100 July 05

    came) and also reported nationally about the Dortmund HTR business. Uhde tried to talk his way out of it. Apparently there are only “auxiliary and ancillary systems”, a few “steam and compressed air systems”, a cooling tower, as well as a few “planning, purchasing, construction, assembly and commissioning services” that the Dortmund company would provide in South Africa . Gear in the clockwork of...

  7. THTR Newsletter No. 105 March 06

    something. This type of reactor has serious disadvantages when it comes to hydrogen production: Nuclear hydrogen production in the HTR is a coupled nuclear-chemical system. Nuclear and conventional plant components interlock due to the process and lead to completely new risks. As is well known, there is a high risk of explosion in the chemical industry....

  8. THTR Circular No. 106 April 06

    Candles in Cape Town The “success” couldn’t have been particularly lasting. Just a year later, the nuclear sloppiness started again. An alleged "anomaly in a safety system" led to the nuclear power plant being shut down in December 2005. The country's parliament was plunged into darkness, several fires broke out due to overloaded emergency generators and...

  9. Reactor bankruptcy nuclear power plant THTR 300 - Thorium high-temperature reactor in Hamm Uentrop

    - with much more serious consequences - became visible in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the attentive observer must now recognize in nuclear plants worldwide... See: Current nuclear lobby What is striking is the systematic approach of the so-called responsible people in dealing with accidents in nuclear plants or their cover-up. This procedure is always and everywhere quite similar... Therefore, the...

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