1. Newsletter

    gewaltvollen revolutionären Umsturz" verwendet. Das Ziel der Transformation sei es, die bestehenden wirtschaftlichen wie sozialen Verhältnisse zu verändern. In dem bestehenden System fällt es Konservativen leicht, progressive Projekte mit dem neoliberalen Einmaleins zu kontern: Verlust von Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Abwanderung von Industriezweigen, Arbeitsplatzverlust und so weiter. Die negativen...

  2. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    Ursula von der Leyen sagte bei dem Treffen, dass die Atomenergie eine wichtige Rolle beim Umbau zu einer klimafreundlichen Wirtschaft spielen könne. Von der Leyen ist Spitzenkandidatin der konservativen Parteienfamilie EVP bei der Europawahl und tritt damit für eine zweite Amtszeit an. [...] Neben Frankreich, das rund 65 Prozent seines Stroms aus Kernkraft bezieht, setzten lange vor allem...

  3. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    Partei an der nächsten Regierung zeichnet sich allerdings bisher nicht ab. Tatsächlich macht das Wahlergebnis die Regierungsbildung generell denkbar schwierig. Koalition zwischen Rechten und Konservativen unwahrscheinlich Für den regierenden Partido Socialista (PS) waren die Wahlen eine deutliche Schlappe. Von den 41 Prozent, die die sozialdemokratische Partei bei den vergangenen...

  4. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    in die Bredouille. [...] Brasiliens Ex-Staatschef versucht auch, internationale Solidarität bei Geschwistern im Geiste zu mobilisieren. Sein Sohn Eduardo hielt am Wochenende in den USA bei der konservativen CPAC-Konferenz zwischen dem Auftritt Donald Trumps und Argentiniens Staatschef Javier Milei einen hölzernen Vortrag darüber, wie aktuell "die Freiheit" in Brasilien in Gefahr sei. Die...

  5. Newsletter VII 2024 - February 11th to 17th - Current+ super election year in the crucial climate decade

    Aus ihrem Kabinett werden zwar auch immer wieder wissenschaftsleugnende Stimmen laut, aber bisher hält Italiens rechte Regierung an dem EU-Ziel fest, Klimaneutralität bis 2050 zu erreichen. Konservative und Rechte rücken zusammen Trotz dieser Differenzen im rechten Lager Europas ist unter Expert:innen unstrittig, dass ein Rechtsruck im EU-Parlament eine Katastrophe für die Klimapolitik wäre... *...

  6. Newsletter VI 2024 - February 4th to 10th - News+ Nuclear power is a dead horse - why isn't Merz getting down?

    PML-N die Mehrheit verfehlt. Unabhängige Kandidaten, die dem inhaftierten Ex-Premier Khan nahe stehen, liegen vorn. Sharif und Khan sehen sich beide als Sieger. Von seinen Anhängern ließ der Konservative Nawaz Sharif sich gestern Abend schon als Sieger feiern. Vor der Wahl galt er noch als Favorit, versprach die Mehrheit zu holen. Doch nach den jüngsten Ergebnissen hat seine Partei, die...

  7. Newsletter IV 2024 - January 21st to 27th - Current news + AfD ban: Off to Karlsruhe?

    If you donate to right-wing extremist organizations, you shouldn't rely on remaining undetected... January 25th Network for right-wing extremists and fascists Nazi network around Peter Kurth: The conservative in the brown zone More and more details about right-wing contacts of the Berlin ex-CDU senator Kurth come to light. He already supported the Identitarian movement in 2019. BERLIN taz | Peter Kurths...

  8. Newsletter III 2024 - January 14th to 20th - Current news + Psychological explanations for doing nothing

    | Farms dying Structural change in agriculture: Fewer but larger farms Thousands of farmers give up every year. Agriculture Minister Özdemir receives support from his conservative predecessor in office for the animal welfare tax. BERLIN taz | The change in agriculture towards fewer and larger farms continues, but has slowed down. This comes from the 2023 Agricultural Structure Survey of...

  9. Newsletter II 2024 - January 7th to 13th - News+ SMR: US developers of mini-nuclear power plants under pressure - class action lawsuit by shareholders against NuScale Power

    become. There was no resistance from the Labor opposition. A Labor spokesman said the party was not only behind the expansion but would have done more: "The Conservatives have not opened a single new reactor in the last 14 years, despite the last Labor government approving ten sites for them." British nuclear opponents understand...

  10. THTR Circular No. 156, December 2023

    “Information service for non-violent organizers”. With these texts we begin a highly informative journey into the very beginnings of the resistance against the THTR, which initially had a difficult time in the very conservative Hamm, but then gained noticeable momentum and led to its shutdown after 14 years. Important foundations for this success were laid down in the very first years...

  11. Newsletter XLVII 2023 - November 19th to 25th - News+ Spectacular setback for the development of small nuclear reactors in the USA - The dead horse

    coined the term authoritarian liberalism as early as 1934: "As soon as the economy is talked about, the authoritarian state completely renounces its authority, and its supposedly conservative spokesmen only know the slogan: freedom of the economy from the state," which does not include "abstinence of the state from the subsidy policy for large banks, large industrialists and...

  12. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    or had attempted to claim the territory through legal means. The Brazilian Supreme Court had already rejected the proposal in September, but the Senate still approved the request. Conservative senators, who are said to be close to the powerful Brazilian agricultural lobby, approved the bill with 43 votes in favor and 21 against. Lula had until Friday to exercise a presidential veto...

  13. Newsletter XL 2023 - October 1st to 7th - Current news + FDP proposal for industrial electricity price relief is spot on

    In view of the seemingly unstoppable rise of the AfD, attention is being paid to the disastrous actions of the traffic light government. No less crucial, however, is the question of how the traditional conservative formation of the CDU/CSU feels about the right-wing populists. Or to put it more bluntly: the AfD's soaring has even more to do with the failure of the Union than with the failure of the government...

  14. Newsletter XXXVII 2023 - September 10th to 16th - News+ How Germany is ruining the climate with billions in gifts to industry

    the Radical and the Social Democratic Party as well as two left-wing splits from the Christian Democratic Party. In the election, Allende only received a relative majority over the conservative candidate Jorge Alessandri, but he prevailed in the congressional runoff thanks to the support of the Christian Democrats. There was no shortage of enemies from the start. Henry Kissinger,...

  15. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    irregularities in its establishment to withdraw its legal status for the time being. [...] Commission calls for better protection Arévalo is due to take office on January 14th as the successor to conservative President Alejandro Giammattei. Arévalo's team recently reported that there were assassination plans against him. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, based in Washington...

  16. Newsletter XXXIV 2023 - August 20th to 26th - News+ The sun will shine for another 4,5 billion years

    Agriculture in the Amazon region is part of the solution,” wrote Ecuador’s El Comercio a few days after the sensational Sí in the Yasuní referendum. Quite unusual for the otherwise conservative newspaper, which is the leading medium in Ecuador's capital Quito. On Sunday, after almost all votes were counted, 59,31 percent of voters were in favor of an end to production in one of the largest oil fields...

  17. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    before. Much to the dismay of nuclear power supporters, especially France. [...] However, on Tuesday things took a new turn. With the support of the Social Democrats (S&D), the Conservatives (EPP), the Nationalists (EKR) and the right-wing extremists (ID), Grudler and the supporters of nuclear power secured its inclusion in the uniform list of technologies that the Greens...

  18. Newsletter XXIX 2023 - July 16 to 22 - News+ I don't want to be my grandson

    in surveys for climate protection. But woe betide you if it hits your wallet in the short term! Solar and wind energy are already the cheapest forms of energy. But the populists in the FDP and the Conservatives are simply not able to think long-term. Example of nuclear power: We relied on nuclear power for two generations in order to have cheap energy. But we burden 33 generations with...

  19. Newsletter XXVI 2023 - June 25 to July 1 - News+ Two tips on how we can further strengthen the far-right AfD

    Solar power is now cheaper almost everywhere in the world than power from new nuclear and coal-fired power plants. Even oil-producing countries are now turning to photovoltaics. [...] Let's assume conservatively that the market will only grow by 25 percent in the next eight years. Even then, solar energy will account for half of the world's electricity needs by 2040. In 2050 the...

  20. Newsletter XXIV 2023 - June 11th to 17th - News+ How the West is losing the Global South

    decisive vote "Farmers also benefit from renaturation" The EPP group wants to block the law to restore nature in the Environment Committee of the EU Parliament. The conservatives claim that the law would allow farmers to cultivate less land, which would threaten Europe's food security. Science contradicts. How Europe produces food is...

Results 1 - 20 from 51