1. Newsletter XXXVII 2023 - September 10th to 16th - News+ How Germany is ruining the climate with billions in gifts to industry

    force slams into a wall. The longer we wait to slow down, the more dangerous and painful the impact will be for all of us... * IAEA | Nuclear lobby | Insolvent Grossi warns that the IAEA will run out of money within a few weeks The member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) now owe more than EUR 200 million (214 million...

  2. Newsletter XL 2022 - October 09th to 15th - News+ In the hyperloop of excitement

    Support for a divided party can be interpreted primarily as a protest vote. According to infratest dimap, AfD voters are most worried about becoming insolvent because of the energy crisis. Nevertheless, they vote for a party that doesn't exactly stand for social issues. The AfD wants to continue burning coal and gas, continue to operate nuclear power plants, abolish CO2 taxes and just...

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