1. Newsletter XXVIII - June 22 to 29.06.2021, 22 - News+ June XNUMX - Nuclear power: The older, the more rusty

    122 reactors have already been around for 40 years or more... Number of reactors Age in years 5 52 3 51 6 50 7 49 9 48 13 47 9 46 13 45 6 44 9 43 5 42 18 41 19 40 A game of crazy... ** Wikipedia List of nuclear power plants The list of nuclear power plants contains all nuclear power plants worldwide that are used for the commercial generation of electrical energy. It's not just the current...

  2. Newsletter XXVII - June 14th to 21.06.2021st, 14 - News+ June XNUMXth - The unpunished chemical war against Serbia: Who finally condemns NATO?

    ** The search in reaktorpleite.de with the search term uranium ammunition brought the following results, among others: March 17, 2019 - Deadly dust - use of uranium ammunition and the consequences ** Wikipedia Uranium ammunition Uranium ammunition has been used to combat armored vehicles since the mid-1970s, To date, only one country, the United States, has admitted to using these munitions in military maneuvers. Recently...

  3. Newsletter XXVI - June 08th to 13.06.2021th, 08 - News+ June XNUMXth - The last rebellion

    As the Romanian EU Council Presidency sent to the member states at the end of February, 100 percent of the expenditure on Iter should be attributed to the EU's climate protection measures... ** Wikipedia Lobbying Lobbying, lobbying or lobbying is a language adopted from English (lobbying). Term for advocacy in politics and society, in which interest groups...

  4. Newsletter XXV - June 01st to 07.06.2021th, 01 - News+ June XNUMXst - Trinational resolution against fuel elements: Joint venture in Lingen

    Lingen brachte u.a. folgende Ergebnisse: 11. September 2019 - Über 70 Prozent der Deutschen fordern: Atomausstieg soll endlich auch die Urananreicherung und Brennelemente-Herstellung umfassen ** Wikipedia Brennelementfertigungsanlage Lingen Am 7. März 2013 erklärte die Bundesregierung, die Brennelementfertigungsanlage weiter betreiben zu wollen. Deren Schließung sei nicht im Beschluss zum...

  5. Newsletter XXIII May 18th to 26.05.2021th, 18 - Current News+ May 2th - Prohibit COXNUMX emissions by law

    brought the following results, among others: November 04th, 2020 - EU climate goals - Energy transition in Polish * Climate neutral December 27th, 2018 - How Europe can complete the energy transition by 2050 ** Wikipedia Climate neutrality in Germany In order to make an appropriate contribution to achieving the 1,5- In order to be able to meet the degree limit, Germany will switch to a climate-neutral energy system by around 2035...

  6. Newsletter XXIV - May 27th to 31.05.2021st, 27 - Current News+ May XNUMXth - How Japan's nuclear lobby is betting on a new climate plan

    Using the search term Japan's nuclear lobby brought the following results, among others: Why Japan is sticking to nuclear power July 22, 2018 - Japan's base load * October 26, 2013 - Controlled by the nuclear lobby ** Wikipedia Nuclear energy_in_Japan Since Fukushima, the Japanese have saved massive amounts of electricity as a precaution - they fear more Quakes or aftershocks – to be able to keep as many nuclear reactors as possible switched off. At the...

  7. Newsletter XXII - May 10th to 17.05.2021th, 10 - Current News+ May XNUMXth - Cameco increases uranium purchases to fulfill contracts

    - Übersetzen mit https://www.deepL.com/translator (kostenlose Version) * USA - Vereinigte Staaten 07. April 2014 - Uran-Abbau verseuchte ihr Gebiet: Indianer bekommen eine Milliarde Dollar ** Wikipedia Belastungen durch den Uranbergbau Belastungen durch den Uranbergbau Schon beim Abbau von Uranerz lauern tödliche Gefahren, radioaktives Radongas wird freigesetzt und der Abraum enthält noch bis zu...

  8. Newsletter XXI - May 04th to 09.05.2021th, 04 - Current News+ May XNUMXth - Hydrogen from your own garden

    for Europe in the future will come from the deserts of North Africa Oliver Ristau / berliner-zeitung.de * December 03rd, 2019 - Orsted builds first offshore wind farm without funding handelsblatt.com ** Wikipedia Hydrogen production Hydrogen production refers to the provision of molecular hydrogen (H2). . Natural gas (especially methane (CH4)), other...

  9. Newsletter XX - 28.04. to 03.05.2021/28/XNUMX - News+ April XNUMX - Solar power drives Germany

    - Climate liar Mathias Bröckers / telepolis.de * After the yes to the energy law May 29, 2017 - Rudolf Rechsteiner: “The nuclear lobby has a perfidious plan” Gabriel Brönnimann / tageswoche.ch ** Wikipedia Solar power Solar power colloquially refers to electrical energy converted from solar energy. This form of energy is one of the renewable energies because it is used daily on Earth during the day...

  10. Newsletter XIX - April 25th to 27.04.2021th, 25 - News+ April XNUMXth - MiK prepares for important battles to come

    Sellafield, UK 550 4 4 1900 June/19/1961 Sellafield, UK 540 4 3 800 April/10/2003 Paks, Hungary 360 3,9 3 42.8 Download the entire list: NAMS + INES - Nuclear Power Accidents (PDF) ** Wikipedia Catastrophe - Accidents beyond design Accidents beyond design are accidents in which greater loads occur than in the case defined above...

  11. Newsletter XVIII - April 20th to 24.04.2021th, 20 - News+ April XNUMXth - Expert predicts further nuclear catastrophe like in Fukushima

    Sellafield, UK 550 4 4 1900 June/19/1961 Sellafield, UK 540 4 3 800 April/10/2003 Paks, Hungary 360 3,9 3 42.8 Download the entire list: NAMS + INES - Nuclear Power Accidents (PDF) ** Wikipedia Catastrophe - Accidents beyond design Accidents beyond design are accidents in which greater loads occur than in the case defined above...

  12. Newsletter XVII - April 16th to 19.04.2021th, 16 - News+ April 2th - COXNUMX pricing: High price makes carbon dioxide withdrawals superfluous

    in the reaktorpleite.de with the search term CO2 price brought the following results, among others: Jan 21.0, 2020 - Electricity and oil prices: We let the environment subsidize us Ralf Volke / rnd.de ** Wikipedia CO2 price A CO2 price, too Called a carbon price, it is a price that must be paid for emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). The CO2 price serves to reduce external costs of...

  13. Newsletter XVI - April 13th to 15.04.2021th, 13 - News+ April XNUMXth - Gas power plant: Is electricity from natural gas sustainable?

    Searching in reaktorpleite.de with the search term natural gas brought the following results, among others: Jan. 21, 2020 - Electricity and oil prices: We let the environment subsidize us Ralf Volke / rnd.de ** Wikipedia gas power plant A gas power plant is a power plant that... uses chemical energy from the combustion of a fuel gas as a primary energy source. Natural gas is by far the most common...

  14. Newsletter XV - April 06th to 12.04.2021th, 06 - News+ April 2021th - German environmental aid fights against greenwashing: Now nominate the "boldest environmental lie" for the abusive Goldener Geier XNUMX award

    for example for climate protection projects. LobbyControl distinguishes between advertising and advertising campaigns, sustainability reports, environmentally friendly model projects and much more as instruments... ** Wikipedia Greenwashing or greenwash (English; literally 'greenwashing', translated: 'putting a green coat on oneself') is a critical term for PR Methods that aim to...

  15. Newsletter XIV - 31.03. until 05.04.2021 - News+ March 31 - Germany grants political asylum for Julian Assange and Edward Snowden!

    from nuclear companies where they were no longer employed, such as B. from RWE. This is referred to in the media as hidden lobbying - or simply as corruption... ** Wikipedia Corruption Corruption is the abuse of a certain position of trust. It can occur e.g. B. with approvals, personal details and contract awarding. The abuse consists in gaining advantages...

  16. Newsletter XIII - March 25 to 30.03.2021, 25 - News+ March XNUMX - Macron, Orbán and Co. call for "active" EU support for nuclear energy

    continued to lie until almost everyone came back... ** YouTube channel "Reaktorbankruptcy" 'Reaktorbankruptcy' - 'Playlists' - 'Radioactivity worldwide...' Three Mile Island Documentary - English ** Wikipedia https://de.wikipedia.org /wiki/Reaktorunfall_im_Kernkraftwerk_Three_Mile_Island ** Nuclear power plantsPlag https://atomkrafteplag.wikia.org/de/wiki/Harrisburg/Three_Mile_Island_(USA) If over...

  17. Newsletter XII - March 17th to 24.03.2021th, 17 - News+ March XNUMXth - Urenco: Phasing out uranium enrichment in NRW would be 'political issue of the first order'

    Master's program "Nuclear Safety Engineering" established. In addition to Thomauske, companies such as AREVA, RWE and URENCO were involved in the teaching. The course was offered until 2018... ** Wikipedia Lobbyism Lobbying, lobbying or lobbying is a term taken from English (lobbying) for the representation of interests in politics and society, in which individual people...

  18. Newsletter XI - March 10th to 16.03.2021th, 10 - News+ March XNUMXth - German environmental aid warns of the renaissance of nuclear power under the guise of climate protection

    In order to achieve this goal, the nuclear lobby systematically tries to influence and manipulate politics and the public in its favor with the help of standardized argumentation... ** Wikipedia Lobbyism Lobbying, lobbying or lobbying is a term for interest group taken from English (lobbying). in politics and society, where individuals or...

  19. Newsletter X - March 03rd to 09.03.2021th, 03 - News+ March XNUMXrd - Radioactivity nourishes deep biosphere

    "Kosmos 954" crash-landed 124.000 square kilometers in Canada. In 1996, the Russian probe Mars-96 crashed into the border area between Chile and Bolivia with 200 grams of plutonium... ** Wikipedia Radioactivity in the environment Radioactivity partly occurs naturally in our environment (without human intervention), partly it was or is caused by it human activities generated (“anthropogenic”)....

  20. Newsletter IX - 25.02. to 02.03.2021/25/XNUMX - News+ February XNUMX - On the Nanda Devi there are one and a half kilos of plutonium

    "Kosmos 954" crash-landed 124.000 square kilometers in Canada. In 1996, the Russian probe Mars-96 crashed into the border area between Chile and Bolivia with 200 grams of plutonium... ** Wikipedia Radionuclide batteries for space travel A sufficiently large, compactly arranged amount of 238Pu heats up to white heat due to its own radioactive decay, and there is only very...