1. THTR Newsletter No. 76 September 02

    Employees who are not among the higher earners and the unemployed can no longer leave. They should join together in self-help groups and put up organized resistance against the planned attack on their social rights! Further information: “Direct Action”, newspaper of the Free Workers Union (FAU), 29th year. Reference: Mühlgasse 13, 60486...

  2. THTR Newsletter No. 77 November 02

    Imagine what would happen to the relatively tolerant and cosmopolitan SZ if Ippen exerted a decisive influence on this newspaper. We have to read it every day in Hamm. Labor market Resistance to Hartz plans also in the DGB Top of page At the board meeting on September 16th, the district executive of the ver.di South Hesse union strongly criticized the Hartz Commission's proposals...

  3. THTR Circular No. 80 February 03

    designated. Last year a total of 45 Castor containers passed through the station and were coupled together here from different directions. For two years, the Münster group WigA (Resistance against Nuclear Plants), together with numerous citizens' initiatives in Münsterland, have been warning about the dangerous transports and are carrying out a variety of activities, including on the tracks. On February 5th...

  4. THTR Circular No. 83 July 03

    It was clear to him that he had to do something. He produced and designed the above-mentioned website on his own initiative. There he remembers the major accident in 1986 and the resistance of farmers and consumers to the recommissioning of the THTR. In addition to some pictures, you can also see the collapsing cooling tower. A number of sub-windows invite you to...

  5. THTR Circular No. 84 August 03

    Especially now, when the debate about the planned THTR variant PBMR is just beginning in South Africa and Germany, a medium that compiles information and also helps organize the resistance is important. I also wrote this to 35 recipients, almost all of whom were involved in one way or another with the environmental protection movement in Hamm in the 70s and 80s...

  6. THTR Newsletter No. 85 September 03

    in 'Spiegel' The THTR newsletters from 2003 *** 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 85 *** THTR Newsletter No. 2003 Sept. XNUMX Resistance on the Cape – Silence in Germany Events are accelerating in South Africa. The objection period against the approval of the environmental impact assessment for the planned Pebble Bed Modular...

  7. THTR Circular No. 87 January 04

    Policies that widen the gap between rich and poor and accelerate the destruction of nature must have no future. So far, some groups and organizations have resisted separately. Trade unions stayed among themselves, the project and those affected remained among themselves, students remained among themselves. The new thing about the social forums is that despite the differences...

  8. THTR Circular No. 90 June 04

    wants to leave. On May 23rd, at the Gustav Heinemann educational center in Malente (Schleswig-Holstein), Horst Blume gave a literary-political lecture on the possibilities and limits of the THTR resistance in the 80s in the Hamm-Uentrop district council and in the Hamm city council ( and of course about the important role of citizens' initiatives), which will be held over the next few months...

  9. THTR Circular No. 92 August 04

    According to anti-nuclear initiatives from Münsterland, he was arrested on Sunday afternoon. “I wanted to register a demonstration with the local officials,” says Matthias Eickhoff, spokesman for the group Resistance to Nuclear Facilities (WIGA) from Münster. "I was then thrown to the ground by three police officers." At the station, an officer also advised him to jump out of the window -...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 93 September 04

    On September 26.09.2004, 14, three nuclear waste transports are expected from Rossendorf in Saxony to the Ahaus interim storage facility. It will probably lead via Hamm or the Kamener Kreuz. Resistance preparations are in full swing. On local election Sunday there will be a big Sunday walk at 12 p.m. at the BZA in Ahaus; already at XNUMX p.m. an X-tra Open Air. One day before on...

  11. THTR Circular No. 96 January 05

    This means that after the first transport arrives, the same shock absorbers have to return to Dresden before the second transport can start. Anti-nuclear initiatives call for nationwide resistance Top of page The concept of the anti-nuclear initiatives is therefore designed to be two-pronged. As much pressure as possible should be created in advance to at least stop the transport before...

  12. THTR Circular No. 97 February 05

    Among other things, the local peculiarities in Hamm and the surrounding area are presented in literary terms in the first part and in a political analysis in the second part. Not only is the history of the resistance of the citizens' initiative discussed, but I also report on the incredible obstacles that faced those who stood in the Hamm City Council and in the...

  13. THTR Newsletter No. 98 March 05

    Anti-nuclear activists are also worried: the hall in which the castors are stored is "totally wet" and resembles "a stalactite cave," complain Matthias Eickhoff from the Münster Initiative Resistance to Nuclear Facilities and Felix Ruwe from the Anti-Nuclear Citizens' Initiative (BI) Ahaus agreed. In order to cool large Castor containers with fuel rods, for example from the Grundremmingen nuclear power plants...

  14. THTR Circular No. 100 July 05

    had continued working on dangerous plans to build a new high-temperature reactor on the other side of the world. It turned out to be a big mistake to be so confident. Resistance. There was also resistance to the HTR in South Africa. At first there were only a few. But after at the border of the South African nuclear plant Pelindaba - where the HTR fuel assembly plant is...

  15. THTR Newsletter No. 102 November 05

    If consumption is still sufficient for 40 years, nuclear power is a fool's errand as an alternative to finite fossil power plants. Reason enough to oppose the propagated renaissance of nuclear energy and to advocate for the further consistent expansion of renewable energies as an alternative. The dirty game played by E.ON, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall must end. Out of:...

  16. THTR Newsletter No. 78 December 2002

    Back then, agriculture was an absolutely exotic topic for most people. But the first food scandals were important starting points for making people more sensitive. We reported on our resistance in Hamm a little more cautiously in the first issues in order to slowly introduce readers to this topic. However, this reluctance was overcome after a few...

  17. THTR Newsletter No. 95 December 2004

    THTR Newsletter No. 95 Dec. 2004 The FZ Jülich is always there! The nuclear triangle: Germany, South Africa and Pakistan "Right from the start, the Federal Republic of Germany put up the most vigorous resistance to intensive inspection measures that Washington in particular wanted to enforce." Robert Jungk wrote in his 1977 book "The Atomic State" about the Federal Republic's attitude to...

  18. THTR Circular No. 107 June 06

    and lack of history will have an impact. - This is the press response today; What will it look like after 50 years? April issue: "20 years after Chernobyl"* (forgetfulness and resistance to the HTR line in Hamm), "Grassroots Revolution" April issue: "SGL Carbon supplies graphite for PBMR", anti atom aktuell, issue 170 April issue: "Generation IV" (and France), anti-nuclear...

  19. THTR Newsletter No. 103 December 2005

    Langer Heinrich also mine uranium. That's why Namibia will become the third largest supplier of uranium in the world next year, after Australia and Canada. Public discussion and resistance The approval of Langer Heinrich has led to protests from human rights organizations and Earthlife Africa. With financial help from the Greens/Alliance 90, the Öko-Institut...

  20. History, what was it like back then with the THTR 300 thorium high-temperature reactor in Hamm-Uentrop

    and doubters, it entertained me well and I therefore had no objection to repeating the walk on one of the next Sundays. The resistance was often a very lonely event, especially on rainy days. I soon became interested in the real reason for these Sunday walks and wanted information about the technical details of this...

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