1. Newsletter XLIII - September 20th to 23.09.2021rd, 20 - News+ September XNUMXth - climate strike / uranium waste export Russia / Gorleben / shaft Konrad

    can achieve - and for global climate justice. Demos are taking place in countless places - here in Münster at 15 p.m. from the main train station. Of course, we call for participation - advertise, help with mobilization. The climate movement has already set a lot in motion, but we need even more pressure. All party election events have made this more than clear. And there are...

  2. Newsletter XXXV - August 07th to 12.08.2021th, 07 - News+ August XNUMXth - The finance minister as dictator

    *** Wind August 12, 2021 - Wind expansion on land will slow down again in July 2021 * Solar August 11, 2021 - Lots of space for floating solar systems * Off Topic - Election campaign - Advertising is advertising is advertising August 10, 2021 - Ominous AfD supporters start campaign against Greens * Off Topic - Election campaign | Propaganda August 10, 2021 - Intolerance Network: How right-wing ultras with support...

  3. April, April 2020 - Democracy in the intensive care unit

    launched on the OpenPetition platform. We kindly ask you to sign the online petition, share the link and advertise it to your circle of friends or other groups. Here is the petition link: https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/ostermarsch-appell-gronau-juelich-urananreicherung-beenden-atom Waffen-aechten Let's show that we can also...

  4. THTR Newsletter No. 151 December 2018

    This agitation can be clearly seen from far away: Of all places, the Holota bookstore, where I have been buying my books for twenty years, has recently set up a double wall with advertising for the Bild newspaper in front of their shop every day and sells this paper. – Things are happening here in Germany that would not have been thought possible until a few years ago. (1)...

  5. The current THTR newsletter No. 146 - December 2015

    from November 27th, 11 *** Hannelore Kraft ignores climate protection and human rights Top of page NRW Prime Minister Hannelore Kraft advertised for NRW companies during her trip to Colombia from November 2015th to 25th and discussed controversial topics such as climate protection and human rights violations in connection with the Coal mining is largely excluded. To the large business delegation that...

  6. THTR Newsletter No. 145 May 2015

    of German nuclear research (1). No wonder that the former President of the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) Hans-Georg Wiek is still advertising this “groundbreaking” form of energy on his own homepage (2). Of course, he focuses on the thorium aspect of the reactor line in his considerations; he is not stupid. On February 8th...

  7. Important books on atomic research, THTR etc.

    für Kernkraftwerke - (1975) in den kommenden 10 Jahren sollen allein in der BRD vierzig AKW gebaut werden. Dieser Boom ist gut vorbereitet: Seit 20 Jahren wird die Öffentlichkeit mit Werbung für den "billigen, sicheren, sauberen Atomstrom" überschüttet. Trotzdem wächst der Widerstand der betroffenen Bevölkerung, die sich bedroht, irregeführt und im Stich gelassen sieht - im Stich gelassen auch...

  8. THTR Newsletter No. 120 March 08

    also a nice experience. A number of new contacts were made. And maybe in the future some professors who think they can advertise the HTR line in lectures without being contradicted will also experience something? - This always results in new, very surprising points of contact for our work. - And we never get bored! Notes: 1....

  9. THTR Circular No. 115 August 07

    first row with a banner. – I was relieved that I wasn't the only one from the anti-nuclear movement. When Minister Thoben wanted to advertise a new bankrupt reactor at a city reception in the Kurhaus in March 2006, a vigil with a barrel of nuclear waste greeted the 400 visitors. “Red” and “Green” and we independent BI members demonstrated together again, Hartmut...

  10. THTR newsletters from 2003

    in the 2nd week of November. Large demonstration against social robbery in Berlin. * THTR Newsletter No. 84, August 2003 VEW in the 80s: Nuclear cooperation with South Africa's racist regime and advertising for THTR construction. "The importance of the state-owned energy company ESKOM for South Africa's apartheid system". This is the official report of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission,...

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