1. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    wie Brust-, Hoden- und Prostatakrebs. Allerdings ist Bisphenol A längst nicht der einzige Stoff, dem hormonähnliche Wirkungen nachgesagt werden. Auch Phtalate gehören dazu, die sogenannten Weichmacher in Plastik. Oder Parabene, das sind Konservierungsmittel in Kosmetika und Lebensmitteln. Ebenso enthalten viele Pflanzenschutzmittel in der Landwirtschaft hormonähnliche Chemikalien... *...

  2. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    had slipped into the emotional arena of the discursive struggle for German-normal or normalizing anti-German identities... March 8th chemical industry | plasticizer | PCB PCBs in the USA Banned chemical continues to be produced on a large scale, according to study PCBs have been banned in the USA for over 40 years. But the amount produced in 2019 alone could...

  3. Newsletter VI 2024 - February 4th to 10th - News+ Nuclear power is a dead horse - why isn't Merz getting down?

    The burden of maintaining the health of those affected and the environment is placed on the general public. This applies to the chemical industry and its eternal toxins PFAS, glyphosate, phthalates (plasticizers), etc., as well as to the nuclear industry and its ever-growing mountains of radiant, toxic nuclear waste. If we fail, we will leave future generations with nothing but untold suffering...

  4. Newsletter V 2024 - January 28th to February 3rd - Current news + US foreign policy: Profit over peace?

    half of the repair costs back from the state, a maximum of 200 euros per repair... * Health | Chemicals | harmful to reproduction Cause still unclear Researchers discover toxic plasticizers in urine samples The substances have been banned or strictly regulated for years. Nevertheless, the Federal Environment Agency finds dangerous plasticizers in numerous urine samples, including many children...

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