1. Newsletter XX 2023 - May 14th to 20th - News+ Heat waves hit poor neighborhoods particularly hard

    to check the HS 30. The number of pieces is reduced, but the program continues. Between September 1959 and February 1962 the troops received 2176 HS 30... * Armament | Special Defense Fund: Expenditure for the Bundeswehr is on the rise German Army on a shopping spree. This is how the military and defense politicians use tricks to get more tax money. When will the population be informed about...

  2. Newsletter XVII 2023 - April 23rd to 29th - News+ Faulty SPD, self-deception at 1,5 degrees and war as a climate destroyer

    commented as a “Pacific turning point”. Confronted by China and North Korea, Japan is forced to drastically change its arms and defense policy. Japan doubles its defense budget, builds up ammunition stocks and buys offensive weapons for the first time. The self-developed Type 12 anti-ship missiles are to be further developed so that they can reach targets in the future instead of 200 m...

  3. Newsletter VIII 2023 - February 19th to 25th - News+ Mönch von Lützerath: Sympathetic figures of the climate movement

    Leakage of toxic gases from power plants and oil spills in water bodies. It is based on documentation by the Ukrainian environmental organization Ecoaction... * Greenpeace | Upgrade | Defense report Alexander Lurz on the turning point and rearmament: “There is a gold rush atmosphere right now” In conversation The so-called turning point now means one thing above all: rearmament. The...

  4. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    Milliarden, Deutschland 56 Milliarden Dollar. Allein die europäischen Nato-Staaten investierten 2021 mehr als 342 Milliarden US-Dollar in ihre Streitkräfte – mehr als das Fünffache des russischen Wehretats. Und da erzählen mir HofreiterScholzHabeckHöglStrack-ZimmermannNouripourMerzvonderLeyenSöderBaerbockPistorius nonstop: Wir müssen noch mehr Geld in die Rüstung stecken! Mal polemisch gefragt,...

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