1. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    langfristig die eigentliche Gefahr birgt? Dass gar nicht das gefälschte Video an sich den Schaden anrichten wird – sondern die Tatsache, dass man überhaupt nichts mehr glauben kann? Es geht um Verunsicherung Akteure, die Desinformationen verbreiten, setzten schon seit vielen Jahren auf genau diese Taktik. Stephan Lewandowsky, Professor für Kognitive Psychologie an der University of Bristol,...

  2. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    in Thüringen, an denen die Sowjetisch-Deutsche Aktiengesellschaft Wismut (SDAG Wismut) tätig wurde. Für den Uranbergbau wurden zwei Drittel des Dorfes geopfert. Höhenzug am Dorf sorgt für Verunsicherung Heute sieht es hier aus, als zöge sich ein bewaldeter Höhenzug bis in den Ort hinein. Das ist die Gauern-Halde. Über sie sind einige Fakten in einem behördlichen Datenblatt erfasst. Zum Beispiel,...

  3. Newsletter XLIX 2023 - December 3rd to 9th - News+ The language of autocracy

    Israeli securities have risen dramatically, says the 66-page report... * European Parliament | Corruption scandal | Qatargate EU corruption scandal overwhelms the judiciary: The great uncertainty One year after the largest EU corruption scandal, the Belgian judiciary has no plan on how to proceed. All suspects were released. BRUSSELS taz | The so-called Qatargate...

  4. Newsletter XXXIX 2023 - September 24th to 30th - News+ “Populist, verbally radical, ethnic” – and no end in sight

    Running out of water and food. I am sure that those who are slowing down climate protection would get hung up on the word coercion, but would not address the actual issue, instead creating distraction and uncertainty. This is something this clientele has been doing for years and people fall for. Tragic... * California | lawsuit | Fossil environmental costs of fossil energies Lawsuit against "lies from...

  5. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    In the first half of the year, more solar power systems and solar power storage systems were installed in the home segment than in the entire year of 2022. At the same time, however, many consumers became uncertain about the period for which the tax relief was intended. Previously, many operators of solar power systems had partially evaded sales tax through laborious bureaucratic tax tricks...

  6. Newsletter XXXIII 2023 - August 13th to 19th - News+ Military coup in Niger: Uranium mining and environmental destruction as deeper reasons?

    can no longer be overlooked: weather extremes are increasing and heat, drought and fires are increasing again this year in the Mediterranean region. * Disinformation | Energy costs | Energy saving | Uncertainty about the heat transition: Why the willingness to save energy is so low Energy and climate – compact: Many households are afraid of not being able to pay rising energy costs. Willingness to...

  7. Newsletter XXII 2023 - May 28th to June 3rd - News+ Political style in Germany Please, strengthen the AfD

    In the federal election, the SPD lost around 7 percentage points at Forsa, the FDP lost almost 5 and the Greens just under one. Let's try to discuss this in a fact-based manner - completely untypical for BILD. Uncertainty Johannes Hillje, political and communications consultant, recently published a thorough analysis of the AfD's rising popularity on Twitter. According to Hillje it is wrong...

  8. Newsletter XXI 2023 - 21 to 27 May - News+ World Biodiversity Day: Will the plan to restore Europe's biodiversity fail?

    auch nicht vergessen, dass die Bauministerin hier mitverantwortlich ist und dass das Verfahren weit fortgeschritten ist. Je länger nun verzögert und aufgehalten wird, desto größer wird die Verunsicherung und desto mehr Panik entsteht in der Bevölkerung, die in Verkennung der Situation noch mehr Öl- und Gasheizungen kauft. Nur weil nie richtig erklärt wurde – oder zumindest die Erläuterungen aus...

  9. Newsletter XII 2023 - March 19th to 25th - News+ The poison of doubt is the sugar for the bastard

    between the real images of the Russian war in Ukraine and the fictional images of the First World War from Hollywood. The former shock, the latter make you cheer. All that remains in between is uncertainty. We rub our eyes in amazement as to why the world is suddenly in the middle of a fossil fuel energy war. We wonder how Germany almost ignores the public...

  10. Newsletter VIII 2023 - February 19th to 25th - News+ Mönch von Lützerath: Sympathetic figures of the climate movement

    Atomkraftwerke ausgesprochen - nur die FDP war anderer Ansicht. «Es ist eine Industrie in der Abwicklung», sagte Energieminister Tobias Goldschmidt (Grüne). Ein solche Debatte stifte nur Verunsicherung. Weil der Beitrag der Meiler verschwindend gering sei, gebe es aus der Energiewirtschaft keinen Ruf nach Verlängerung. «Denn die Anlagen sind alt, sie sind auf den Abbau ausgerichtet.»... *...

  11. Newsletter XLV 2022 - November 08th to 15th - News+ Penalties for activists - And what about the climate?

    If the “correct” purpose is pursued, privatization is actually most welcome... ** November 13th Sweden | Uniper | Barsebäck Nationalization of energy company: Uniper denies nuclear power plant plans Uncertainty in Sweden: What will happen to the country's nuclear reactors if Germany takes over the energy company? STOCKHOLM taz | The energy company Uniper has no intention of building a...

  12. THTR Circular No. 152, December 2019

    wrote a longer article on anti-Semitism in Germany. This is not just about statistics, attacks, deficits in schools, reporting centers, prevention and the uncertainty in the Jewish communities, but also about anti-Semitic "inheritances" in families, in which the "perpetrator generation" very often adopts a defensive attitude, whitewashing, denial, Keeping silence and lying to the...

Results 1 - 12 from 12