1. THTR Circular No. 83 July 03

    Jülich wanting to 'shirk responsibility for his own nuclear legacy' is not right. The owners of AVR GmbH - and therefore actually responsible for the dismantling of the experimental reactor - are 15 municipal utilities. The Jülich Research Center is only affected to the extent that it provides logistical support for the shutdown operations. Finally, I would like to...

  2. The incident at the THTR in May 1986 in 'Spiegel'

    first mini-reactor (15 MW) based on the pebble pile principle connected to the grid. It ran satisfactorily for several years until an unforeseen accident occurred in 1978: 25 tons of water broke into the experimental reactor, an initial indication that this type of reactor was also not safe from breakdowns. According to calculations, nuclear power from the high-temperature reactor should cost 1,5 pfennigs per kilowatt hour...

  3. 1988 - Lothar Hahn on the subject of proliferation in pebble bed reactors

    before, namely from enrichment to completion of the fuel elements. Each fuel element ball for the THTR-300 and approximately half of the AVR fuel elements (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor GmbH, Jülich) each contain approximately 1 g of highly enriched U-235. The storage and processing quantity of this material at NUKEM is in the region of one ton (the requested handling quantity is 6 t...

  4. THTR Newsletter No. 94 October 04

    positive findings can be drawn. The THTR project was complemented by the positive safety and performance results of the prototype reactor from the Jülich Experimental Reactor Association (AVR) as well as the operation of various gas-cooled reactors in the United Kingdom, France and the United States. The projects selected under FP5 for...

  5. THTR Circular No. 104 January 06

    China sells off If you want to get an idea of ​​the dimensions of the problems that could arise when the THTR Hamm is dismantled, look to Jülich! The General Experimental Reactor (AVR) is being dismantled there. This HTR worked with 1988 MW until 15 and has been idle ever since. For comparison: The THTR provided twenty times the electronic power when, as an exception, no...

  6. THTR Newsletter No. 105 March 06

    Systems from Hanau for the production of the HTR fuel elements - the scandal did not materialize at the time - and acquired the still missing know-how. In 1995, the Chinese began building a 10 MW experimental reactor on the military-secured grounds of Beijing University. In 2000 the reactor became critical for the first time. A lively conference activity accompanies the experimental operation. German scientists...

Results 41 - 46 from 46