1. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    herausgegeben werden. Der Verein vermutet eine politische Einflussnahme durch das Ministerium und personelle Verflechtungen zum Bundesfinanzhof. Das andere offene Ende ist eine Verfassungsbeschwerde, die Attac vor drei Jahren eingereicht hat. [...] »Das Attac-Urteil hatte Schockwellen durch die Zivilgesellschaft gejagt.« Es sei exemplarisch für den Druck auf zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement...

  2. Newsletter XLVI 2023 - November 12th to 18th - News+ Violence as a consequence of climate change: No cool heads

    UN Weather Organization. The average temperature was two to three degrees higher and the sea levels were ten to 20 meters higher... * Climate protection | Constitutional Court | Environmental Aid Constitutional complaint against the Federal Government Environmental Aid is going to the Constitutional Court: “Many politicians have long since stopped caring about climate protection” German Environmental Aid is going to the Federal Constitutional Court because...

  3. Newsletter XI 2023 - March 12th to 18th - News+ 12 years after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima – What have we learned from it?

    the results are provided in a separate column. But even though the alarming figures have been known within the government for a year, it still says: "Data is not currently available." * Constitutional complaint | Proceeds skimming | Excess profit tax Lichtblick is suing against the skimming of proceeds - inadmissible special levy Hamburg - The energy supplier Lichtblick, together with 25 other operators, has...

  4. Newsletter III 2023 - January 15-21 - News+ Climate Scam - Exxon knew it all

    to regulate the period after 2030 in more detail. However, there were no objections to the reduction targets by 2030; complaints against them were rejected. Four constitutional complaints were filed by mainly young people, supported by several environmental organizations, including Germanwatch, the Solar Energy Promotion Association of Germany (SFV), the BUND (both of which are also...

  5. The history of the citizens' initiative in Hamm and its posters

    Konzept die betroffenen Bürger erneut beteiligt werden müssten. In der Folgezeit klagten drei Hammer Bürger mit Unterstützung der Bürgerinitiative gegen den THTR und legten zusätzlich Verfassungsbeschwerde ein. Um die Spendenfreudigkeit für die kostspieligen Prozesse anzukurbeln, gab die BI eine „Rechtsschutzaktie“ mit einem alten Stadtbild von Hamm heraus, die für 5 bis 100 DM erworben werden...

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