1. THTR Circular No. 106 April 06

    harsh criticism of their public relations work. ANC parliamentarians pushed for a plausible explanation for the nuclear power plant accident. However, there wasn't. At the end of February, the environmental organization Earthlife Africa suspected that the city of Cape Town had narrowly escaped a major nuclear accident. DPA reported on February 27, 2: "As the 'last line of defense' only the...

  2. THTR Newsletter No. 78 December 2002

    Green Hammer" Top of page The origins of the "Green Hammer" began at a time when some people gradually began to think about how they interact with nature and their environment. They asked themselves, for example, what would happen if we did so with our consumption continue as before or what consequences the rapidly increasing car traffic has. These questions were...

  3. THTR Newsletter No. 86 November 2003

    reported. The application was submitted to the Complaints Committee on November 05.11.2003, 19.11. Its next meeting is on November 90th. The following organizations support this application: Citizens' Initiative for Environmental Protection Hamm eV; BUND, Hamm Group; The Friends of Nature, Hamm Group; Peace Network Hamm; Forum for Environment and Justice (FuGE), Hamm; German Communist Party, Hamm; Alliance XNUMX/The Greens, KV Hamm...

  4. THTR Newsletter No. 103 December 2005

    (atw) there will be a speech by Prof. Dr. on eight pages. Franz-Josef Wodopia printed at the winter meeting of the German Atomic Forum. Wodopia has been responsible for economic, European and environmental policy in the IG BCE since 1989. It was not until July 2005 that he moved to the main management of the German Coal Mining Association in Essen. In his speech he lamented at length the...

  5. Reactor bankruptcy nuclear power plant THTR 300 - Thorium high-temperature reactor in Hamm Uentrop

    in Hamm-Uentrop, Schmehausen wurde 1989 abgeschaltet, weil die Betreibergesellschaft den Reaktor nicht in den Griff bekam und die wirklich großen Probleme - z.B. die radioaktive Kontaminierung der Umwelt im Mai 1986 - versuchte "unter den Teppich zu kehren". Siehe: Geschichte#Der Störfall Probleme wie sie beim Störfall am 04. und 05. Mai 1986 im THTR in Hamm-Uentrop und nur wenige Tage zuvor am...

  6. Reactor failure THTR - communication

    Day did you say? No, there's nothing wrong, nothing out of the ordinary happened that day!" When the accident could no longer be denied, the release of radioactivity into the environment was first denied, then admitted "very cautiously" and finally they argued about the amount the radiation that escaped, because the measuring device had been switched off and so there was no...

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