1. THTR Circular No. 90 June 04

    of high-temperature reactors in Europe? What is the research goal? 5. Have the negative experiences at the THTR Hamm-Uentrop (for example the accident in 1986 at the same time as Chernobyl) been taken into account when assessing the eligibility for funding? 6. Were the German federal government and the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia involved in the approval of the funding...

  2. THTR Circular No. 91 July 04

    On March 12.03.1988, XNUMX, the Ruhr-Nachrichten carried the euphoric headline: "The HTR is conquering the world" and hoped for a turnaround in the phase-out debate shortly after the Chernobyl disaster: "The beginning of the global triumph of high-temperature reactors may also promote a reassessment of this high technology by the NRW social democracy." Due to this development...

  3. The incident at the THTR in May 1986 in 'Spiegel'

    Production plans. It does not include an incident like the one on May 4th. What came out of the chimney, an estimated 90 million becquerels, was just a radioactive cloud - no comparison to Chernobyl. What turned the incident into a scandal was the company's attempt to cover everything up. When the reactor breakdown became known little by little last week and the North Rhine-Westphalian...

  4. THTR Newsletter No. 94 October 04

    part of the natural and civilizational pollution, were below the approved daily and half-yearly values ​​and were in a ratio of 1:500.000 to the emissions that fell on us at the same time as a result of the Chernobyl reactor accident. This was explained in the report at the time and in the safety report submitted for the decommissioning of the THTR 300 plant and in 1986...

  5. THTR Circular No. 97 February 05

    I live far away and this nuclear power plant was forced to become an important center of my life. The operators began construction in 1971. At the same time as the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, a major accident occurred in the high-temperature reactor immediately after it was put into operation. Three years later, after heated arguments, it was shut down and today...

  6. THTR Circular No. 100 July 05

    Horst Blume. FugE news, Hamm, June 05 Dortmund: The renaissance of nuclear power has already begun! June 05 Nuclear export to South Africa, to Uhde. New Germany June 4, 6* Vigil at the THTR on the Chernobyl anniversary was successful Top of page On April 05, 26, around 4 people with banners and posters gathered in front of the main gate of the THTR in Hamm-Uentrop to draw attention to the accident in...

  7. THTR Newsletter No. 102 November 05

    they themselves contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons! It also cannot guarantee the safety of civilian nuclear power. The accidents in countless nuclear power plants (Three Miles Island, Chernobyl, Sellafield) show this very clearly. The entire moral depravity of this organization is evident from the fact that it repeatedly denies or downplays obvious incidents...

  8. THTR Newsletter No. 105 March 06

    in Hamm, was copied and made known to the over 400 visitors to the city reception; the whole thing garnished with a beautiful nuclear waste barrel, large banners and posters: “Have you forgotten Chernobyl, Ms. Thoben?” and “One bankrupt reactor is enough!” The warning words of the critical Christian Democrats could be heard on Radio Lippewelle and on WDR in the program “Lokalzeit Dortmund”...

  9. THTR Circular No. 106 April 06

    use preparatory research and carry out "difficult" activities easily via the European Union. It's that simple. We see that in the Federal Republic, even in the 20th year after Chernobyl, the phase-out of nuclear power is making rapid progress. Horst Blume Notes: (1) The following issues of the THTR newsletter deal with Generation IV: THTR circular No. 88: EU network for...

  10. THTR Circular No. 107 June 06

    dissolved. This superficiality and lack of history will have an impact. - This is the press response today; What will it look like after 50 years? April issue: "20 years after Chernobyl"* (forgetfulness and resistance to the HTR line in Hamm), "Grassroots Revolution" April issue: "SGL Carbon supplies graphite for PBMR", anti atom aktuell, issue 170 April issue: ...

  11. Reactor bankruptcy nuclear power plant THTR 300 - Thorium high-temperature reactor in Hamm Uentrop

    Siehe: Geschichte#Der Störfall Probleme wie sie beim Störfall am 04. und 05. Mai 1986 im THTR in Hamm-Uentrop und nur wenige Tage zuvor am 26. April 1986 - mit weit schwereren Folgen - im Akw Tschernobyl sichtbar wurden, muss der aufmerksame Beobachter heutzutage bei Atomanlagen weltweit erkennen... Siehe: Aktuelles Atomlobby Auffällig ist die systematische Vorgehensweise der sogenannten...

  12. History, what was it like back then with the THTR 300 thorium high-temperature reactor in Hamm-Uentrop

    die Betreiber des THTR-300 um die Gunst der in NRW regierenden SPD brachten, geschah in der Nacht vom 4. zum 5. Mai 1986. Die radioaktive Wolke ausgehend von der strahlenden Reaktorruine in Tschernobyl (INES 7 Supergau am 26. April 1986) lag über Europa. Diese Plakatwand wurde 1986 von dem Zeichner Fritz Brümmer gestaltet. Eigentlich sollte die Beschickung des THTR in Hamm-Uentrop automatisch...

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