1. From uranium mining and processing, to nuclear research, the construction and operation of nuclear plants including nuclear power plant accidents, to dealing with nuclear waste and nuclear weapons! - Worldwide, almost, everything at a glance with Google Maps

    im Meer versenkt - (PDF 4,3 MB) IAEA-TECDOC-1105 von 1999 1 Terabecquerel = 1000 Milliarden Becquerel (1000.000.000.000 Bq) 1 Becquerel = 1 Kernzerfall pro Sekunde. Der EU-Grenzwert für Trinkwasser liegt bei 10 Becquerel pro Liter. Wikipedia de Früher wurden die Versenkungsgebiete regelmäßig untersucht und Meeresboden, Wasser und Fische auf Radioaktivität kontrolliert. Tatsächlich fanden...

  2. THTR Newsletter No. 142 December 2013

    Completely cut off from the outside world for a few days. Free access there is still not possible today. Almost all people in the coastal area live in the most basic conditions: clean drinking water is not easy and electricity is only available to individuals. A peace researcher has to go underground Despite the closure of the area around Idinthakarai, we were able to email Dr. SP Udayakumar to...

  3. THTR Circular No. 104 January 06

    In 1999, RWE took over the world's highest-grossing water and wastewater systems, which are operated by a private company: In the London area, Thames Water has eight million drinking water customers and 15 million wastewater customers. RWE wanted to lay the foundation for becoming number one in the global water business. Because water appears or appeared to the investment banks and...

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