1. Newsletter

    welche Firmen fossile Projekte versichern. Bislang unveröffentlichte Dokumente zeigen: Die Allianz versichert aktuell ein belgisches Unternehmen mit, das in Europa Gas-Pipelines und LNG-Terminals betreibt. Über die Terminals gelangt auch russisches Gas nach Europa. Das Mega-LNG-Terminal Yamal wurde im Norden von Russland unter extremen Bedingungen gebaut – es steht zum Teil auf Eis. Durch dieses...

  2. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    in Germany Environmental aid suspects that part of the LNG arriving in Belgium is fed into the German network. Officially, Germany does not import Russian LNG... * Climate Change | LNG terminal | Insurance Insurers: The accomplices of the fossil fuel industry German insurance companies are, largely unrecognized, fueling the climate crisis - despite their sustainability promises. New documents...

  3. Newsletter II 2024 - January 7th to 13th - News+ SMR: US developers of mini-nuclear power plants under pressure - class action lawsuit by shareholders against NuScale Power

    earn as much money as possible. Last year, a Guardian investigative team researched that oil companies Exxon, Total, Shell and BP are pouring billions into new platforms, pipelines, terminals and drilling rigs, despite the climate crisis... * Basic rights | defensive democracy | Party ban Alternatives to the AfD party ban How realistic is a forfeiture of...

  4. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    Located “in the peak phase” of inflation. "The high price level for consumer goods has never recovered since then, only the increase in prices has decreased."... * Emissions | LNG | Terminal LNG boom in the USA: A dirty business The liquid natural gas industry brings jobs to Louisiana - and destroys the environment and people's health. German companies are also involved...

  5. Newsletter XLV 2023 - November 5th to 11th - News+ Are Habeck, Pistorius, Baerbock an infernal trio?

    separated from each other in a complex chemical process (PUREX). Separated uranium and plutonium can then be used again. That's the theory... November 10th LNG terminal | Gas consumption | Stranded Assets | Compensation payments German LNG overkill Claudia Kemfert predicts liquid gas disaster The temperatures are falling, the need for heating is increasing. Unlike last...

  6. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    When Mette Frederiksen became party leader in 2015, she prescribed a new course for her party. Instead of welcoming immigrants and refugees, it relied on deterrence... * LNG terminal | Rügen Liquid natural gas from Rügen remains unnecessary Protests have been going on for days against the controversial LNG project on Rügen. Now a new DIW report shows that the planned floating terminals are not...

  7. Newsletter XIII 2023 - March 26 to April 1 - News+ What uranium ammunition would do to Ukraine

    heavily used for timber harvesting. “We are heading towards overexploitation of the forests, which we urgently need to protect the climate,” warned Häusling... * Liquefied gas | Budget Committee | LNG Terminal Rügen Increase in costs for liquid gas terminals Committee puts Rügen LNG project on hold A lot of money is being used to build an oversized liquid gas infrastructure - and the costs...

  8. Newsletter IX 2023 - February 26 to March 4 - News+ 48 days until the last nuclear power plants in Germany are switched off

    Implementation of the Germany Pact,” demanded Managing Director Dirk Flege on Thursday. “We can’t waste any more time in expanding the network for the Deutschlandtakt.”... * LNG Terminal | Uniper | Chlorine permit for 20 years: LNG ship is allowed to chlorine the Wadden Sea Lower Saxony has allowed a liquid gas ship to be cleaned with chlorine - despite alternatives. The monitoring should...

  9. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    | LNG gas price: How much liquid gas is currently arriving in Germany? Partly because of the war in Ukraine, Germany is now increasingly relying on liquid gas for its energy supply. The first LNG terminals in the north are in operation - the amount of imports is constantly increasing. Floating terminals are intended to supply Germany with liquefied natural gas (LNG): two are already in operation, others are under construction or...

  10. Newsletter III 2023 - January 15-21 - News+ Climate Scam - Exxon knew it all

    criticized this in a statement. The restart of the reactor in Neckarwestheim was originally announced for Saturday, but was brought forward... * France | Electricity price | LNG Terminal High electricity prices due to France's nuclear power plant Anke Herold on high electricity and energy costs in Germany At the beginning of the year, the situation with electricity prices on the stock exchanges looks surprisingly relaxed...

  11. Newsletter II 2023 - January 8th to 14th - News+ We have already won

    Energy supplies would have been reduced years ago; Coal-fired power plants would not have been reactivated; The last nuclear power plants would have been taken off the grid on January 1.1.2023st, XNUMX and the expansion of the LNG terminals would probably not be necessary. Lützerath would not be excavated either... * Lützerath | Climate activists | Greens | Eviction of Lützerath – the Green Party’s meltdown? At the latest with the evacuation of Lützerath...

  12. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    and industrial networks taken into account... * Fossil energy crisis | Renewable expansion | LNG “The fossil energy crisis will be with us for a long time” Energy expert Claudia Kemfert on the construction of LNG terminals, boosters for renewables and the race with China and the USA. On Tuesday, the first tanker carrying liquid gas arrived at the LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven. With eleven such terminals, the...

  13. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    the deal. Small quantities, big plans: The Qatari Energy Ministry has announced a gas deal with Germany. Up to two million tons per year are to be delivered to the LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel over 15 years. That only covers three percent of gas consumption - but it should be even more. Qatar obviously wants to make itself indispensable for the German...

  14. Newsletter XLVI 2022 - November 16th to 23rd - News+ Now only the wisdom of the Peace of Westphalia can help

    Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure lead to a massive power outage in neighboring Moldova... * LNG Liquefied Natural Gas | Energy policy | LNG Terminal LNG: Long-term supply contracts sold out until 2026 Competition for liquefied natural gas (LNG) has increased significantly worldwide due to growing interest in Europe. According to Japan, the market cannot...

  15. Newsletter XXXVI 2022 - September 09th to 16th - News+ permanent vigil in front of ANF Framatome in Lingen

    been. However, there was no reference to the increased radiation levels in the detailed documentation of the process. Only now, during an audit, did the process become known... * LNG Terminal | Expansion of renewables Incomprehensible: LNG terminals approved faster than renewable projects Carolin Dähling from Green Planet Energy cannot understand why the government is...

  16. Newsletter VI 2022 - February 08th to 12th - News+ Energy Outlook USA: Renewable energies displace power generation from natural gas

    at the same level as in 1972. The USA is the largest natural gas producer in the world and, along with Russia and Saudi Arabia, is one of the world's largest oil producers. In 2016, liquefied natural gas (LNG) was exported from the US mainland for the first time with the commissioning of the Sabine Pass terminal in Louisiana... Energy production from renewable energies has increased significantly in the USA since 2001, with new...

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