1. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    und ganze Stadtteile müssen teilweise mehrere Tage ohne Strom auskommen. Schuld daran sind ein schlecht ausgebautes Stromnetz und marode Kohlekraftwerke, die nach wie vor für 85 Prozent der Stromproduktion verantwortlich sind. Staatsgelder, die in den Ausbau der Strominfrastruktur hätten fließen sollen, scheinen vielfach irgendwo versickert zu sein. Das Problem des Stromsystems sehen alle...

  2. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    were unjustified with regard to the consequences for the climate and electricity prices. [...] The anti-nuclear organization Radiated meanwhile calculated that the increase in renewable energies had mathematically completely replaced the electricity production of the three nuclear power plants. According to this, from April 2023 to March 2024, wind power and solar systems in Germany together generated 29 billion kilowatt hours more electricity than in...

  3. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    in 2021) produces more nuclear power than France for the third year in a row, remaining in second place among the largest nuclear power producers behind the USA. Outside China, nuclear power production fell 5 percent to its lowest level since the mid-1990s. Nuclear energy's share of global gross commercial electricity generation in 2022 fell to 9,2 percent - the lowest...

  4. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    Michael Müller said: "Last year, 35 percent of our electricity came from renewable sources, followed by electricity generation from gas and only in last place was electricity production from coal." Accordingly, coal and nuclear energy only provide eight percent of RWE's profits. [...] But the extraordinarily high profits at RWE will not continue. Because now...

  5. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    or other production sources, says Scholz. In addition, uranium reserves are finite. "If you look backwards in twenty years and see who made the cheaper and more efficient decision to produce electricity, then it will be our country," predicted the Chancellor... * Migrants | Armament companies Who benefits from the militarized “Fortress Europe” against refugees? Walls and...

  6. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    switched off for more than a month and does not produce any electricity during this time. As the company Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) reports, the reactor will be separated from electricity production on Saturday, March 2, 2024. The duration of the annual maintenance work is initially estimated at 37 days, but it can also take longer. Electricity production at the OL3 nuclear power plant began in March 2023, so...

  7. Newsletter V 2024 - January 28th to February 3rd - Current news + US foreign policy: Profit over peace?

    problems. The highly alkaline mixture of various metal oxides and heavy metals is harmful to the environment and toxic. [...] If you partially use renewable energies for hydrogen and electricity production, then the process is worthwhile if the red mud contains around 50 percent iron oxide. However, if you add the costs normally incurred for disposing of the red mud,...

  8. Newsletter IV 2024 - January 21st to 27th - Current news + AfD ban: Off to Karlsruhe?

    was 0, it was increased to 1 because procedural deficiencies contributed to the occurrence of a common cause failure. OL3 started regular electricity production in April after completing trial operation. Construction of OL3 began in 2005, and various setbacks and delays have left the facility approximately 14 years behind original schedule...

  9. Newsletter XLIX 2023 - December 3rd to 9th - News+ The language of autocracy

    Years, but was extended in 2005 by 20 years, i.e. to 2032 to 2037... Translation with https://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) * Nuclear power is losing, nuclear power production is falling massively. Nuclear power is declining A new report shows how much nuclear energy's share of global electricity production has fallen. Nuclear power plants, both large and small, are climate savers...

  10. Newsletter XLIII 2023 - October 22nd to 28th - News+ Municipal utilities are leaving the Future Gas lobby association

    simply: "Israel cannot be accused of apartheid a priori, regardless of the facts, because Israel is a Jewish state," said the Holocaust researcher... October 23 Coal | fossil | Electricity production Global energy industry: From now on less coal will be burned Think tank has found out: Use of fossil fuels is declining. But this is not just due to the industrialized countries. Here the...

  11. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    EU Parliament agrees. With the reform, the EU wants to promote the move away from fossil power generation and prevent extreme price fluctuations. To this end, all state subsidies for electricity production are to be replaced by so-called contracts for difference. With these contracts, the state guarantees producers a certain price that it sets itself. If the market price is lower,...

  12. Newsletter XXXVI 2023 - September 3rd to 9th - News+ Scientist predicts brutal “population correction” later this century

    * Great Britain | Energy transition | Offshore | Cost increase Slow energy transition British tender for offshore wind farms ends without a bid By 2050, Great Britain wants to almost triple its electricity production on the high seas. But there was not a single bidder in a tender for subsidized wind farms. Inflation is said to be to blame. When tendering for the construction...

  13. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    Euros to the industry, it is said. The largest part, around 10 billion, goes to relief in national and European emissions trading. In addition, fossil fuels in electricity production would be subsidized by 3,8 billion per year, plus direct energy tax relief of 2,2 billion. Due to high energy consumption, industrial sectors such as iron and steel,...

  14. Newsletter XXXIII 2023 - August 13th to 19th - News+ Military coup in Niger: Uranium mining and environmental destruction as deeper reasons?

    taken off the grid HELSINKI (dpa-AFX) - A Finnish nuclear reactor has been temporarily taken off the grid. As the operator Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) announced on Friday, electricity production in the Olkiluoto 2 reactor block was stopped early in the morning because an increase in humidity was detected at the turbine plant's generator. Consequences for nuclear safety...

  15. Newsletter XXXI 2023 - July 30th to August 05th - News+ Brussels buys more fire-fighting aircraft to fight forest fires

    The foundation of the wooden wind turbine was built at the beginning of 2023. Now the individual wooden modules of the tower are assembled. According to Varberg Energi, the wooden wind turbine will start producing electricity this year. The output of two megawatts is enough to power around 500 households in Sweden... * Oppenheimer, the military-industrial complex and the nuclear lobby The...

  16. Newsletter XXV 2023 - June 18th to 24th - News+ US war machine: Many knew, only he disagreed

    Bruno Le Maire spoke of “excellent news for the French”. The regaining of complete control over the company was necessary in order to increase electricity production more quickly in the future and to accelerate the program to build at least six new reactors. Millions of small shareholders have of course had a lot to do with the privatization experiment...

  17. Newsletter XXII 2023 - May 28th to June 3rd - News+ Political style in Germany Please, strengthen the AfD

    Further development may be worthwhile: a thin film can generate clean electricity from the air. Amherst – In times of climate change, renewable energies are an important issue. But electricity production through solar energy or wind power has a major disadvantage: electricity is only produced when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing. A research team from the University of Massachusetts...

  18. Newsletter XXI 2023 - 21 to 27 May - News+ World Biodiversity Day: Will the plan to restore Europe's biodiversity fail?

    Nuclear bomb tests) Ras Koh, PAK * We are looking for current information. If you can help, please send a message to: nucleare-welt@reaktorpleite.de May 27th Energy Transition | Expansion of wind and solar | Electricity production Habeck, discounters and climate activism: Last generation Aldi The discounter has the solution for quickly saving energy for every household: a balcony power plant in an assembly set. Can this...

  19. Newsletter XVI 2023 - April 16th to 22nd - News+ Poisons for eternity - Uranium and its radioactive relatives

    | Renewable Energy Act Solar systems on fields and pastures When the farmer harvests twice With photovoltaic systems, farmers can use their land in two ways: as agricultural land and for electricity production. So far, however, interested farmers have had to fight against sometimes strong resistance. This could change now. [...] Farmer Hussong's plan has been blocked since 2018. Of all things...

  20. Newsletter VII 2023 - February 12th to 18th - News+ Buzzword climate neutrality, saviors of the fossil lobby and the talk of alarmism

    In addition, the debt level had risen to 64,5 billion euros, EDF announced. The reason is massive problems with the nuclear power plants. "The result for 2022 is severely affected by the decline in electricity production," said EDF boss Luc Rémont... * Ukraine War | pacifism | Wagenknecht | Cross front Wagenknecht and Schwarzer: You don't march with rights Lafontaine and Wagenknecht...

Results 1 - 20 from 37