1. Newsletter XVIII 2024 - April 28th to May 4th - News+ Hubris of the West: Three decades of chaos and decline

    geopolitischen Verwerfungen des vergangenen Jahrhunderts. Diese Gruppe internationaler Bankiers unterstützte die bolschewistische Revolution und profitierte anschließend von der Errichtung eines sowjetischen Russlands. Diese Gruppe unterstützte Roosevelt und profitierte vom New-Deal-Sozialismus. Diese Gruppe unterstützte auch Hitler und profitierte sicherlich von der deutschen Aufrüstung in den...

  2. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    und für Generationen unbewohnbar gemacht. Der radioaktive Niederschlag führte zu Zehntausenden von Krebserkrankungen, Todesfällen, Fehlgeburten und Missbildungen – nicht nur in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion. Hintergrund Der erste Atomreaktor wurde in Tschernobyl zwischen 1971 und 1977 gebaut. Bis 1983 wurde die Anlage um drei weitere Reaktoren erweitert. Im benachbarten Städtchen Prypjat lebten die...

  3. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    Sevim Dagdelen in ihrem neuen Buch. Im gegenwärtigen Konflikt mit Russland scheint man bei der NATO noch den Mythen der Achtzigerjahre nachzuhängen. Die Strategie, Russland ähnlich wie damals die Sowjetunion totzurüsten, blendet die Wirklichkeit im dritten Jahrzehnt des 21. Jahrhunderts schlicht aus. Russland gibt nicht 13 Prozent seines Bruttoinlandsprodukts für Waffen und Rüstung aus, wie es...

  4. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    schlimmer schlimmer Verschwörungsgläubiger, du“) Nun aber mal wieder Ernsthaft. Wer kennt heute noch die Namen Wassili Alexandrowitsch Archipow und Stanislaw Jewgrafowitsch Petrow? Das waren zwei sowjetische Offiziere, ohne die heute vielleicht keiner von uns leben würde. Am 27. Oktober 1962, während der Kubakrise, trotzte W. A. Archipow zwei anderen Offizieren auf dem sowjetischen U-Boot B-59...

  5. Newsletter V 2024 - January 28th to February 3rd - Current news + US foreign policy: Profit over peace?

    und illegalen Angriff zu stoppen, unter anderem durch eine von den USA unterstützte Resolution der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen. Die zweite Krise bestand im Aufstand gegen die sowjetische Herrschaft in Ungarn 1956. Obwohl Eisenhower mit dem Aufstand sympathisierte, hielt er die USA klugerweise aus Ungarn heraus und vermied so eine gefährliche militärische Konfrontation mit der...

  6. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    Nuclear power. The first gas-cooled reactor, which was put into operation in Jaslovské Bohunice (today's Slovakia) in 1972, failed in 1976 due to two serious accidents. As a result, Soviet light water reactor types were adopted, and Czech industry became involved as a supplier in the production of most reactor components in Eastern Europe. In today's Czech Republic...

  7. Newsletter XLIV 2023 - October 29th to November 4th - News+ Uranium exports from Lingen to Russia violate EU law - study by the Greens justifies the possibility of a ban

    remain. The environmental organization Greenpeace in Russia feared a leak. The incident brought back memories of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in April 1986 in Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union). Ultimately, according to the operator Energoatom, the incident at the power plant was only a minor disruption. There are no increased radioactive emissions...

  8. Newsletter XL 2023 - October 1st to 7th - Current news + FDP proposal for industrial electricity price relief is spot on

    on. The study was published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology at the end of August. [...] After the first nuclear test in the New Mexico desert in 1945, the USA, the Soviet Union and China (later also France and Great Britain) tested their nuclear weapons by exploding them above the ground until the 1970s. This resulted in a severe radioactive...

  9. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    the ASN merged. In doing so, he is overriding Parliament's opposing vote in the spring... * August 30, 2003, Submarine K-159, RUS Wikipedia K-159 The K-159 was a nuclear submarine of the Soviet and later the Russian Navy. It belonged to the November class. In 2003, the decommissioned boat sank with nine crew members while being towed for scrap... Sinking...

  10. 1980 to 1989 - INES, NAMS and other events

    U-Boot K-278 Komsomolez sank südlich der Bäreninsel, UdSSR Atomwaffen A-Z Unfälle mit Atomwaffen Nordkapbecken, 1989 Auf der Linie zwischen Nordkap und Bären-Inseln kam das nukleargetriebene sowjetische U-Boot K-278 „Komsomolets“ (Mike-Klasse) am 7. April 1989 vom Kurs ab und versank nach einigen Stunden Überwasserfahrt. Durch Verbrennungen, Verletzungen, Ersticken und Unterkühlung kamen 42...

  11. 1950 to 1959 - INES, NAMS and other events

    plutonium reprocessing area, set up a spent fuel reprocessing department in Vinca, signed a cooperation agreement with the Soviet Union in 1956 for the 6,5 MW research reactor RA (heavy water reactor with moderation and cooling) and built the RB, a critical assembly Heavy water natural uranium at zero power. The RA reactor,...

  12. 1960 to 1969 - INES, NAMS and other events

    Region zu den am stärksten kontaminierten Orten der Erde. Hintergrund Die Produktionsgenossenschaft Majak war die erste und, mit einem Gelände von mehr als 200 km2, größte Atomindustrieanlage der Sowjetunion. Zwischen 1945 und 1948 wurden an diesem Standort zwischen Jekaterinburg und Tscheljabinsk fünf Atomreaktoren gebaut, um Plutonium für das sowjetische Atomwaffenprogramm herzustellen. Die...

  13. 1970 to 1979 - INES, NAMS and other events

    Nuclear power. The first gas-cooled reactor, which was put into operation in Jaslovské Bohunice (today's Slovakia) in 1972, failed in 1976 due to two serious accidents. As a result, Soviet light water reactor types were adopted, and Czech industry became involved as a supplier in the production of most reactor components in Eastern Europe. In today's Czech Republic...

  14. Newsletter XXIV 2023 - June 11th to 17th - News+ How the West is losing the Global South

    Igor Kortschatov orders to “maximally accelerate” its own nuclear weapons program. With a gigantic expenditure of personnel and materials, the project was pushed forward in Arzamas-16, the birthplace of the Soviet atomic bomb south of Nizhny Novgorod. On September 29, 1949, the TASS news agency reported that a nuclear explosive device had been successfully tested. Since Stalin used the bomb so...

  15. Newsletter XV 2023 - April 9th ​​to 15th - News+ Traffic light climate, Switzerland as a role model and the better alternative to e-fuels

    in Garching bleiben auch hierzulande drei international bedeutende Atomanlagen in Betrieb. Die aktuellen Pläne von Framatome, zusammen mit Rosatom "russische" Brennelemente für z. T. uralte sowjetisch-russische AKWs in Osteuropa herzustellen, würden das Emsland auf Jahrzehnte (!) hinaus zu einem aktivem und international zentralen Atomstandort machen - und das mit Beteiligung des Kreml. Das darf...

  16. Newsletter XIV 2023 - April 2-8 - News+ Wars and School Massacres: The Cancer of Dehumanization

    The nuclear reactor and two nuclear torpedoes are still on board and rusting away. Wikipedia https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-278_Komsomolets The K-278 Komsomolets was a Soviet nuclear submarine. It was put into service in 1984 and sank on April 7, 1989. The sinking cost the lives of 42 crew members... The fate of the Komsomolets...

  17. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    has been used. The Russian pressurized water reactor VVER-1200 with a nominal electrical output of 1.200 megawatts first went into operation in 2017 and is a further development of the Soviet reactor VVER-1000. Environmentalists not only criticize Siemens Energy's collaboration with Rosatom, but also that in Lingen, Lower Saxony. The fuel element factory located there...

  18. Newsletter V 2023 - January 29 to February 4 - News+ Je suis mud monk

    He told Deutsche Welle's Ukrainian service on Tuesday that the security guarantees that the 1994 "Budapest Memorandum" gave Ukraine in exchange for giving up its share of Soviet nuclear weapons were only on paper. Only the possession of one's own nuclear weapons can provide reliable protection against an "aggressor like Russia." Makeyev avoided returning...

  19. Newsletter XLIX 2022 - December 08th to 14th - News+ Umwelthilfe makes proposals for the rapid development of European photovoltaic production

    Renovation in the Erzgebirge: Wismut takes stock Aue - The fact that Russia can threaten to use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war has a history in Saxony. Since 1947, Wismut, initially run by the Soviets, has been mining half of the Ore Mountains for uranium. The above- and below-ground consequences are still with us today, and the renovations continue to cost millions. A balance sheet is now available. [...]...

  20. Newsletter XLVIII 2022 - December 01st to 07th - News+ The New York Times and the new climate deniers

    The fire brigade was quickly brought under control and the power supply to the pumps was temporarily restored. The case was only made public on television after the fall of communism in 1989. Just a few hours after the incident, Soviet authorities informed the IAEA, which later classified it as INES 3 (precursor to an accident, here a “station blackout” melting scenario)...

Results 1 - 20 from 42