1. Newsletter III 2024 - January 14th to 20th - Current news + Psychological explanations for doing nothing

    auch verfassungsrechtlich sehr bedenkenswert. [...] TikTok, X und YouTube geben den Takt vor. Und diese Medien sind keine Orte des nachdenklichen Debattierens und Zuhörens. Die Algorithmen von Social Media setzen auf den schnellen Reiz, das laute Pöbeln, den permanenten Tabubruch. Die AfD bewegt sich in dieser neuen Netz-Öffentlichkeit wie ein Fisch im Wasser. Vorurteile und Gehässigkeiten,...

  2. Newsletter XXXVII 2023 - September 10th to 16th - News+ How Germany is ruining the climate with billions in gifts to industry

    has become harsher, online and on the streets. Tino Pfaff, Weimar co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, recently made public on social media how radical and dangerous this can be. At the end of August, he received death threats on his cell phone: “We insist on torturing you and then killing you,” it says. The taz says Pfaff: “The perpetrator takes...

  3. Newsletter XXXVI 2023 - September 3rd to 9th - News+ Scientist predicts brutal “population correction” later this century

    nothing to do, the AfD MP Marc Bernhard continues to call it a “heating hammer” – a word that was often read in the picture this year... * fossil industry | Influencers | Social media influence on Instagram, Tiktok and Co: Fossil industry buys influencers The companies want to reach young people where they are at home online: on social media services. The method is...

  4. Newsletter XIX 2023 - May 7-13 - News+ Is the West turning Ukraine into a nuclear battlefield?

    Fact Checker Has Been Bought and Compromised “Fact Check” organizations have become a censorship industrial complex. Governments and corporations remain unmolested. In the age of social media, the ever faster dissemination of information and the increasing influence of PR-driven information and war propaganda, independent fact-checking organizations would be extremely...

  5. Newsletter V 2023 - January 29 to February 4 - News+ Je suis mud monk

    that the bankers could drive into the underground car park - but resistance to the police: no-go! Mud monk was celebrated and insulted And that's exactly how the other side saw it in memes and on social media. Such hypocrites are “the left”. Would always preach about standing up for the weak and then pick out “the weakest” and “beat” him. Just like in school!...

  6. Newsletter IV 2023 - January 22nd to 28th - News+ How the FDP politician Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann plays down her proximity to the armaments lobby

    as part of the UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh (COP27). 18 organizations analyzed over 850 advertisers who advertised on social media between September 1 and November 23, 2022. They uncovered numerous misinformation and misleading narratives... *** January 26th Bure France | Criminalization suspended sentences for demonstration...

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