1. Newsletter

    Nach dem Angriff auf den SPD-Politiker Ecke sind in Dresden Tausende Menschen gegen Gewalt auf die Straße gegangen - unter ihnen auch SPD-Chefin Esken. Zuvor hatte sich ein 17-Jähriger der Polizei gestellt und die Tat gestanden. Nach dem Angriff auf den SPD-Politiker Matthias Ecke haben nach Polizeiangaben rund 3.000 Menschen in Dresden für Demokratie und gegen Gewalt demonstriert. Sie...

  2. Newsletter XVIII 2024 - April 28th to May 4th - News+ Hubris of the West: Three decades of chaos and decline

    schwer verletzt worden. Er müsse operiert werden, teilte die SPD Sachsen am Samstag mit. Der Vorfall habe sich am Freitagabend auf offener Straße im Stadtteil Striesen ereignet. Ein Sprecher der Polizei Sachsen bestätigte, dass es einen Vorfall beim Plakatieren gegeben habe und Ecke betroffen sei. Weitere Informationen sollten im Laufe des Tages folgen. Nach Angaben der SPD Sachsen gab es...

  3. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    angerichtet. Besonders schwer traf es die Stadt Omaha und deren Umgebung im Bundesstaat Nebraska. Dort seien Hunderte Häuser beschädigt worden, berichteten örtliche Medien unter Berufung auf die Polizei. Von einigen Häusern seien nur noch Trümmer übrig. Auf Fotos und Videos waren Gebäude zu sehen, von denen nur ein Trümmerberg übrig blieb. Zudem fiel in Tausenden Haushalten der Strom aus. [...]...

  4. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    von schätzungsweise 150.000 Menschen. Modi verharmloste die Gewaltwelle als "gerechtfertigten Volkszorn". Aber das organisierte Vorgehen der gewalttätigen Gruppen und die Untätigkeit der Polizei "deuteten für viele Beobachter auf eine vorherige Planung der Attacken" hin (so Gottschlich 2018) – was auch an die Jakarta-Methode denken lässt, die auf Hass und Pogrome setzt, um faschistische Regime...

  5. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    blieben aus, so der Landwirt. * Antisemitismus | Einreiseverbot | Palästina-Kongress „Palästina-Kongress“ in Berlin aufgelöst: Kampf um die Deutungshoheit Nur zwei Stunden nach Beginn hatte die Polizei den umstrittenen „Palästina-Kongress“ aufgelöst. Über das Vorgehen tobt der Streit nun im Netz. BERLIN taz | Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, eine Veranstaltung zu verhindern. Man kann versuchen, sie...

  6. Newsletter XIV 2024 - March 31st to April 6th - News+ - It's not just Germany that is getting out

    Einkommen, eine hohe Bildung und die entsprechende soziale Struktur schlügen sich in den Wahlergebnissen nieder... * Mexiko | Ecuador | Unverletzlichkeit des Missionsgebäudes Diplomatische Krise: Polizei in Ecuador stürmt Botschaft von Mexiko und verhaftet Politiker Ehemaliger Vizepräsident gewaltsam aus Botschaft geholt. Mexiko bricht Beziehungen ab. Was folgt auf den Eklat? Nach der Erstürmung...

  7. Newsletter

    against war and rearmament The procession led over Karl-Marx-Allee through parts of Berlin-Friedrichshain. Counter-demonstrators were seen on Rigaer Strasse – under the eyes of the police. [...] Several thousand people marched through Berlin-Friedrichshain for the peace movement's traditional Easter march. They met at the Kosmos cinema on Karl-Marx-Allee opposite the...

  8. Newsletter XII 2024 - March 17th to 23rd - News+ Industry should stop whining about Germany

    During the night the number of deaths rose to 62. The Moscow Region Ministry of Health spoke of 145 people being taken to hospitals that night. Because rescue and police operations were still ongoing on site and the building was on fire, the numbers could still rise significantly. It is said that at least eight children are among the injured... * Drought |...

  9. Newsletter XI 2024 - March 10th to 16th - News+ There is every reason to be afraid of the AfD

    Blocked road, small fires, smoke bombs: Once again people in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem took to the streets in support of a hostage deal and against the Netanyahu government. In some places the police had to intervene. Thousands of people marched in Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities on Saturday to demand the release of hostages held by the Islamist Hamas and against the government of...

  10. Newsletter X 2024 - March 3rd to 9th - News+ More courage would be good

    appear to be increasing as the death toll rises. What is the reaction to these protests? In the United Kingdom, MPs complained that these protests were putting police under "continued pressure." Maybe that's the point of the protests. * Renewable | Electricity generation | Wind energy Wind power was the most important source of electricity generation in 2023. Almost a third...

  11. Newsletter IX 2024 - February 25th to March 2nd - News+ Deceptively real AI videos: What if we can no longer believe anything?

    | Mourning for Navalny Mourning in Russia People continue to come to Navalny's grave A sea of ​​flowers and wreaths: Even today, many people in Russia say goodbye to Alexei Navalny. The police are letting the mourners do as they please – so far. After the funeral of Kremlin opponent Alexei Navalny, people continued to gather at the Borisovskoye cemetery in Moscow on Saturday despite police presence...

  12. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    was able to isolate naturally occurring microbes that eat carbon dioxide gas and turn it into solid rock. This is called “carbon mineralization”... * Right-wing extremism | Crime | Police protection against crime - Waltershausen: Interior Minister Maier: Better protect committed people Erfurt (dpa/th) - Anyone who recently organized demonstrations against right-wing extremism or...

  13. Newsletter VII 2024 - February 11th to 17th - Current+ super election year in the crucial climate decade

    Prime Minister, a Federal Minister and a party leader; The AfD celebrates the cancellation “as a result of democracy in action”. Something like this must not happen again. The police must better protect Green Party events in the future. There should be enough police officers on site earlier than in Biberach; they must consistently keep the access roads to the venue clear...

  14. Newsletter V 2024 - January 28th to February 3rd - Current news + US foreign policy: Profit over peace?

    | Right-wing extremism More than 200.000 people against right-wing extremism Tens of thousands of people protested against right-wing extremism in Germany. According to the police, there were 150.000 demonstrators in Berlin alone. Numerous people also took to the streets in other cities. Numerous people are once again protesting in Berlin under the motto "We are the firewall: an alliance against the right"...

  15. Newsletter IV 2024 - January 21st to 27th - Current news + AfD ban: Off to Karlsruhe?

    18 and 29 are said to have seriously injured a 19-year-old with a baseball bat in Remptendorf at the weekend. The man was taken to hospital by rescue helicopter. The police are investigating. [...] According to the police, the men between the ages of 18 and 29 attacked the man with a baseball bat in a youth club on Sunday evening. [...] is being investigated for...

  16. Newsletter III 2024 - January 14th to 20th - Current news + Psychological explanations for doing nothing

    Even be canceled due to crowds of people. One of the organizers cited safety concerns. People collapsed in the crowd and the fire department couldn't get through. The police spoke of 50.000 participants, the organizers of 80.000. According to police information, more than 10.000 people took to the streets in Münster, 13.000 in Bochum, around 4.000 in Kiel and 3.000 in Jena... *...

  17. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    These include calls for a “general strike” and “subversive riots” as well as for an “infiltration” of the demonstrations. The right-wing extremist party »Der III. According to the police, "Away" speaks of a possible farmers' revolt. AfD members and party officials would act as event registrants or would be scheduled to speak. There is also a call from the new right...

  18. Newsletter LII 2023 - December 24th to 31st - News+ Nuclear power fantasy fails due to desolate industry

    only publicly announced days later and categorized as an INES level 2 incident... December 26th United States divided, Don Trumpl and his fascists terrorize the country. Police investigate threats against judges after Trump verdict Police in the USA are investigating threats after an explosive verdict against former US President Donald Trump in the state of Colorado...

  19. Newsletter LI 2023 - December 17th to 23rd - Current news + steps towards climate change, unsettled OPEC and loving politics

    actions affected. The largest was on the A57 towards Cologne: 76 tractors jammed traffic there. Farmers also sometimes blocked both lanes on the A40 and A61. According to the police, mostly farmers' personal details were recorded. On the A560 near Hennef, where around 70 tractors had stopped traffic, the officers filed a complaint against unknown persons... * CO2 price |...

  20. Newsletter XLV 2023 - November 5th to 11th - News+ Are Habeck, Pistorius, Baerbock an infernal trio?

    Two men climbed onto the balcony, pulled her down, stepped on her and took her away. A video camera filmed the incident and the footage is now supporting the police investigation. For Melcer, this is no coincidence. "By bending its Israel flag, the city has signaled: Our solidarity is negotiable. And thus stimulated those who...

Results 1 - 20 from 94