1. Newsletter

    der ganzen Welt einfließen. Die genutzten Daten gehen zurück bis auf das Jahr 1950, teilweise sind auch frühere Daten verfügbar. * Emissionen | Greenwashing | Schifffahrt Scrubber-Abwasser in der Ostsee verursacht Millionenschäden Abwässer von Schiffen mit sogenannten Scrubbern verursachen große Schäden in der Ostsee. Eine neue Studie aus Schweden zeigt, dass diese Emissionen zwischen 2014 und...

  2. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    auch noch „einen tagelangen Betrieb von Gaskraftwerken“ zu ermöglichen. Das ist rückblickend allerdings gelungen, nicht zuletzt durch die extrem schnell gebauten LNG-Terminals an Nord- und Ostsee. Habeck und Lemke ­wiesen die Vorwürfe zurück. „Das ist kein Spiel, wir reden über nukleare Sicherheit“, sagte die Umweltministerin. Habeck erklärte: „Die Unterlagen erzählen eine andere Geschichte, als...

  3. Newsletter XVI 2024 - April 14th to 20th - News+ Poland: The Tusk government is also relying on nuclear energy

    am nationalen Atomprogramm intensiviert. 2017 dann kam die PEJ zu dem Ergebnis, dass der günstigste Standort für das erste polnische AKW in Lubiatowo in der Gemeinde Choczewo an der kaschubischen Ostseeküste ist, ca. 50 km nordwestlich der sog. Dreistadt mit Danzig. Eine Rolle hat gespielt, dass in dem zweiten in den Blick genommenen Ostsee-Standort, Gaski in der Nähe des Kurorts Kolobrzeg...

  4. Newsletter XXXIX 2023 - September 24th to 30th - News+ “Populist, verbally radical, ethnic” – and no end in sight

    Offshore wind farms: How Denmark became Germany's energy supplier After the end of cheap gas from Russia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is relying on energy production at sea. The Baltic Sea is to become a gigantic wind power plant. The aim is to produce cheap electricity and later also hydrogen. The Danes were the first to set off. Nysted Havmøllepark, just 30...

  5. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    gehen und nicht um Sozialklimbim", freute sich der FDP-Bundestagsabgeordnete Frank Schäffler an diesem Montag über die Einigung in der Ampel-Koalition zur Kindergrundsicherung... * Offshore | Ostsee | Nordsee | Meeresflächen Konkurrenz um Meeresflächen Doppelschlag bei der Windkraft auf See Aufs oder übers Meer wollen alle: LNG-Branche, Reedereien, Marine, Fischer und Segler. Um den knapper...

  6. 2000 to 2009 - INES, NAMS and other events

    als sicherheitsrelevant (ein Ereignis wurde mit der INES-Stufe 2 klassifiziert)... 2005 29. Juni 2005 (INES Klass.?) Akw Forsmark, SWE Aus einem Zwischenlager gelangte radioaktives Wasser in die Ostsee. (Kosten ca. 12 Millionen US$) Nuclear Power Accidents Wikipedia de Kernkraftwerk Forsmark Forsmark, 29. Juni 2005 Aus dem Zwischenlager für schwach und mittelstark strahlenden Abfall im...

  7. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    the Federal Network Agency announced in mid-July. The authority awarded the energy companies BP and Total the contract to build and operate wind turbines for several large areas in the North and Baltic Seas. On the one hand, the interest in the auction of the four areas, three in the North Sea and one in the Baltic Sea, was astonishing. There were eight applicants for the North Sea areas, and for the wind farm in the...

  8. Newsletter XXVI 2023 - June 25 to July 1 - News+ Two tips on how we can further strengthen the far-right AfD

    shown with such a reduced perspective that it stuns me... * June 29, 2005 (INES Klass.?) Forsmark, SWE Radioactive water found its way into the Baltic Sea from an interim storage facility. (Costs approx. 12 million US$) Nuclear Power Accidents Wikipedia Forsmark, June 29, 2005 From the interim storage facility for weak and medium-level radioactive waste at the Swedish Forsmark nuclear power plant...

  9. Newsletter XXV 2023 - June 18th to 24th - News+ US war machine: Many knew, only he disagreed

    temperatures in the world's oceans, some of which are considerably higher than the average for the years 1971 to 2000. In particular, the tropical Pacific, large parts of the North Atlantic including the North and Baltic Seas, the western Mediterranean and the Sea of ​​Japan are far too warm. Around Ireland and Great Britain the water is around four degrees Celsius warmer than usual there at this time of year, writes...

  10. Newsletter XXIII 2023 - June 4th to 10th - News+ Politics with poison, hate speech and propaganda

    to receive this energy,” says Hajimiri. “This allows us to send energy to remote places or those devastated by natural disasters or war.” * Denmark | Baltic Sea Wind | Offshore cooperation Bornholm Energy Island: Germany and Denmark commit themselves Offshore wind power is to be significantly expanded in the North and Baltic Seas; as well as the network infrastructure...

  11. Newsletter X 2023 - March 5th to 11th - News+ Dangerous toxins: Which products contain PFAS

    passed the laws on the so-called energy price brakes for electricity, natural gas and heat. This is intended to provide customers with quick and effective relief on energy costs... * LNG terminal | Baltic Sea | Pipeline Rügenerin on the construction of LNG terminals: “Who else will come here?” LNG terminals are to be built in the sea off the popular Baltic Sea island of Rügen. Stephanie Dobelstein, spokesperson for...

  12. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    "... * Nord Stream 2 | Sabotage Seymour Hersh: USA is behind the Nord Stream sabotage act The renowned US journalist Hersh accuses the Biden administration of blowing up the Baltic Sea pipelines. That's what one says Source familiar with the planning. The White House speaks of "invention". About an explosive story. The reporting of the Pulitzer Prize winner and...

  13. Newsletter III 2023 - January 15-21 - News+ Climate Scam - Exxon knew it all

    Betrieb genommen. Jetzt wird ein weiterer Offshore Windpark ans Netz angeschlossen. Seit dem 12. Januar 2023 produzieren die ersten Vestas-Windturbinen des Offshore Windparks Arcadis Ost 1 in der Ostsee nördlich von Rügen grünen Strom. Arcadis Ost 1 wurde vom belgischen Entwickler Parkwind unter Beteiligung von PMV und der OstseeWindEnergie GmbH entwickelt... * Klimawandel | Braunkohle | fossil...

  14. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    and the race with China and the USA. On Tuesday, the first tanker carrying liquid gas arrived at the LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven. The federal government is planning eleven such terminals on the North and Baltic Seas. For energy expert Claudia Kemfert, there are far too many. Ms. Kemfert, the natural gas storage facilities are full, even though gas is no longer coming from Russia, and gas prices are falling again. Is...

  15. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    pointed out possible impairments as a result of heat spread through cooling water. The daily traffic of the 136 meter long tankers, which transport the LNG from a larger ship on the Baltic Sea through the shallow bay, was also not sufficiently taken into account. In addition, there are risks due to explosion hazards for industrial plants such as the nuclear interim storage facility in Lubmin... *...

  16. Newsletter XLV 2022 - November 08th to 15th - News+ Penalties for activists - And what about the climate?

    that population size has a direct effect on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions... * Groundwater | Drinking water | Drought Will Berlin and Brandenburg soon have to be supplied with water from the Baltic Sea? The drought in the region is increasing and endangering the drinking water supply. Which solutions are being discussed and what they bring. Climate change causes rivers and...

  17. Newsletter XLIV 2022 - November 01st to 07th - News+ Do not fear progress and technology, fear capitalism

    To be able to do without coal-fired electricity. The first reactor is scheduled to go online in 2033. [...] In the small village of Lubiatowo (Lübtow) in Western Pomerania, around 70 kilometers northwest of Gdansk and directly on the Baltic Sea, the residents are paralyzed. At the end of February they had already loudly protested against the “favored location for Poland's first nuclear power plant”. Still fluttering on one...

  18. Newsletter XLIII 2022 - October 28th to 31st - News+ Climate protection: It's not enough

    and influence on the ratings... * Security | Nuclear waste interim storage facility | Lubmin Lubmin nuclear waste storage facility: BUND calls for more security in interim storage Recent events in the Baltic Sea region demonstrate the urgency of protection against attacks On the occasion of the discussion date for the new construction of the North interim storage facility in Lubmin this Tuesday, the Federal Environment and...

  19. Newsletter XLI 2022 - October 16th to 22nd - News+ The "Friends of MIK" in AFD, CDU/CSU and FDP are ready to fight for the nuclear industry until democracy is over

    become. There are over 33.000 kilometers of railways running through Germany, including those that are in operation. More than 1.000 kilometers of power cables run through the Baltic Sea between Finland and Germany. There are submarine cables with a total length of around 1,3 million kilometers on the seabeds of the world. And even these rails and cables are only a fraction of what lies beneath...

  20. Newsletter XXXIX 2022 - October 01st to 08th - News+ Belgium shows problems with extending the runtimes of nuclear power plants

    Atmosphere remains as CO₂ does not reassure scientists. Another reason: In addition to methane, natural gas also contains other trace gases, such as benzene. They can cause significant damage to the flora and fauna of the Baltic Sea, and human health can also be affected... * Memory | Energy transition | Energy supply Electricity storage: Storage capacity in Germany is increasing...

Results 1 - 20 from 33