1. Newsletter XXV - June 01st to 07.06.2021th, 01 - News+ June XNUMXst - Trinational resolution against fuel elements: Joint venture in Lingen

    Nuclear industry kept alive. We demand Europe's exit from nuclear energy," said Vladimir Slivyak from Ecodefense. "Today we are faced with a growing interaction between the civil and military nuclear industries. In all nuclear weapon states, the military is supported by the civilian nuclear industry through hidden subsidies. This includes staff support,...

  2. Newsletter XX - 28.04. to 03.05.2021/28/XNUMX - News+ April XNUMX - Solar power drives Germany

    *** 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 Aktuelles+ Hintergrundwissen *** 03. Mai 2021 - Klimaschutzgesetz - CO2-Preis von 100 Euro rückt in greifbare Nähe * Das Militär als Mitverursacher der Klimakatastrophe 03. Mai 2021 - Krieg gegen die Umwelt * Urenco, Gronau, Lingen... 03. Mai 2021 - Themenwoche Atomkraft * 03. Mai 2021 - Grafenrheinfeld: Übergabe der...

  3. Newsletter XIX - April 25th to 27.04.2021th, 25 - News+ April XNUMXth - MiK prepares for important battles to come

    with the radiation - and the fear *** Top of the page Current news + background knowledge *** Current news + WiP April 25, 2021 - MiK is preparing for important upcoming battles When researching MiK - military-industrial complex, nuclear industry division, nuclear lobby subdivision - I have several interesting articles found that indicate that MiK is feverishly working on a...

  4. Newsletter XVI - April 13th to 15.04.2021th, 13 - News+ April XNUMXth - Gas power plant: Is electricity from natural gas sustainable?

    2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 News+ background knowledge *** Are nuclear and gas sustainable? April 15, 2021 - EU Commission shirks decision * April 15, 2021 - Billions for the military - and millions of people are starving * China's Foreign Ministry: April 14, 2021 - Japan must not let the world pay for the disposal of nuclear wastewater - IMHO Previously or later they will...

  5. Newsletter XIV - 31.03. until 05.04.2021 - News+ March 31 - Germany grants political asylum for Julian Assange and Edward Snowden!

    knew that this train had long since left. The drug trade has been organized by the most powerful at least since the first Opium War (1839-1842): banks finance, politicians cover, the military takes care of the logistics and gets their hands dirty. Because this Sandman propaganda was so poor and transparent, we laughed our asses off and the slogan soon mutated into...

  6. Newsletter XIII - March 25 to 30.03.2021, 25 - News+ March XNUMX - Macron, Orbán and Co. call for "active" EU support for nuclear energy

    Thilo Bode's headline on the 2017 glyphosate scandal in the October 2018 edition of the newspapers for German and international politics: "Lobbyism 2.0: The industrial-political complex."... * Military-industrial complex The term gained popularity in the US -President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in his farewell speech on January 17, 1961 expressly warned of the interconnections and...

  7. Newsletter XII - March 17th to 24.03.2021th, 17 - News+ March XNUMXth - Urenco: Phasing out uranium enrichment in NRW would be 'political issue of the first order'

    Russia apparently illegal Nuclear waste exports from Gronau to Russia are highly controversial and possibly illegal - according to a legal opinion that is available exclusively to WDR. The residue could be used for military purposes. It has always been clear to German and Russian environmentalists: the export of so-called depleted uranium to Russia is illegal. Because from their point of view the...

  8. Newsletter XI - March 10th to 16.03.2021th, 10 - News+ March XNUMXth - German environmental aid warns of the renaissance of nuclear power under the guise of climate protection

    Thilo Bode's headline on the 2017 glyphosate scandal in the October 2018 edition of the newspapers for German and international politics: "Lobbyism 2.0: The industrial-political complex."... * Military-industrial complex The term gained popularity in the US -President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in his farewell speech on January 17, 1961 expressly warned of the interconnections and...

  9. Newsletter IX - 25.02. to 02.03.2021/25/XNUMX - News+ February XNUMX - On the Nanda Devi there are one and a half kilos of plutonium

    February 2021 - Nuclear factory: French-Russian joint venture * Term extension to 50 years February 25, 2021 - France sticks to old nuclear power plants * February 25, 2021 - USA alone at the top in military spending * February 25, 2021 - Weakening of the Gulf Stream system "unprecedented" * February 25, 2021 - Too prone to failure and unreliable: For the DIW, nuclear power has no future * 25....

  10. Newsletter VIII - February 16 to 24.02.2021, 16 - News+ February XNUMX - Nuclear power plants light GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy establishes Canadian SMR company

    - Translate with https://www.deepL.com/translator (free version) ** YouTube channel "Reactor bankruptcy" Radioactivity worldwide... US President Dwight D. Eisenhower: Warning about the military-industrial complex (Deep State) ** Nuclear Power PlantsPlag Small Modular Reactor (SMR) SMR since the 1950s The idea of ​​creating more cost-effective mini nuclear power plants - Small...

  11. Newsletter IV - January 22 to 26.01.2021, 22 - News+ January XNUMX - Nuclear weapons: Banned worldwide as of today

    about nuclear weapons. The global inventory of nuclear warheads, which peaked at 1986 in 70.300, is currently estimated to total 13.410. Around 9.320 of these are in military stocks, the rest are to be dismantled (as of September 2020). Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty On July 7, 2017, representatives of 122 states adopted a draft of the Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Treaty...

  12. Important newspaper articles on Atom * ... etc. from 2021

    ** Newsletter LIII 2021 - November 19th to 25th News+ Glasgow was yesterday ** Newsletter LII 2021 - November 13th to 18th News+ The “great statesmen” of this world are puppets of the military ** Newsletter LI 2021 - November 06th to 12th November News+ Is this megalomania or the end of the climate crisis? ** Newsletter L 2021 - November 01st to 05th News+ From now on, without delay *** 01 02...

  13. December 10.12.2020th, 12.12.2020 - Saturday, December 14th, XNUMX, XNUMX p.m. - vigil 'Am Seitenkanal' in the south of Lingen, in front of the fuel element factory

    ** Continue to: Newspaper article 2020 *** Top of page Background knowledge News+. *** Background knowledge ** reaktorpleite.de Nuclear power plants are indispensable for the nuclear industry and the military. Without 'civilian' nuclear reactors, for example, there would be no cheap plutonium for atomic bombs, no depleted uranium for uranium ammunition and not enough electricity for great new energy weapons. Completely closed...

  14. April, April 2020 - Democracy in the intensive care unit

    We decided this together in Gronau and Jülich. We will name a new date after Easter in due course. In order to ensure that the urgent demand for an end to the civilly and militarily dangerous uranium enrichment in Gronau and the associated centrifuge development and production in Jülich remains politically visible in this extraordinary situation,...

  15. THTR Circular No. 152, December 2019

    also in light water reactors. Contracts have already been concluded with the US Department of Defense (!). X-Energy emphasizes that TRISO is a “very robust fuel that is well suited for military and space applications.” Furthermore, the US Department of Defense says that this form of energy is important in times of crisis because military operations are more energy-intensive than before...

  16. 17.03.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX - Deadly dust - use of uranium ammunition and the consequences

    and are guarded and that costs money – a lot of money. So the question soon arose: How do you get rid of this radioactive and highly toxic stuff? About 40 years ago, military weapons developers discovered that this metal, which is very cheap as a waste product, has two very excellent properties for military purposes: if you form this metal into a...

  17. Important newspaper articles on Atom * ... etc. from 2019

    - TEPCO wants to hire foreign workers with new visas to work at the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant * April 15, 2019 - Euratom Treaty to be revised * Who likes arms deals? Military officers, bankers and mafiosi... April 13, 2019 - Do arms exports create many domestic jobs? * April 08th, 2019 - A book about the trials and tribulations of nuclear waste disposal * April 06th, 2019 -...

  18. THTR Newsletter No. 151 December 2018

    The hymns of praise for the pebble bed reactor in the Federal Republic of Germany grew more and more and led to grotesque self-overestimations. They revealed well-known thought patterns that manifested themselves in extremely military-violent language: “On October 19, 1959, the Allgemeine Zeitung came up with the headline 'Germany has won the first 'nuclear battle'' and claimed that the 'great...

  19. THTR Circular No. 150 June 2018

    Hydrogen and minerals produced. According to Yan Long, a researcher involved in the project, the knowledge gained during the construction and operation of the TMSR will also help develop molten salt reactors for military use. They would have the advantage of being much smaller than the pressurized water reactors with which ships and submarines are currently operated.” (1)...

  20. Important newspaper articles on Atom * ... etc. from 2018

    Beton- und Graphit-Bauteilen bisher schwer einschätzbar 05. September 2018 - AKW-Rückbau: Neue Messmethode für radioaktive Abfälle * Wer hat das Sagen? MiK! 04. September 2018 - Teure Reaktoren: Militär will weiter Atomkraft * Evolutionary Power Reactor EPR Flamanville - Wer hat das Sagen? 01. September 2018 - Ein Hilferuf der Atomaufsicht? *** 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 *** 31. August...