1. Newsletter XVIII 2024 - April 28th to May 4th - News+ Hubris of the West: Three decades of chaos and decline

    Das sollte allmählich auch den Politikern im Westen zu denken geben, die Verhandlungen ablehnen und die Ukraine mit westlichen Waffenlieferungen weiterkämpfen lassen wollen, egal wie viele Menschenleben das kostet. Die Ukrainer sollen ihr Leben auch für die Nato-Ziele einsetzen, während die Menschen der Nato-Länder gnädig verschont bleiben sollen, dafür aber zur Kasse gebeten werden, was vor...

  2. Newsletter

    den Krieg zwischen der Russischen Föderation und der Ukraine zu beenden. Letztlich droht hier neben der Zerstörung der Infrastruktur, der Natur und der Auslöschung von Hunderttausenden Menschenleben die Gefahr eines dritten Weltkrieges mit dem Einsatz von Nuklearwaffen. Dies würde den Untergang auch alles bisher zivilisatorisch Erreichten bedeuten. Ein nukleares Inferno kann niemand, der noch...

  3. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    rechts. Nun wurde ein Brandanschlag verübt. Die Familie konnte sich retten. BERLIN taz | Michael Müller ist auch am Dienstag noch geschockt. „Das ist so eine Grenzüberschreitung, dass hier Menschenleben aufs Spiel gesetzt wurden.“ Er sei früher durch Afghanistan gereist, ohne Angst. Nun aber habe er Angst, in seinem eigenen Haus zu schlafen, sagt der Thüringer SPD-Lokalpolitiker aus...

  4. Newsletter XLV 2023 - November 5th to 11th - News+ Are Habeck, Pistorius, Baerbock an infernal trio?

    wird unterschiedlich beurteilt. Sind die Demonstrationen für Palästinenser und Palästinenserinnen per se antisemitisch? Deborah Feldman: Ich empfinde nicht, dass das Sich-einsetzen für Menschenleben in Gaza per se antisemitisch sein könnte. Warum sollte das auch so sein? Wer sich für unschuldige Kinder in Flüchtlingslagern einsetzt, wer sich einbringt für universelle Menschenrechte und damit für...

  5. Newsletter XLII 2023 - October 15th to 21st - News+ For a new concept of fascism

    Zugang zu Wasser. Bis zum Jahr 2050 könnte dies sogar fünf Milliarden Menschen betreffen. Doch während einerseits zu wenig Wasser verfügbar ist, fordern andererseits extreme Niederschläge Menschenleben und hinterlassen wirtschaftliche Schäden. "Der Wasserkreislauf gerät durch den Klimawandel und menschliche Aktivitäten aus dem Gleichgewicht", fasst die WMO die Problematik zusammen... * Wurde...

  6. Newsletter XXXIV 2023 - August 20th to 26th - News+ The sun will shine for another 4,5 billion years

    here and there in power. They can lie so that the beams bend, they can performatively live out their incompetence and corruption, they can bend the law and show how little human life and the environment are worth to them. They no longer need the mask of bourgeois honest men and women. They are obviously elected, not even though they are like that, they are elected...

  7. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    Europe's south remains in suspense. Enormous forest fires are raging in Greece, forcing tourists to evacuate. In northern Italy, however, storms are causing devastation and also claiming lives. Meanwhile, southern Europe continues to be hit by a brutal heat wave - with consequences that many would not have initially expected. It was 47,6 degrees Celsius on Monday afternoon...

  8. Newsletter XXV 2023 - June 18th to 24th - News+ US war machine: Many knew, only he disagreed

    According to the RKI, around 4.500 people died last year because of the heat. Across Europe, climate expert Stefan Rahmstorf estimates the cost of the climate crisis at 2022 human lives in 100.000 alone. Yes, this is all happening at the same time, while right-wing populists like Markus Söder and Hubert Aiwanger try to convince us that extremely efficient heat pumps are something like the devil...

  9. Newsletter XIV 2023 - April 2-8 - News+ Wars and School Massacres: The Cancer of Dehumanization

    Temelin Nuclear Power Plant supplies... * United States | Climate catastrophe | Extreme weather That's why the USA is the leader in severe weather disasters New York · Tornadoes have once again claimed lives in parts of the USA - this is just the latest of the many severe weather disasters that hit the United States every year. What is that actually about? The USA is the punching ball of the world, what...

  10. Newsletter XI 2023 - March 12th to 18th - News+ 12 years after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima – What have we learned from it?

    He then added: We have witnessed lies expressed at the highest levels of government and from the high tribune of the UN. This has resulted in enormous loss of life, damage, destruction and a huge increase in terrorism. Yes , it's true, on the 20th anniversary of the Iraq invasion, this war has long been forgotten here in the United States. No one...

  11. Newsletter VIII 2023 - February 19th to 25th - News+ Mönch von Lützerath: Sympathetic figures of the climate movement

    Karte häufig auf eine militärische Nutzung hinweisen. Große Mengen an PFAS finden sich demnach im Boden und Grundwasser von Kasernen, Truppenübungsplätzen und Militärflugplätzen. * Menschenleben | Waffenstillstand | UN-Sicherheitsrat "Kein einziges ukrainisches oder russisches Leben darf mehr geopfert werden" Der britische Musiker und Aktivist Roger Waters über den Krieg Russlands gegen die...

  12. Newsletter VII 2023 - February 12th to 18th - News+ Buzzword climate neutrality, saviors of the fossil lobby and the talk of alarmism

    took. Warnings came from all sides. What is astonishing is how precisely what ultimately happened was prophesied. (Part 1) For nearly a year, the war in Ukraine has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and brought the world to the brink of, as President Joe Biden put it, "Armageddon." Alongside the literal battlefield has emerged a similarly bitter intellectual...

  13. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    neue Rüstungsfabriken!“ Denn, so Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock vor dem Europarat in Straßburg, „wir führen einen Krieg gegen Russland“, und sie stellt orwellmäßig fest: „Waffen retten Menschenleben!“ Diese Gedanken dieser Ministerin für das Äußerste zu Ende gedacht, heißen: Krieg ist Frieden. Frieden ist Krieg. Berlin, Sportpalast, 1943: „Totaler Krieg – kürzester Krieg!“ Katrin...

  14. Newsletter LII 2022 - December 26-31 - News+ Putin and Lavrov should have gone before the UN

    shown, which of course results in the fastest possible ceasefire and negotiations. Nobody, absolutely nobody, can guarantee that further arms deliveries will not cost more lives than they claim to protect. Wars are far too unpredictable for that. The destruction of Ukraine in the name of saving it. This must be avoided. We also talked about...

  15. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    international scale. In the words of the New York Times, the documents "show in raw detail how the US government makes its most important decisions, decisions that cost the country many lives and a lot of money." And journalists and historians continue to publish new revelations based on this unique trove of documents... * Japan | Term extension |...

  16. Newsletter XLV 2022 - November 08th to 15th - News+ Penalties for activists - And what about the climate?

    on Tuesday in Stuttgart. He considers the motivation of mostly young people “irrelevant”. It is “absolutely unacceptable” to accept that emergency services would be held up and human lives would be endangered. "It's possible that for some people it's not about climate protection, but rather about committing crimes," said Strobl... * Conservative | hypocrite |...

  17. Newsletter XLIV 2022 - November 01st to 07th - News+ Do not fear progress and technology, fear capitalism

    they just do what we programmed them to do. They carry out instructions. We wouldn't expect paperclip AI to care about environmental destruction, climate change, or human lives - why should it? Their only job is to make paper clips and nothing else. To achieve this goal, she would do everything in her (increasingly larger...

  18. Newsletter XL 2022 - October 09th to 15th - News+ In the hyperloop of excitement

    exceed the "physical and social limits" of humans, the organizations warned at the presentation of a joint report in Geneva. “Great suffering and loss of life” would be the consequences... * Climate crisis | Last generation | Federal Cross of Merit | Media Why “climate victims” should receive the Federal Cross of Merit The “Last Generation” has new...

  19. Important newspaper articles about Atom ... * etc. from the year 2014

    06 07 08 09 10 11 12 *** September 23, 2014 - EU allows Great Britain to build new nuclear power plants at taxpayer expense * September 22, 2014 - Deaths that no one talks about: Fukushima has already cost 1.700 lives *** 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 *** August 25, 2014 - Show trial against Ecodefense * August 24, 2014 - Nuclear power downturn accelerates *** 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11...

Results 1 - 19 from 19