1. Newsletter

    Verschluss, welche Firmen fossile Projekte versichern. Bislang unveröffentlichte Dokumente zeigen: Die Allianz versichert aktuell ein belgisches Unternehmen mit, das in Europa Gas-Pipelines und LNG-Terminals betreibt. Über die Terminals gelangt auch russisches Gas nach Europa. Das Mega-LNG-Terminal Yamal wurde im Norden von Russland unter extremen Bedingungen gebaut – es steht zum Teil auf Eis....

  2. Newsletter XVII 2024 - April 21st to 27th - News+ Reform of the Climate Protection Act: One step forward, two steps back

    den anderen Gasverbrauchern auch noch „einen tagelangen Betrieb von Gaskraftwerken“ zu ermöglichen. Das ist rückblickend allerdings gelungen, nicht zuletzt durch die extrem schnell gebauten LNG-Terminals an Nord- und Ostsee. Habeck und Lemke ­wiesen die Vorwürfe zurück. „Das ist kein Spiel, wir reden über nukleare Sicherheit“, sagte die Umweltministerin. Habeck erklärte: „Die Unterlagen erzählen...

  3. Newsletter XV 2024 - April 7th to 13th - News+ Shell pleads not guilty

    [...] Und was war Ihre Überraschung der Woche? Am Mittwoch hat das Staatliche Amt für Landwirtschaft und Umweltschutz (Stalu) in Vorpommern die Genehmigungsentwürfe für das umstrittene Rügener LNG-Terminal veröffentlicht – ohne dass im Verfahren eine Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung durchgeführt wurde. Die Begründung mit Rückgriff auf die angeblich sonst nicht gesicherte Erdgasversorgung darf man...

  4. Newsletter VIII 2024 - February 18th to 24th - News+ On the death of the Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny

    in Germany Environmental aid suspects that part of the LNG arriving in Belgium is fed into the German network. Officially, Germany does not import Russian LNG... * Climate Change | LNG terminal | Insurance Insurers: The accomplices of the fossil fuel industry German insurance companies are, largely unrecognized, fueling the climate crisis - despite their sustainability promises. New documents...

  5. Newsletter IV 2024 - January 21st to 27th - Current news + AfD ban: Off to Karlsruhe?

    Representatives of the EU states spoke out against further deployment. The Commission was then able to decide on its own... * United States | Natural gas | methane | LNG terminal Biden and the mega terminal: Is it the beginning of the end of the LNG boom in the USA? New York Times: Government wants to put huge terminal project on hold. It could be biggest...

  6. Newsletter XLV 2023 - November 5th to 11th - News+ Are Habeck, Pistorius, Baerbock an infernal trio?

    Separate fuel elements from each other using a complex chemical process (PUREX). Separated uranium and plutonium can then be used again. That's the theory... November 10th LNG terminal | Gas consumption | Stranded Assets | Compensation payments German LNG overkill Claudia Kemfert predicts liquid gas disaster The temperatures are falling, the need for heating is increasing. Unlike in...

  7. Newsletter XXXVIII 2023 - September 17th to 23rd - News+ A future that I dread

    When Mette Frederiksen became party leader in 2015, she prescribed a new course for her party. Instead of welcoming immigrants and refugees, it relied on deterrence... * LNG terminal | Rügen Liquid natural gas from Rügen remains unnecessary Protests have been going on for days against the controversial LNG project on Rügen. Now a new DIW report shows that the planned floating terminals are not...

  8. Newsletter XXXV 2023 - August 27 to September 2 - News+ Historic victory: Ecuador becomes the first country to say no to oil

    and the Baltic Sea in particular is already suffering from multiple use. Civil and military shipping, fishing, sailing, tourism and, last but not least, the forced construction of large LNG terminals are putting a strain on the marine environment... * Coal phase-out | Federal Network Agency | Electricity market Coal phase-out moves into the next phase The last tender for the coal phase-out has been completed. In the future...

  9. Newsletter XVIII 2023 - April 30 to May 6 - News+ Everything green? Energy Colonialism through Hydrogen Cooperation

    and processing standards. They also check how a company deals with leaks. One of the companies that offers such certifications is Project Canary... * Fossile | Liquefied gas | LNG terminal Liquefied natural gas in focus German lenders are fueling the LNG boom German banks have co-financed growing gas exports from the USA with billions of euros since the beginning of 2022, a new...

  10. Newsletter XV 2023 - April 9th ​​to 15th - News+ Traffic light climate, Switzerland as a role model and the better alternative to e-fuels

    Take to the streets to protest in Lingen - be there! And one more point: RWE will of course not become a good company for us overnight by shutting down the Lingen nuclear power plant. Lützerath, Hambi, LNG terminals off Rügen, participation in the Gronau uranium enricher Urenco, participation in the Borssele nuclear power plant in the Netherlands - RWE is and remains an irresponsible company that destroys our environment and our climate. There...

  11. Newsletter XIV 2023 - April 2-8 - News+ Wars and School Massacres: The Cancer of Dehumanization

    to have prevented climate protection. A comment. While global greenhouse gases continue to rise annually, investments are being made in new fossil fuel projects around the world, LNG terminals are being built in Germany and the inadequate climate protection law is being further curtailed, and in the USA the Biden administration is approving the highly controversial Willow oil drilling in northern Alaska ( an enormous 95 billion liters...

  12. Newsletter XIII 2023 - March 26 to April 1 - News+ What uranium ammunition would do to Ukraine

    Liquefied gas infrastructure pulled up – and costs continue to rise. This is what decisions in the Bundestag this week suggest. The budget committee initially stopped the flow of funds for RWE's LNG terminal off Rügen. The so-called “Germany pace” at which the liquid gas terminals have been operating so far has been slowed down this week – a little at least and by...

  13. Newsletter XII 2023 - March 19th to 25th - News+ The poison of doubt is the sugar for the bastard

    nuclear war. This second part continues the translation of the article by Francois Diaz-Maurin, which describes the longer-term consequences of nuclear war... * Environmental Aid | LNG terminal Environmental Aid: Preparatory work for LNG terminals off Rügen Despite the veto of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD), according to the German Environmental Aid...

  14. Newsletter X 2023 - March 5th to 11th - News+ Dangerous toxins: Which products contain PFAS

    The Bundestag passed the laws on the so-called energy price brakes for electricity, natural gas and heat. This is intended to provide customers with quick and effective relief on energy costs... * LNG terminal | Baltic Sea | Pipeline Rügenerin on the construction of LNG terminals: “Who else will come here?” LNG terminals are to be built in the sea off the popular Baltic Sea island of Rügen. Stephanie Dobelstein,...

  15. Newsletter VI 2023 - February 5th to 11th - News+ War is peace, peace is war

    | LNG gas price: How much liquid gas is currently arriving in Germany? Partly because of the war in Ukraine, Germany is now increasingly relying on liquid gas for its energy supply. The first LNG terminals in the north are in operation - the amount of imports is constantly increasing. Floating terminals are intended to supply Germany with liquefied natural gas (LNG): two are already in operation, others are under construction or...

  16. Newsletter I 2023 - January 1st to 7th - News+ Where Are the Peacemakers?

    and industrial networks taken into account... * Fossil energy crisis | Renewable expansion | LNG “The fossil energy crisis will be with us for a long time” Energy expert Claudia Kemfert on the construction of LNG terminals, boosters for renewables and the race with China and the USA. On Tuesday, the first tanker carrying liquid gas arrived at the LNG terminal in Wilhelmshaven. With eleven such terminals, the...

  17. Newsletter LI 2022 - December 20th to 25th - News+ One UN for all

    Greenhouse gas emissions barely curbed, fight for Paris goals in Lützerath The current year can undoubtedly be seen as lost for German climate protection policy. LNG terminals were built, coal-fired power plants were taken out of reserve and the green light was finally given for the evacuation of the protest camp in Lützerath in the Rhineland in order to extract more brown coal from the ground...

  18. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    with the deal. Small quantities, big plans: The Qatari Energy Ministry has announced a gas deal with Germany. Up to two million tons per year are to be delivered to the LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel over 15 years. That only covers three percent of gas consumption - but it should be even more. Qatar obviously wants to make itself indispensable for the German...

  19. Newsletter XLI 2022 - October 16th to 22nd - News+ The "Friends of MIK" in AFD, CDU/CSU and FDP are ready to fight for the nuclear industry until democracy is over

    2,5 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas are tied up in "floating storage facilities", reports the Reuters news agency, citing traders and analysts. With six LNG terminals, Spain currently has the most facilities in Europe for regasification of the minus 160 degree liquid gas, making it the preferred destination for LNG tankers. A third of the systems are located there...

  20. Newsletter XXXVII 2022 - September 17 to 23 - News+ Low-level ionizing radiation also poses a risk

    Gas is not only bought at a high price, but also has other consequences: poor countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh cannot keep up in the bidding war for liquefied natural gas (LNG). There you wait in vain for delivery at the LNG terminals. The astronomical prices also have consequences in this country: the steeply rising energy costs are forcing the less well-off to self-ration...

Results 1 - 20 from 22