1. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    with the deal. Small quantities, big plans: The Qatari Energy Ministry has announced a gas deal with Germany. Up to two million tons per year are to be delivered to the LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel over 15 years. That only covers three percent of gas consumption - but it should be even more. Qatar obviously wants to make itself indispensable for the German...

  2. Newsletter XLVI 2022 - November 16th to 23rd - News+ Now only the wisdom of the Peace of Westphalia can help

    the Republic of Moldova and Kiev without power The Russian missile attacks on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure lead to a massive power outage in the neighboring Republic of Moldova... * LNG liquefied natural gas | Energy policy | LNG Terminal LNG: Long-term supply contracts sold out until 2026 The competition for liquefied natural gas (LNG) has increased worldwide due to the growing interest in Europe...

  3. Newsletter XLI 2022 - October 16th to 22nd - News+ The "Friends of MIK" in AFD, CDU/CSU and FDP are ready to fight for the nuclear industry until democracy is over

    German federal government did not recently transfer 13 billion euros to the transmission system operators. The money comes from the pot to finance renewable energies... * Spain | LNG | Gas abundance and falling prices: Spain doesn't know what to do with the gas Full storage facilities and falling demand: Spain is currently struggling with a gas glut. Prices are also falling rapidly...

  4. Newsletter XXXIX 2022 - October 01st to 08th - News+ Belgium shows problems with extending the runtimes of nuclear power plants

    must pay attention. Replacing natural gas deliveries from Russia via Nord Stream is increasingly proving to be an almost impossible undertaking. The deliveries as liquid natural gas (LNG) suffer from the limited liquefaction capacities in the countries of origin, the limited shipping capacity and physical problems during regasification in Germany or the lack of...

  5. Newsletter XXXVII 2022 - September 17 to 23 - News+ Low-level ionizing radiation also poses a risk

    In November it should be 95 percent. However, the joy of this is somewhat dampened. The gas is not only bought at a high price, but also has other consequences: poor countries like Pakistan or Bangladesh cannot keep up in the bidding war for liquid natural gas (LNG). There you wait in vain for delivery at the LNG terminals. The astronomical prices also have consequences here: Because...

  6. Newsletter XXXVI 2022 - September 09th to 16th - News+ permanent vigil in front of ANF Framatome in Lingen

    been documented. However, there was no reference to the increased radiation levels in the detailed documentation of the process. Only now, during an audit, did the process become known... * LNG Terminal | Expansion of renewables Incomprehensible: LNG terminals approved faster than renewable projects Carolin Dähling from Green Planet Energy cannot understand why the government is...

  7. Newsletter XXIX 2022 - July 17th to 24th - News+ Government in the climate crisis

    from the Swiss National Science Foundation (Snf) for Empa (Swiss Federal Materials Testing and Research Institute), is intended to explore the basics and prepare practical applications. * LNG | fossil infrastructure | DUH Environmentalists against gas production projects Fossil dam failure feared At the end of the year, the first floating liquefied natural gas terminals are scheduled to begin operations on German coasts...

  8. Newsletter XXIII 2022 - June 01st to 09th - News+ Noam Chomsky: From Class Struggle to Green Revolution

    replaces fossil fuels. However, this form of climate protection has a dark side. You can read here what it is and what you can do. * Natural gas | North Africa | Spain | fossil LNG for Europe Spain's key role in gas Thanks to many liquefied natural gas terminals, Spain is important for Europe's energy supply. New pipelines could increase the country's status even further. But how fits...

  9. Newsletter XVII 2022 - April 22-27 - News+ How Russia has Europe's nuclear energy in its pockets

    come from Russia and from Russia's ally Kazakhstan. In Eastern Europe, 18 nuclear power plants are 100 percent dependent on Russian fuel supplies. * Fracking | Natural gas | LNG alternative to Russian gas: Fracking gas from the USA is expensive, polluting, deadly Yes, we have to reorganize our energy imports, without gas from Russia. But is liquid gas from the...

  10. Newsletter XV 2022 - April 08th to 14th - News+ Russian gas and the German energy transition: perspective yellow vests

    and brings changes to several individual laws and regulations. A long overdue turning point in Germany's energy policy - and yet wishes remain unfulfilled. An overview. * Natural gas | LNG Liquefied Gas - Can LNG close the natural gas supply gap? Germany is dependent on Russian natural gas – for now. In order to change that, liquefied natural gas (LNG) is now increasingly coming into focus. This gas...

  11. Newsletter VI 2022 - February 08th to 12th - News+ Energy Outlook USA: Renewable energies displace power generation from natural gas

    producers of natural gas in the world and, along with Russia and Saudi Arabia, are among the world's largest oil producers. In 2016, with the commissioning of the Sabine Pass terminal in Louisiana, liquefied natural gas (LNG) was exported from the US mainland for the first time... Energy production from renewable energies has increased significantly in the USA since 2001, with new highs regularly being reached. The installed...

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