1. Newsletter XLVIII 2022 - December 01st to 07th - News+ The New York Times and the new climate deniers

    Arrest warrants and began extensive searches... * Biodiversity | Species extinction | Protected areas Will the UN biodiversity summit stop the rapid loss of nature? The UN conference is about nothing less than stopping the mass extinction of species and ecosystems. To this end, 30 percent of global land and sea areas should be protected. The one from man...

  2. Newsletter XLVII 2022 - November 24th to 30th - News+ More garbage to Grafenrheinfeld: The Schweinfurt action alliance against nuclear power is concerned

    CO2 emissions. The world is going in the wrong direction even now... * Industry Lobby | fossil | COP27 The 636 fossil industry lobbyists were underestimated At the COP27 climate conference, those who made a lot of money from fossil fuels were slowing down alongside China. The latest climate conference in Egypt ended without any progress on climate protection. In his Spiegel column...

  3. Newsletter XLVI 2022 - November 16th to 23rd - News+ Now only the wisdom of the Peace of Westphalia can help

    agree, which provides for a relaxation of the ECT. After Germany, France, Spain and the Netherlands abstained, the reform could not be passed before the 53-party conference on the VVE on Tuesday (November 22)... * Military-industrial complex | America's wars How the US military declares the world a battlefield The USA wages secret wars in very...

  4. Newsletter XXXIV 2022 - August 22nd to 31st - News+ Nuclear power plant Neckarwestheim 2: Hundreds of damage to pipes hidden

    blocked. [...] The IPPNW focuses on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons and calls on the German federal government to act with regard to this issue. At the conference, 145 states made a declaration on the humanitarian and ecological consequences of nuclear weapons. They emphasized the urgency of its abolition. Germany, on the other hand, took part...

  5. Newsletter XXXI 2022 - August 01st to 06th - News+ Withdraw the nuclear weapons from Europe!

    available French nuclear power plants, which trigger a high demand for electricity imports from France "... * Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty | MIK | Armament Nuclear disarmament Baerbock travels to the nuclear weapons conference in New York The war in Ukraine is making global nuclear disarmament more difficult. In New York, the UN is now reviewing the goals of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. For Foreign Minister Baerbock, the conference...

  6. Newsletter XXVII 2022 - July 02nd to 10th - News+ Global security is only possible together!

    und der zunehmenden Eskalation des Krieges ist die nukleare Bedrohung zum ersten Mal seit mehr als 30 Jahren wieder öffentlich wahrnehmbar. Umso wichtiger war deshalb die internationale Staatenkonferenz zum Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag (AVV), die letzten Donnerstag in Wien zu Ende gegangen ist. *** Seitenanfang Aktuelles+ Hintergrundwissen *** Hintergrundwissen ** reaktorpleite.de Karte der...

  7. Newsletter XXIII 2022 - June 01st to 09th - News+ Noam Chomsky: From Class Struggle to Green Revolution

    die Zukunft verbrennen Umweltschützer Nnimmo Bassey über die Plünderung Afrikas, Unterdrückung von Protesten und die Verbrennung eines Kontinents für Profite (Teil 1 | 2) * Planet | Umwelt | Konferenz | Konzept Eine Erde muss reichen Es war die Geburtsstunde der internationalen Umweltpolitik: Vor 50 Jahren begann die erste Weltumweltkonferenz in Stockholm. Erreicht wurde seitdem einiges – in den...

  8. Newsletter IV 2022 - January 22 to 31 - News+ Four nuclear-armed states are ready for war - this treaty could stop them

    eine Resolution mit einem Verhandlungsmandat für einen solchen Vertrag an. Die erste Verhandlungsrunde fand in New York im März 2017 statt, die zweite im Juli 2017. An der ersten Konferenz beteiligten sich 132, an der zweiten 124 der 193 Mitgliedstaaten, unter anderem Österreich als Mitinitiator. Der ausgearbeitete Vertrag wurde am 7. Juli 2017 mit 122 Stimmen angenommen; die Niederlande...

  9. Newsletter L - November 01st to 05.11.2021th, 01 - News+ November XNUMXst - Immediately, immediately

    wird Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version) * 04. November 2021 - Klimaschutz: Glasgow ist überall * Da wird Mik aber not amused sein! 04. November 2021 - UN-Klimakonferenz: Aktionstag zu Klimawandel und Militär * 04. November 2021 - Schiedsgerichte: 269 Prozent mehr Geheimklagen gegen Energiewende * „Glasgow Dreamboys 1“ | WiP 03. November 2021 - Die Atomlobby übt den...

  10. Newsletter IV - January 22 to 26.01.2021, 22 - News+ January XNUMX - Nuclear weapons: Banned worldwide as of today

    a resolution with a mandate to negotiate such a treaty. The first round of negotiations took place in New York in March 2017, the second in July 2017. 132 of the 124 member states took part in the first conference and 193 of the XNUMX member states in the second, including Austria as co-initiator, Switzerland, Iran and Saudi Arabia . The official and de facto nuclear powers and the...

  11. THTR Newsletter No. 144 November 2014

    to rethink their spending policy and set new priorities” (2). In September 2014 it became clear that the South African government had by no means made sense of damage. On the sidelines of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) conference, representatives of the Russian state-owned company Rosatom and the South African...

  12. THTR Newsletter No. 140 December 2012

    When tens of thousands of people now resist, as they did in Kudankulam, then this inevitably calls on the "friends of the masses" who are holding an "International Conference in Support of the People's War in India" in Hamburg in November and who have been teaching the "clueless" people who have been active for decades "But it's not primarily about abstract 'environmental protection'...

  13. THTR Circular No. 139 June 2012

    against the dangerous THTR line were covered in dozens of articles in the GWR for over 37 years. The festival and conference to mark the 7th anniversary will take place in Münster (ESG, Breul 9) from September 43th to 40th. There will be a lot of lectures, discussions and music contributions. You can find more information here: www.gras Wurzel.net Successful campaign for the election campaign theater: nuclear plants...

  14. THTR Circular No. 138 April 2012

    dass ich nicht zur HTR2008 fahren dürfe.“ 01.08.2008: Prof. Bachem setzt sich über das Votum von Prof. Allelein hinweg und genehmigt meine Teilnahme an der HTR2008 Sept. 2008: Im Vorfeld der Konferenz HTR2008 verweigerte mir FZJ-Vorstandsmitglied Prof. Bolt die Zustimmung zu einem Interview, um das die internationale Zeitschrift Nucleus Week mich gebeten hatte. (...) Okt. 2008: HTR2008 – Meine...

  15. THTR Newsletter No. 133 October 2010

    The first free elections took place in South Africa in 1994. With the participation of leading engineers and scientists from Germany, the Association of Large Power Plant Operators (VGB) planned a specialist conference on electricity generation and power plants in South Africa. At the opening of the conference organized by the state-owned company ESKOM in Johannisburg on November 9, 1987, a lecture by...

  16. HTR Research - The published and true costs

    erhöhen die Selbsständigkeit der Sachverständigen, fördern die fachliche Weiterentwicklung und bieten langfristige Perspektiven. Mitarbeiter des TÜV Nord nehmen zunehmend an internationalen Konferenzen teil und beteiligen sich aktiv an der internationalen Weiterentwicklung des Regelwerkes" (2010, S. 485). -- Was den PBMR in Südafrika betrifft, kann wohl kaum von "langfristigen Perspektiven"...

  17. THTR Newsletter No. 117 November 07

    hat es 1975 in Hamm-Uentrop auch angefangen. Zu NUKEM siehe auch die THTR-Rundbriefe Nr. 101 (2005), Nr. 107 (2006) und Nr.110 (2007). Zu SGL Carbon siehe auch THTR-Rundbrief Nr. 102 (2005) Urankonferenz: Der Widerstand vernetzt sich international! Seitenanfang Mehr als 100 Umweltschützer aus Russland, Frankreich, den Niederlanden, Schweden, Ungarn und Deutschland trafen sich am 22. September in...

  18. The history of the citizens' initiative in Hamm and its posters

    auch um maoistische Kadergruppen mit Anhang, die mit viel Druck und vielen Tricks die von ihnen bevorzugte Vorgehensweise durchsetzen wollten. Arbeitsstil und Umgangsformen der bisherigen Konferenzen änderten sich schlagartig. Mit dem bisher gepflegten verständnisvollen Meinungsaustausch war es vorbei. Von nun an überwogen erbitterte Machtkämpfe über die Frage, wie der Osterspaziergang aussehen...

  19. THTR newsletters from 2004

    is always there: the nuclear triangle of Germany, South Africa and Pakistan. GKSS, THTR PAC beads, Urenco and terrorism. Abdul Quadeer Khan's Nuclear Supermarket. International HTR conferences every month! "We're still alive" -- decommissioning operation of the THTR. THTR Cost: A Neverending Story. How expensive has it been over the past few decades? The Swiss also paid heavily...

  20. THTR Newsletter No. 77 November 02

    they were passed around at various VEW lectures. Getting back into action with THTR? Top of page The information service "Environmental-Communal Ecological Letters" reported on June 26, 6 about a conference of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in preparation for the Sustainability Summit in Johannisburg. The following assessment by Michaele Hustedt, energy policy spokeswoman for the Greens in the Bundestag, was...

Results 21 - 40 from 48