1. Newsletter II 2024 - January 7th to 13th - News+ SMR: US developers of mini-nuclear power plants under pressure - class action lawsuit by shareholders against NuScale Power

    is staggered depending on income, true to the principle: the higher the income, the lower the amount. This can create a social foundation for everyone. A climate tax would also be conceivable, in which the bottom 50 percent remain exempt while we start with the top percent... * Farmers | livelihoods | Defense spending farmers in anger Farmers are below normal...

  2. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    The state parliament is worried, the FDP comes to one percent. The Greens with seven percent and the Left with eight percent are also far behind the AfD and CDU... * Super rich | Greenhouse gases | Climate tax: The ball is in the court of the one percent of the super-rich. The 80 million richest people* cause the same amount of greenhouse gases as four billion poorer people. Fair taxes are needed. The...

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