1. Newsletter I 2024 - January 1st to 6th - News+ - The necessary change needs more support

    No matter where you are in the world, everyone has the same problem: With every processing step, more and more extremely toxic and highly radioactive waste is created... January 1st Household | Armor | Disaster protection budget 2024: Armament instead of civil protection So far, further cuts in civil security and disaster aid are planned in the 2024 federal budget The 2024 federal budget will...

  2. Newsletter XLI 2023 - October 8th to 14th - News+ India - Flood and destruction - the last generation is right

    works with the Taliban. The earth shook nine times last Saturday in the Afghan province of Herat, with a magnitude of 6,3, near the border with Iran. The local disaster protection agency NDMA put the total number of deaths at more than 2400; according to United Nations estimates, well over 11 people were affected by the accident. The...

  3. Newsletter XXXI 2023 - July 30th to August 05th - News+ Brussels buys more fire-fighting aircraft to fight forest fires

    Politician is clearly one of the repulsive examples in a dark precursor chapter of the CDU party history... News+ Background knowledge Top of page News+ ** EU Commission | Disaster prevention | Forest fires Brussels buys more firefighting aircraft to fight forest fires The EU Commission has announced the purchase of twelve new aircraft to increase the capacity of its fleet for...

  4. Newsletter XXX 2023 - July 23-29 - News+ Chomsky: What happens when orders from Washington are not followed?

    A study now published in the journal Nature Communications now gives cause for concern. Exactly this drop in temperature could occur later this century... * EU Commission | Disaster prevention | Forest fires Brussels buys more firefighting aircraft to fight forest fires The EU Commission has announced the purchase of twelve new aircraft to increase the capacity of its fleet for...

  5. Medical Task Forces

    Task Force - MTFs) has been controversially discussed between the federal and state governments and among the federal states in recent years and has been revised several times. As part of the "reform" of German disaster protection, the Conference of Interior Ministers in June 2007 finally unanimously decided on the new concept for civil protection based on the MTFs. The original equipment concept envisaged...

  6. Analytical task forces

    The laboratory was used, among other things, in the fire of a former cold store in Magdeburg (December 7, 1998) and in the flood in Bitterfeld (2002). The IdF works closely with the Fire Protection and Disaster Protection School (BKS) in Heyrothsberge and the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. The university has been offering a bachelor's degree in "Security and Security" (SGA) since 2003....

  7. Important books on atomic research, THTR etc.

    HAMM The nuclear policy of the VEW 1986 by Jochen Hering The "new" old arguments of the nuclear industry -- The miracle reactor in Hamm-Uentrop -- The accident of May 4, 1986 -- Disaster and disaster protection - A 'thought game' about the possible Gau in Hamm - - The United Electricity Works of Westphalia - A short profile - How the nuclear industry deals with coal and mining - A...

  8. The special forces in the national ABC deployment concept

    the national NBC protection concept is largely based on so-called "special forces", although their personnel capacities and technical resources are limited. 1. Disaster protection and NBC protection According to the federal legal system of the Federal Republic, the federal states are responsible for disaster protection (Article 30 of the Basic Law) and the federal government...

  9. THTR Circular No. 115 August 07

    and the Hamm fire department were not informed about the specific dates of the uranium hexafluoride transports. This means that in countless cases, no concrete warnings were issued either to the population of Hammersmith or to the institutions responsible for disaster control. They were all completely unaware that a highly dangerous transport of dangerous goods was not only traveling through Hamm, but here...

  10. THTR Newsletter No. 81 March 03

    refused, it was very obvious to focus more on war and the military in this magazine. This did not happen abstractly, but specifically in relation to Hamm. It was about disaster control and war preparations, possible nuclear weapons near Hamm, and the goal of a nuclear weapons-free zone. Reports on demonstrations, the mobile peace exhibition, "Silence for the...

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